Chapter 10: Safe

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Natsu POV

We landed in front of their house. "It's time to get our girls back"
"Aye sir!" I kicked the door down and was met with some bastard with brown hair that had Lucy's scent all over him.
"What the heck is wrong with you?! Ever heard of knocking?!"
"It was you..." Anger started to fill me. Another bastard came out, this one had black hair and Yuri's scent all over him.
"I think you better leave before we kick you out"
"You two raped my friends..."
"How did you find out about that?!"
"At least you admitted it..."
"If it's a fight you want we'll humour you boy"
"YOU'LL PAY FOR MAKING THEM CRY!!!" I flame punched the one that had violated Lucy. He went flying into the man behind him and they both went flying into their living room. "Fire Dragon Roar!" My flames sent them flying and onto a wooden table that broke from the impact. "Fire Dragon Claw!" I kicked them both and sent them flying across the room. "Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" When the smoke cleared they were laying motionless on the floor. "You don't mess with fairy tail, Happy help me find them"
"Aye sir!" We looked around the house and Happy found a suspicious looking hatch underneath a bed. When I opened it I was met with water. "You don't think..."
"No. I refuse to think that" I took a deep breath and jumped into the water. We swam around and found the girls in a glass box behind bars. I used my strength to pull the bars apart. They bent pretty easily. I punched through the glass and retrieved the girls. We swam back quickly knowing that the girls were drowning. Happy got out, flew Lucy up and came back to fly Yuri up but someone knocked him away with a broom and closed the hatch.
"Good luck getting outta that" Those bastards!

Yuri POV

I was surrounded by darkness. I saw a creature with yellow eyes surrounded by red mist, this caused me to feel a sense of deja vu although I couldn't remember ever seeing this creature before. "What do you want from me?!"
"I don't want anything from you. I need to use you"
"For what?!"
"To lure the Heavens Dragon to her demise"
"Like I'd let you do that!"
"You won't have a choice in the matter"
"Leave Helena alone you monster!" Suddenly I couldn't breathe, I became surrounded by water.
I woke up surrounded by water. I was choking on water. I noticed that I was in someone's arms. They were warm. Natsu! They did come! Another pain struck and I tried crying out in pain but it turned into a gurgle. Natsu looked down at me and started panicking. There's not much he could do in this situation but there was something I could try. I summoned the little magic energy I had regained and made a ball around us. The water disappeared from inside the ball and air refilled my lungs. I violently coughed out the water that had invaded my lungs. "N-N-Natsu...!" I hugged him, elated that he had found us. That and he also made me warm.
"Are you okay?!"
"Y-y-yeah" I pulled away from him and hugged myself to keep warm which didn't work well.
"No you're not. What did I say last year about relying on others?"
"L-Learn t-to d-d-do it"
"Exactly" He wrapped his arms around me. "What did they do this time?"
"S-some k-kind of g-g-gas...m-made my temperature d-d-d-drop..."
"That explains why you're so cold"
"M-made Lucy's temperature r-rise..."
"Well you'll be glad to know that I teached them a lesson"
"I-it's t-taught...t-t-teached isn't a w-word"
"Whatever. You knew what I meant. How long can you keep this up for?"
"F-five m-minutes at m-most"
"Then we best hope that they manage to get here before then" This time the pain repeatedly attacked my stomach.
"Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!" I held my stomach as blood trailed out my mouth.
"Yuri!" He pushed me backwards to see what was wrong and gasped when he saw the blood. "Hold on!" The pain stopped. I slumped against him. "Yuri!"
"I-I'm o-o-okay n-now..."
"We need to find a cure for you two before it gets any worse"
"I-if t-there even i-is a c-cure..."
"There better be one or those men will be having round two with me" she laughed faintly.
"I-I'm glad you f-found u-us in t-t-time"
"You are the second person to tell me that tonight. But I'm glad too" Natsu held me close again. I hope they find us soon...

Wendy POV

This time Carla flew me instead of Daisuke. "Down there! Natsu's scent leads into that house!" We landed and ran inside. We split up to search the rooms.
"Wendy! In here!" I followed Carla's voice and saw a wet and unconscious Lucy and Happy.
"Oh no!" I shook Lucy while Carla shook Happy. Happy woke up first.
"Ugh...Carla...? And Wendy?"
"Happy what happened?!"
"The bad guys got away!"
"Where's Natsu and Yuri?"
"Oh! They're under here! I can't lift it by myself" We went to the metal hatch and pulled.
"It's so heavy!"
"Don't give up Wendy!"
"I won't Carla!" I used the little muscles I had and pulled with all my might but we couldn't open it. "It's no use..." Then I heard the rest of everyone's voices. "Guys we need help!" They came running.
"We can't open the hatch it's too heavy!" Happy explained
"Let me have a try. I'll need your help Daisuke"
"Okay Erza" They took our spaces and began pulling on the handle. "This is unbelievably heavy!"
"We can do it Daisuke!" They pulled and the hatch started to creak open. "Wendy, Levy! Push it up!"
"Y-yes!" We began pushing the hatch up and together we got it open. Inside was water. And two wizards inside a white bubble.
"Natsu and Yuri!" The bubble disappeared and we pulled Yuri up then Natsu.
"Wendy! They're both sick! Do you think you can heal them?"
"I-I'll try!" I knelt down in front of Yuri and hovered my hands above her. They glowed faint green. "It's not working completely..."
"What do you mean?"
"I can get rid of the pain attacks but not correct their temperatures. I can only make it so that they'll get better with time"
"That's great Wendy! Stop being so hard on yourself!"
"T-thank you" I healed Yuri then moved on to Lucy. "All done!"
"It's time to go home"
"Yeah!" We all shouted including Yuri and Lucy who had just woken up.

The Hells Dragon's Wrath (Second book in I've found love series)Where stories live. Discover now