Chapter 2: The nightmares

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Daisuke POV

We were laying down looking up at the stars, my right hand in her left one. "The stars shine beautifully, don't they Daisuke?"
"They're pretty but I know something that shines brighter than any star"
"Really?" She turned her head to face me and I did the same.
"Yep and she's laying right next to me"
"You shine brighter than all the stars combined"
"You're just saying that"
"I would never do that"
"Thanks Daisuke" She kissed me on the lips. "I really appreciate it" she whispered against my lips. Suddenly she pulled away and a barrier surrounded me.
"What are you doing Yuri?!"
"Protecting the love of-" she didn't get to finish her sentence as something pierced through her heart. "I love you...Daisuke..." Then she collapsed motionless.
"YURI!!!" I shot up covered in sweat and breathing heavily. It was just a nightmare...but it felt so real. I got out of bed, quickly changed and ran towards Fairy hills. I just gotta check if she's okay!

Yuri POV

It was dark; the ground was black, the sky was black, everything around me was black. "Where am I?" I walked until a deep scary voice stopped me.
"I'm coming for you, no one can protect you from me"
"W-who?!" I whirled around to see a huge creature shrouded by red mist, the only thing I could make out was two yellow lights. Its eyes, staring straight at me. I began trembling in fear as it came closer.
"I hope you like my present" Its yellow eyes flashed.
"S-stay a-a-away!"
"You better get ready for me" It roared.
"Eek!" I woke up panting, sweat rolled down my forehead. "That nightmare was so scary..." Who was that or what was that creature? And what does it want with me? As I pondered these things I noticed that I couldn't move my body. "What?" Then I heard hissing. "It can't be" I rolled out of bed to see a black snake was coiled around me from my feet to my arms. "A s-snake?! How'd it get here?!" The snake had yellow eyes like the creature I saw. Was this the 'present' he was talking about?! I was about to call for help but the snake tightened its grip on me causing me to stop before I even started. Its eyes stared into mine and I started to lose myself in them. I started to go into a dazed state. Then it spoke: "You will go on all the jobs requested by Tori Springs. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. You will not remember this event" Slowly I nodded my head. Then I faintly felt a tightening sensation and the daze wore off. I started to gasp for air. "H-help...!" Why is this snake trying to kill me?! I heard Daisuke's voice. What's he doing here? I felt the snake slide off me and I took deep breaths. The snake disappeared and I felt strong arms wrap themselves around me. "Are you okay?"
"I-" I suddenly fainted.

Daisuke POV

I laid her in her bed and laid down on her sofa. "At least she wasn't in the same kind of trouble like my nightmare" But how did that snake get into her room? And what did it do to her? Her eyes were yellow like the snake's when I jumped into the room. They turned back to the deep blue sea colour they were originally before she passed out. I'll just have to ask her about it when she wakes up.

(Time skip morning, 9am)

She woke up with a long yawn and stretch. "Hey Daisuke, what are you doing here?"
"I don't understand the question"
"How else can I put it? Why are you here instead of in your house?" Doesn't she remember what happened?
"Um...I had a nightmare about you and had to check if you were okay"
"Aw that's sweet. But I'm fine, nothing weird happened except that I didn't dream"
"What do you mean nothing weird happened?!"
"Daisuke what's wrong? Am I forgetting something?"
"Yes a big something! That black-" Suddenly I couldn't breathe, I felt a burning hand close around my throat but nothing was there.
"Daisuke?! What's happening?!" The hand disappeared and I could breathe again. "Are you okay?!"
"Y-yeah, sorry I guess I was mistaken. I mixed up my nightmare with reality"
"It's okay but are you sure you're fine?"
"Yep I'm A-Ok! I'll go ahead to the guild, don't take long getting ready"
"I won't" I gave her a quick kiss goodbye and jumped out the window. I don't like this one bit. Someone messed up Yuri's memories and prevented me from reminding her. We've got a new enemy but the problem is I have no clues as to who it could be and that scared me. How am I supposed to protect Yuri if I don't know what or who we're up against? I'll try telling at the guild. I picked up the pace and went upstairs to master Makarov. I knocked on his door 3 times.
"Come in" I pushed open the door and closed it behind me. "How can I help Daisuke?"
"I think there's someone after Yuri"
"Sit down, tell me everything" I sat down in one of the chairs in front of the master's desk. "You may begin"
"I was worried about Yuri so I went to check on her to see if she was okay. When I arrived a black snake was constricting her"
"And you think someone planted the snake in her room?"
"Yes. But there's more. Seconds after I arrived the snake let go of her and disappeared. The snake did something with her memories as she doesn't remember the snake attacking her and when I tried to tell her some weird magic started strangling me so I stopped trying to tell her"
"I see, that does raise a considerable amount of suspicion. Since we don't know anything about who we're dealing with we should proceed by protecting as well as observing Yuri to look out for any strange behaviour"
"Should I tell the others?"
"No, I'll take care of that. Just make sure Yuri doesn't walk in on us"
"Yes master" I left his office and stood outside the guild looking for Yuri. "I told her not to take long..."

Yuri POV

As I was drying off my hair my mind wondered. Why didn't I dream last night? I always dream when I sleep, whether it was a dream or a nightmare didn't matter, I still dreamed something. My mum told me that I'll always dream and it has been that way ever since I was young. I hope it's nothing important. Finished drying my now longer hair (it grew!), I put on a preppy and cute outfit that Levy helped me pick out. I brushed my hair and took a section of my it and made a plait with it tying it off with a black ribbon. I went back into the bedroom part of my room and took out some long black socks and white slip-ons with black bows on them. I left Fairy hills and made my way to the guild. The wind was whipping my hair across my face. It sure it is windy today. I held my skirt down to make sure the wind didn't blow it up. Then I heard shouts and screams. I turned around to see everyone running from something. I called out to one of the townspeople; "What's going on?!"
"A tornado just appeared out of nowhere!"
"What?!" Then the tornado came around the street corner. "This is crazy!" That's when I noticed a little girl and boy hugging each other. Oh no! I've got to do something! My wings quickly folded out and I flew as fast as I could. I reached the children and grabbed a hold of them but the tornado sucked us all in.
"We're scared!"
"You're gonna be okay! Just hold on to me tightly!" They both tightened their grip around me. We went round and round until we were thrown out the top. We were sent flying and the shock disabled me from using my wings. I know! I wish the boy had Happy's wings and the girl had Carla's wings! My charm bracelet glowed and wings appeared on their backs. "Try and flap your wings!" They succeeded and I fell into a tree. I grabbed onto one of the branches to stop myself from falling further. I flew out of the tree and towards the children. "Are you two okay?"
"Yeah, thank you so much miss!"
"You're hurt..." The girl pointed to the scratches on my arms. I can just mend the sleeves plus they don't hurt, that much anyway.
"It's okay, it doesn't hurt much. Do you wanna do a little flying around before going home?"
"Yes please!" We flew high and did tricks like loop-de-loops.

(Time skip 1 hour)

"That was so fun!"
"Yeah that was awesome!"
"I'm glad you thought so but we should be getting home now"
"Aw okay"
"Tell you what, we can fly home if you want"
"Yes yes yes!"
"Okay but you're going to have to hold my hands so I can make sure you don't wander off"
"Okay!" They each grabbed one of my hands and we made our way home.

We landed in Magnolia's park, their wings disappeared and mine folded in. "Let's go find your parents" We walked around Magnolia to see it perfect. It looks like that tornado was never here! Another hour later we found their parents and I said goodbye to them. Their parents had given me 20,000 jewels even though I said I didn't do it for money. They insisted that I took the jewels. I was on my way to Fairy hills when I ran into Gajeel and Pantherlily. "Where have you been? You're arms are all scratched up"
"Don't you think I know that? I fell into a tree while trying to save two children"
"Does this have something to do with the tornado?"
"Yep, I saved the children when the tornado threw us out with my charm bracelet"
"Good for you kid"
"Team Natsu is looking for you Yuri"
"Thanks for telling me Pantherlily, can you take me to them Gajeel?"
"Why me?"
"Because you can smell them with your enhanced senses"
"Point taken, follow me" Gajeel led me to Natsu. "Found her, I'll go tell the old man" Gajeel and Pantherlily left.
"Yuri what happened to you?!"
"Long story short I saved a couple of kids from the tornado and got hurt in the process"
"Proud of you but we should bandage you up so the cuts don't get infected"
"Okay, I'll go back to Fairy hills" Natsu came closer and scooped me up in his arms.
"I'm faster"
"N-Natsu!" He ran to Fairy hills and jumped in from my window. "Is it so hard to use the door?"
"Yes, yes it is" He took some bandages out of the med kit on my bookshelf and wrapped them around my arms. "How does that feel?"
"Not too tight, just fine"
"Good, what you did was crazy you know"
"No that tornado appearing out of thin air, that's crazy. What I did was what I was taught by my guild, always lend a hand when it's possible"
"Well yeah but...sometimes it's not possible. I mean you could've been seriously injured or worse"
"I know but they were kids, I couldn't turn my back on them...sorry..."
"Hey it's okay! Just be more careful next time"
"I will, I promise. If there ever is another tornado that is"
"I'll go round everyone up while you change or whatever" he jumped out the window and I picked out a yellow flowery dress to wear instead. I put the clothes I was wearing in the wash basket and put on the dress.

The Hells Dragon's Wrath (Second book in I've found love series)Where stories live. Discover now