Chapter 20: Ending the battle

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Damien POV

They had been fighting for two hours straight and no one had the advantage. Dad and Auntie were both severely wounded but none of them seemed weakened. At this rate they'll both die...More debris went flying and Yuri made another barrier to protect us. "Okay they might not die but we will if this keeps up"
"I'm 608 hundred years old, it will take more than rocks to kill me"
"But you look so young!"
"Being a dragon most of the time means that my human form doesn't age much. As a human I'm 16 going on 17"
"Figures you'd be older than me"
"Only by a year. If it's any consolation, Mercury is only older than you by a month"
"I'll always be the young one" A rather large piece of rock came flying our way.
"Yuri!" I pointed to the rock.
"Huh?!" The rock crashed into the barrier just as Yuri made it. "This is too heavy for me!" The barrier began to crack. "I can't keep it up without-"
"No. If you exhaust yourself there will be no way to protect yourself"
"But we'll be crushed if I don't!"
"Yuri I need you to trust me, do you?"
"Then dispel the barrier"
"Trust me, please"
"I-I...I trust you!" She wrapped her arms around me and closed her eyes as the barrier disappeared. My body glowed dark red and I changed into my dragon form to bash the rocks off of me holding Yuri tightly. I flew back down and changed back into my human form.
"You're safe now" She lifted her head. "Good things come to those who trust me"
"Damien!" She tightened her grip around me. I wrapped my arms around her.
"It's okay, there's no need to be afraid. I'll protect you"
"Thank you..." Suddenly something hard came into contact with my back and we were sent flying out of the arena. We were now floating through darkness. My vision blurred. "Damien! There's no air here!" I didn't need air to stay alive but I'll still pass out and Yuri would suffocate. We both began choking. I saw a gold and white dragon before I passed out.

I gasped for air as I woke up to see Mercury in her dragon form with a paw over Yuri's chest. Said paw was glowing gold. "Is she okay?" Just then she woke up gasping.
"Does that answer your question?"
"Who are you?"
"I'm Mercury, the Heavens Dragon's daughter" I tried to get up but pain shot through my back. "You're not recovered yet! Don't move!" She came to me and slowly turned me onto my front. Her paws glowed gold and the pain in my back lessened and eventually disappeared. "You're all healed up" I sat myself up.
"Thank you but what are you doing here?"
"I couldn't stand sitting around in heaven knowing my mum and uncle are fighting for their lives. We need to stop this"
"That's what we've been saying but we can't think of any ideas"
"We could try stopping them ourselves"
"We're nowhere near as strong as them"
"I meant asking them to stop"
"Knowing my dad that will not work but whatever floats your boat Mercury"
"I don't see you coming up with a better idea"
"Touché okay Yuri?" She's been quiet ever since I tried to sit up. She jumped clearly not expecting anyone to talk to her.
"Sorry I was lost in my thoughts! Yeah I'm fine!"
"You're lying"
"Stop reading my mind!"
"It happens naturally I can't control it"
"If I wasn't so scared that wouldn't have happened"
"No if they weren't fighting this never would have happened. It wasn't your fault, plus I said I would protect you"
"Thank you"
"I didn't do anything. Now wait here" I changed into my dragon form and flew in front of my dad. Mercury did the same in front of her mum. "Dad please stop fighting! You can just tell Helena what you need to tell her! There's no need for violence!"
"I already tried talking to her and she ignored me. The time for talking is gone. Move or I'll have to make you"
"Dad please-"
"I SAID MOVE!!!" He swiped me away using his paw.
"Damien!" I heard Yuri and Mercury shout. I felt something stop me and opened my eyes to see a white ball surrounding me.
"Thanks Yuri!"
"You're welcome!" She moved the ball so it was on the floor in front of her and dispelled it. "That didn't work"
"I already knew it wouldn't" I changed back into my human form.
"Well we can't let this continue!"

Yuri POV

I tried getting them to stop bickering but it was like I was invisible. None of them paid me any attention. The arena surrounding me all started to disappear. Damien and Mercury's bickering seemed distant. What's happening? I fell backwards but someone caught me before I hit the ground. "Yuri what's going on?!"
"I thought you were too busy bickering to notice me..."
"Stop joking around! What's happening?!"
"How am I supposed to know...?" I lost consciousness.
My mum and dad floated in front of me. "Mum? Dad? Is it my time already?!" I asked worriedly. They both laughed before dad consoled me.
"No no. We've come to give you a way to stop the battle"
"Really?! What is it?"
"A spell that will purify the Hells Dragon's heart"
"What are we waiting for?! Teach me!"
"It's not that simple dear. To use the spell you must sacrifice something important to you"
"W-what?! I can't do that!"
"You must. Only someone with Angels Grace magic can perform the spell"
"I know it's hard but we advise you to give up fairy tail"
"WHAT?! Are you crazy?!"
"They're causing you more pain then joy Yuri"
"B-but Daisuke...everyone...I can't..."
"Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. And the alternatives are your family or you're life"
"You can't make me do this! I-I won't!"
"Dear please understand we can't have the Heavens Dragon destroyed if she was heaven would fall into panic"
"You're only using me for your own needs!"
"Then think about Damien and Mercury. You know that they'll be heartbroken if either of them dies"
"You can't make me do this...please..." I sank to my knees. Suddenly a bright light appeared and my parents were gone. In their place stood a man and woman I didn't recognise. "I'm not doing the spell! My parents would never force me to do something like this!"
"You will do the spell so we can kill you all"
"W-who are you?!"
"Someone who wants those dragons dead so we can summon the strongest dragon of them all"
"I won't help you destroy them!"
"First we have to start with you so your Angels Grace doesn't get in our way then the dragons"
"Leave me alone! You're not killing anyone!"
"You can't stop us" The woman jumped for me and I put up a barrier but she passed right through it and entered my body.
"Get out of me!" She woke up and quickly stood. "I know how to stop them but it will involve changing your dad. Are you okay with that?"
"Change how?"
"Revert him back to a Heavens Dragon"
"Dad is still dad no matter what he is" No! Don't give her permission! Why can no one seriously tell when I'm not me?! I'm getting sick and tired of it! "Who are you?" I forgot you could read minds! Some lady took over my body and is gonna make me lose my memories of fairy tail! "Let Yuri go"
"You might want to rephrase those words" I began to feel myself fading out of existence. No...! Stop...!
"No! Don't let her go!" The feeling stopped. "I won't let you do that to Yuri. Fairy tail is important to her"
"And your dad isn't?"
"That's irrelevant"
"Guess I'll have to restrict you" Black vines rose up from the ground and wrapped around Damien's wrists and ankles. Damien! "As for you" An opaque barrier surrounded Mercury. What'd you do to her?! "She's fine" She faced the two dragons and started chanting in a language I'd never heard before. Stop! She ignored me obviously. As the chant continued light surrounded her and she was lifted off the ground.
"Stop! Yuri doesn't want this!" The light then surrounded Heath and a bright light engulfed the arena. I regained control of my body as the light dimmed. Heath was now a white dragon with yellow eyes.
"I'm sorry. Hatred consumed me"
"It is okay. I only wished you would come back to the light side"
"They're pretty forgiving of each other..." I commented emotionlessly.
"Yuri!" Damien put his hand on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Are you okay?!"
"No I'm not okay. She won, I'm losing the ability to recall things as we speak"
"Damn it!" He let go of my shoulders. My vision darkened as I fell to my knees. "Yuri!" A single tear rolled down my cheek. I'm sorry Daisuke...Then I lost consciousness.

Gave you a little preview of the enemies for the third book
Amber 🙋🏾😘

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