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Yuri POV

All the dragons had changed into their human forms and teleported me back to Earth Land was what Damien told me. Helena was leading me to the guild hall of fairy tail. "Is there a particular reason we're going there?"
"In hope of getting your memories back"
"What memories?"
"Hopefully you'll see" Helena looked at me with a sad smile. She pushed open the doors and everyone turned towards us.
"Yuri you're okay!" They all shouted.
"W-who are you all?"
"What?! Are you joking?"
"Sadly she is not joking. Someone tampered with her memories of fairy tail erasing them completely"
"No way..." A blue haired girl in orange clothing said. "She doesn't remember any of us?" Helena shook her head.
"Who did this to her?!" A pink haired boy asked angrily.
"Only she knows and she seems to have forgotten that too" He came up to me and held my shoulders tightly.
"You gotta try to remember Yuri! On all the jobs we went on. How about the time when I challenged Daisuke to an eating contest and beat him?"
"I never knew you could eat THAT much" A boy with blue hair and red eyes said. I shook my head. This seemed to anger the pink haired boy. He tightened his grip on my shoulders.
"How can you forget something so important to you?! How could you let this happen?!" He whispered the last question but I heard him considering that he was standing right in front of me. Tears stung my eyes at the pain he was causing me emotional and physical.
"Let go of me! Do you think I wanted to lose my memories?! I'm trying so hard to remember any of you but I can't! And you think this is somehow my fault?!" He let go and stared at me in shock.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
"Leave me alone!" I ran out of the guild and ran until I ran right into someone. "I'm so sorry!" I looked up to see a girl who looked similar to me. "W-who are you?"
"I was created as a step sister to you. You probably don't remember but I caused you a lot of pain before I became this person and for that I'm truly sorry" She bowed deeply.
"For some reason I can vaguely remember the pain you caused me but I forgive you because I need all the friends I can get right now" I hugged her tightly. She stiffened but then hugged me back.
"I'll try and be there for you. My name is Kirisato by the way"
"It's nice to meet you" Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see the dragons in their human forms.

"Are we leaving?""Yes, we'll look after you for a year in order to train our human forms and because you need looking after""W-what happens after a year?""We'll tackle that obstacle when it arrives""Okay Heath

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"Are we leaving?"
"Yes, we'll look after you for a year in order to train our human forms and because you need looking after"
"W-what happens after a year?"
"We'll tackle that obstacle when it arrives"
"Okay Heath. Um...can Kirisato come with us?"
"If you don't mind sharing a bedroom then sure"
"Thank you so much!" I hugged Heath tightly.
"Not a problem but there will be one of you don't let go"
"I'm just kidding, let's go to our new home" He ruffled my hair and we arrived at the train station and boarded the train to the harbour before getting on a boat bound to Lakedenn Village.

The Hells Dragon's Wrath (Second book in I've found love series)Where stories live. Discover now