Chapter 18: Broken

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Yuri POV

I got into the clothes that were provided for me and made my way to the mines. When I arrived my instructor devil was missing. Am I allowed to start without him? This has never happened before so I was unsure of what to do. Well I guess it should be okay to start without him. As I went to retrieve my pickaxe I was lifted off the ground. "Hey!" I looked for the cause and saw two devils holding one of my arms each. "What's going on?! Put me down!"
"I'm afraid they can't do that" My instructor's voice came out from behind me. "You see you did something very naughty yesterday..." How'd he find out?! I made some he didn't see me do it! "...and now you must be punished" A dark red mist surrounded him and when it cleared he was a giant snake. The devils brought me towards him despite my struggling. They put me down but also held me in place so I couldn't run. My instructor wrapped himself around me as the devils let go of me and left. "It'sss punissshment time" He tightened around me causing my body to fell crushed. Soon enough the crushing became painful and I cried out. "Tell me what did you do with it"
"N-never!" I promised Damien I wouldn't tell anyone I gave him the stone! His grip tightened even more and I started to find it hard to breathe and began choking and gasping.
"Lassst chance"
"N-n-n-no...!" I struggled to make myself speak. He turned his head and bit me in the shoulder injecting venom into my veins. He let me go and I collapsed.
"Thisss isss what happensss to defiant minersss" Was the last thing I heard before I was dragged into darkness.

"Ngh..." I groaned as I woke.
"Yuri!" I turned towards the voice to see Damien in his human form.
"What happened to you?!"
"My instructor...found punished..."
"This is all my fault! I never should have put the idea of stealing a jewel into your mind"
"It's...okay..." I held his hand in mine.
"You're too forgiving" he smiled.
"It's just...the way...I am..." I smiled back.
"So any reason your hands are purple?" I gasped and looked at my hands and he was right. They were purple.
"They poisoned you?!"
"I've been practicing a healing spell to impress Mercury. Let's see if it can heal this" He closed his eyes and kissed me. My eyes wide open from shock caught the sight of my hands returning to their normal colour. I closed my eyes and let the calm feeling wash over me. He pulled away. "It worked! But I can only do it once in an hour"
"So you have to wait an hour to be able to use it again?"
"Yeah, my body isn't used to healing so that's the way it is"
"Thank-" I was stopped by a sudden pain in my midsection. I gasped in pain.
"What is it?!" I looked down to see the purple top I had on redden. "What the heck?!"
"Daisuke kissed my doppelgänger..."
"Tori said that if my boyfriend kissed my doppelgänger I'd be stabbed in the stomach"
"That jerk! How can he not tell the bloody difference between that and the real thing?!"
"Damien..." Another stab wound appeared. "Guh!"
"Yuri!" Damien held me close not being able to do much of anything else. Stab wound after stab wound appeared. "This is un-bloody-lievable! How many times is he going to kiss that phoney?!"
"Daisuke..." My heart broke. I thought the one person who would be able to tell the difference would be him but I was wrong. So very wrong...none of them had realised that my doppelgänger was a fake. Not my friends. Not my best friends. And not my boyfriend. Tears spilled from eyes because of the pain. Not the pain from the wounds but the pain from my shattered heart. I fainted in Damien's arms due to blood loss.

Helena POV

My senses were alerting me. I went down to Earth Land and located Yuri in her room making out with Daisuke. That's not Yuri! I teleported into her room and ripped 'Yuri' off of Daisuke. "What the heck?! What's wrong with you?!"
"Yuri Sakura is in trouble"
"But I'm fine"
"I said Yuri Sakura is in trouble not you"
"Are you okay Helena? You're making zero sense right now" I put her down.
"On the contrary, I'm making a hundred sense right now"
"You're not Yuri..."
"Of course I am Dai-Dai! I think you must be sick or something Helen"
"Yuri has never called me Dai-Dai and she always calls Helena by her full name"
"Guess the jig is up. I'm a doppelgänger created by Tori Springs but please don't kill me!" Daisuke had used his magic to change one of his arms into a wolf one.
"Give me one good reason why"
"I was just following orders! I was created for this purpose so I knew nothing else! But then you and your guild showed me love and friendship and now I see that what I was doing was wrong! Please don't kill me!" She was on her knees and crying. Daisuke kicked her in the stomach sending her flying into a wall.
"That's for tricking me and the whole guild"
"I understand. Please let me make it up to you. I'll tell you what my creator was planning" She told us all about Tori's plans and that Tori was being controlled by my brother Heath.
"I was wrong. He did find a host, this is all my fault. I should have checked the town for his presence"
"Well I think everyone has a lot of making up to do. Starting with making it up to Yuri, we have to go rescue her!"
"No. You won't stand a chance against my brother. He is stronger than Acnologia"
"How can that be?"
"We both are evenly matched. I will go face my brother like he requests to save Yuri Sakura"
"No buts. Daisuke West await Yuri Sakura's return" I teleported to the battle dimension knowing that is where he would want to face off. He stood in the arena and I walked over to Yuri who was being held by a crying red haired boy.
"She's're too late..." I kneeled down and put my hand to her chest. A strong glow entered her body and spread throughout her.
"It is never too late for divine intervention" My power replenished the blood she had lost and closed the wounds on her stomach. She gasped as I returned the life into her and took several deep breaths.
"Damien...and Helena...?"
"That is correct. The time has come for me to deal with my brother once and for all or die trying"
"Helena you can't!"
"As long as my brother is alive you are not safe Yuri Sakura. This is something I must do" I stood up and faced my brother. "It is time to settle this Heath" I changed into my dragon form. We both roared before charging for one another.

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