Chapter 7: The Celestial Escape

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Natsu POV

Where were Lucy and Yuri? It'd been way longer than 3 hours, it'd been 30 minutes longer to be exact. It was now 12:00pm. Everyone else was telling me that they're probably out doing girly things but Lucy would have sent me another flying note. At least I'm pretty sure she would have. How did she even make a flying note? "Natsu!"
"Huh?" I turned to the voices that had called my name to see Levy and Wendy.
"We were saying we're going to go look for Lucy and Yuri. Are you coming?"
"We will accompany you" Erza and Daisuke stood up and the five of us walked to the diner that Lucy said they were eating at.

We arrived at the diner and Levy asked if they'd seen a blonde and brunette together. "Why yes, Yuri Sakura is our number one customer"
"Yeah that's great but can you tell us where they went"
"Natsu, show some manners!"
"Sorry Erza!"
"They were being escorted by two handsome gentleman. I think they went towards the train station"
"Thank you miss!"
"No problem little one" We ran out the diner.
"I know for a fact that Lucy wouldn't follow a random stranger to the station and I bet Yuri wouldn't either"
"Then that leads us to believe they were kidnapped"
"Oh no!" We went to the train station and asked the ticket lady where the men with Lucy and Yuri went.
"All the way Faywater City, are you going to buy tickets. The next train doesn't arrive until 2:00pm"
"Yes please" We bought our tickets. "I can't believe we have to wait for nearly two hours...I hope they're okay"
"We all do"

Lucy POV

I woke up disoriented before I realised where I was. "We need to get out of here..." I looked around and realised that the scissors he had used to cut my clothes were within my reach. I stretched my hand out and managed to grab a hold of them. Yes! I made sure I was quiet in case I made one of the men come back. With my hand in an awkward position I began cutting through the rope. After a few minutes the rope snapped. I did it! With my wrist now free I cut the rope around my other wrist and my ankles. I silently crept towards Yuri to see that she was bleeding from a wound that went through her stomach. "Oh no..." I quickly cut the ropes binding her to the bed frame and looked around the room for our underwear. Luckily I found them in one of the high cupboards that I managed to reach by standing on my tip toes. Another stroke of luck was that my keys were next to our underwear. I'm guessing they relied on our height as they put them in the highest cupboard. I put my underwear on and then helped Yuri's into hers. "Open Gate of the Maiden, Virgo!" Virgo appeared in front of me.
"How can I help you princess?"
"Me and Yuri need some new clothes, could you get some for us please? And bandages for Yuri"
"Of course princess, I'll be right back" She disappeared and came back with some clothes and shoes. "These are for you and these are for Yuri. Should I get her dressed?"
"Yes please Virgo" I changed into the outfit Virgo had given me as she bandaged up the wound and changed Yuri into hers. "Thanks Virgo! Do you think you could make us a way out?"
"Why certainly princess" She began to dig and I picked up Yuri and followed her. I heard the men's voices as we fled. She surfaced, pulled Yuri up then me and I quickly thanked her before she disappeared.
"We need to get away from those two perverts!" I began running towards a forest in who knows where we are to escape from them. I slowed down when I'd gone deep into the forest. "That should keep them off our trail for a while..." I set Yuri against a tree then sat next to her. "I wonder if anyone's worrying about us yet?"

Levy POV

We boarded the train and started our 2 hour and 50 minute journey to Faywater City. Natsu instantly suffered from his motion sickness and Erza knocked him out by punching him in the stomach. Poor Natsu. I can imagine a punch from Erza would be extremely painful. We began going over our plan of what we were going to do when we arrived in Faywater. "From what I've heard Faywater is a very large city so it'd be best to split up and assign everyone an area to search"
"That's a great plan Erza! I'm sure we'll find them faster that way!"
"I can only hope so..."

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