Chapter 8: Nature's dark side

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Natsu POV

Yuri had fainted after we saved her from the killer tree, with some help. I turned to the woman dressed in white. "Thanks for giving us the power to save Yuri but who are you?" Her voice sounded like soothing music when she replied;
"I am Yuri's guardian, my name is Helena. I protect her from death when it is needed"
"When it's needed?"
"Yes. An example of this would be the job she went on with Daisuke, Gray and Juvia. She was drowning but did not need my help to save her as they were able to do that themselves" She kneeled down in front of me and touched the metal collar around Yuri's neck. It disappeared in a small flash of light.
"So you help her when nobody else can?"
"Essentially yes, that is correct Happy"
"How do you know his name?"
"Fear me not Natsu Dragneel. I am an almighty being, I know of many things"
"Oh, okay then. Do you know if I'll ever beat Erza in a fight?" I asked eagerly. She chuckled softly before answering;
"I think one of you already know the answer to that"
"No Natsu, you will never ever beat Erza in this lifetime" she smirked as she spoke.
"I wasn't asking you Luce!"
"Lucy Heartfilia is correct, I'm afraid you will never beat Erza Scarlet in a fight. I must take my leave, farewell" She disappeared in a flash of white light.
"I'm so glad Yuri has that guardian, if she didn't she would have-"
"Don't think about that Luce, she's alive and that's all that matters" Wind blew Lucy's hair across her face. I brought my hand up and tucked it behind her ear. A faint blush rose to her cheeks.
"Thanks Natsu"
"It's the truth, nothing else matters except that Yuri is breathing"
"Yeah you're right. It does no good to focus on the what-ifs" I used my fire to light the pile of sticks beside us. "We finally have fire!"
"Yuri would understand. Anyway, how did you find us?"
"Asked the diner lady and ticket lady where they last saw you"
"That's a smart tactic. Who came up with it?"
"Are you saying I'm stupid?!"
"Natsu. Everyone knows your stupid" The nerve of Luce sometimes!
"Whatever, it was Levy" I whispered the last part.
"I did not hear what you just said but I'm assuming it was the name of whoever came up with the idea"
"Anyway, we found out you were here and took a train" My tummy felt weird just thinking about the train.
"No time to get motion sick, you're not on an actual train!"
"The train stopped because some tracks had to be fixed. I couldn't stand to wait for that many hours so me and Happy took off"
"When did you get here and where is here?"
"I got here 3:30pm and was searching for you guys forever! It was 7:50pm the time I caught a whiff of your scents!"
"I'm glad you found us in time" she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and snuggled into me next to Yuri.
"Um Luce...?" My cheeks started to heat up.
"Do not ask me why I just did that because I do not know why I just did that" I decided to leave it there. "So where is here?"
"Faywater City"
"How did they even get us on the train?!"
"With some real good lies I reckon"
"That would make sense"
"What did they do to you two?"
"..." Lucy had suddenly gone silent and gotten up.
"Luce?" I took my scarf off and made a makeshift pillow for Yuri so I could lay her on it then go to Lucy. I did that and turned Lucy around to face me. She was crying. "Lucy what's wrong?"
"What they was so horrible...I-"
"Lucy don't hold it all in. Let me help you"
"Natsu I-" I looked her straight in the eyes.
"Please Lucy, I want to help you" She took a step back and turned away from me.
"They raped us but we still have our virginity...they basically violated us...I'll never be able to forget that..." What the heck?! Who the fuck do those bastards think they are?! My anger began to boil but Lucy falling to her knees made it simmer down. All I felt was sympathy for her. I knelt down behind her and wrapped my arms around her.
"I am so sorry that you had to experience that but it's over now. They won't touch you like that ever again. I'll make sure of that"
"So stop your crying Lucy. I'll always protect you to the best of my ability" I turned her sideways in my arms and wiped away her tears. "No matter the odds, I'll always be there for you"
"Thank you..." She buried her face in my chest and I rubbed her back. Ten minutes later her breathing signalled that she was asleep. Happy had also fallen asleep at some point. That explains why he didn't taunt me when I was talking to Lucy.
"I'm pretty sure I know what I've been feeling all this time towards you took me forever but I finally understand how I feel...I lo-" Vines wrapped around me and lifted me into the air causing Lucy to fall on the ground and wake up.
"Natsu! Open Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!" He appeared and started flirting with Lucy as usual. "Cut him down!" He swung his giant axe and the vines around me fell away. As soon as I landed I picked up Yuri and we ran. "Thanks Taurus!" He disappeared as we were running. We need to get out of this forest!"
"I'm right behind you on that one!" We ran around the forest dodging vines as we tried to find an exit.

(Time skip 30 minutes)

"Natsu...I can't keep this legs feel like they're gonna fall off..." She shouted between breaths.
"We haven't even been running for that long Luce!"
"We've been running for 30 minutes straight! That's long in my book!"
"You need to work out more!"
"Shut up I do not! Whoa!" She tripped over a rock and vines grabbed ahold of her.
"Natsu behind you!" I jumped out of the way of the vines that were heading for me.
"Aye!" He jumped off my shoulder as his wings popped out. He took Yuri from me.
"Get out of here!"
"Aye sir!" He began to fly up as I burned the vines holding Lucy. She fell into my arms.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yes. Thanks..."
"Natsu! The branches are blocking me from flying any higher!"
"You've got to be kidding me! Follow me then!" I began running again. I know! I'll use another person's smell to guide us out! I began sniffing at the air and caught Levy's scent. She's probably looking somewhere in town. I followed her scent until I could hear her screaming. Okay she's not outside the forest. Unfortunately she is inside it with us.
"Is that Levy?!"
"Unfortunately" I picked up the pace and made it to a clearing where there was a gigantic plant with a mouth. "What is that?!" One of its vines had Levy all wrapped up.
"It's a giant Venus Flytrap that eats humans instead of flies!" Levy shouted.
"Well where would it find giant flies to eat? It only makes sense that it eats us"
"Not helping Natsu! Not helping!"
"Sorry hold on" I lit my hands and ran towards Levy after putting Lucy down but as I was running to free her from the vines, some grabbed me from behind and threw me into a tree. My back hit the bark hard. "Argh!"
"Natsu! Leave him alone!"
"No Lucy! Run!"
"I'll be fine now go!" She hesitated before turning around and running with Yuri in her arms. "Happy a little help?"
"Aye sir!"

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