Chapter 5: Taking it up a notch

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??? POV

She'll have to take me now, she won't be able to resist my good looks and charming magic. And the best part is she won't even recognise me until it's too late. Time for sweet revenge.

Yuri POV

I woke up in my bed with someone else's body warmth next to me. I tensed but relaxed when said person wrapped their arms around me and whispered into my ear: "Good morning sleepyhead..." I snuggled into his strong bare chest.
"How long was I out for this time?"
"Just the rest of yesterday, weren't as long as the last times"
"That's good"
"Because I can spend time with you before going to the guild now"
"Let's have some fun then" he turned me around and smashed his lips against mine. "I've missed this..." He mumbled against my lips.
"So have I Daisuke, so have I..." I mumbled back.
"Ready to take it up a notch?"
"You mean-" my eyes widened.
"No! I can see you're not ready for that yet"
"Okay, then I'll allow you to do what you call 'taking it up a notch'"
"Great, I'm sure this will arouse you" He began sucking on my neck and the tension left my body at the pleasure I was feeling. "You okay?" He whispered before sucking in a different spot on my neck.
"Mmhmm..." I tried to agree but it came out more like a moan of pleasure.
"I'll take that as a definitely..." I felt him smile against my neck before he lifted his head. His hands undid one of my buttons and he looked at me for confirmation. I slowly nodded my head. He undid all the other buttons and threw my pink pyjama top to one side. I covered my breasts in embarrassment as my face heated up. "Don't hide them. Every part of you is beautiful. You have nothing to be embarrassed about" He moved my hands aside and began leaving a trail of kisses starting from my neck to one of my breasts.
"Mmm..." Wherever he kissed felt like it was burning. He began sucking on one of my nipples whilst caressing the other one and a moan escaped my lips as well as a gasp when he lightly bit my nipple. "Daisuke..." He looked at me worried that I wanted him to stop. I shook my head and he moved on to my other nipple while caressing my other breast. My body temperature was rising because of Daisuke. "Naughty little Daisuke..." He caressed both my breasts as he looked into my eyes.
"It's your fault for turning me on so much..." Then he began attacking my lips with his. Deep passionate kisses that only stopped so we could breathe pleasured me. We held onto one another so tightly I was sure we would both leave marks in each other's skin. More kisses pleasured me as I moved my hands to play with his silky soft hair. He tightened his grip around my neck and arm. We kissed and kissed until my lips had swollen up.
When we stopped I was panting and so was Daisuke. Good to know I have the same effect on him as he does on me. "I love you Daisuke" I once again snuggled into his topless embrace.
"I love you too Yuri" He began running his fingers through my hair. "Your hair is so long now"
"It always grew quickly, I just never let it grow out"
"I think it looks better short"
"What?! O-oh! Shall I cut it?!" He began laughing and I felt his chest move as he did.
"I was teasing you. You look just as beautiful with long hair as you did with short hair"
"T-thanks" my temperature rose even more. He put his hand on my forehead.
"You've got a high temperature"
"You're the one that makes me hot like this Daisuke"
"Oh really? In that case feel my forehead" He guided my hand to his forehead. "Can you feel that?"
"You're hot too"
"Yep and it's all because of you"
"Daisuke..." I closed my eyes and let Daisuke hold me close. I could feel his heartbeat on my back. It's as fast as mine! "That took more out of you then you'd care to admit"
"I just made out with my girlfriend, of course I'm beat. That's the effect your beauty has on me"
"You're so sweet"
"Thanks I guess" I could tell he was probably blushing. "So now what?"
"We go to the guild and tell Master Makarov about our findings on the enemy"
"You're probably right. I'll go change first then tell him my side of the story. You take a nice long bath and I'll come get you when I'm done"
"You don't have to tell me twice" He left the usual way and I began running a bath. I put the pyjamas in the wash basket and got into the relaxing warm water. I used the bubble bath that Evergreen got me for my birthday this year. It smelt like apricots and vanilla extract. The smells delighted my nose as the bubbles and foam delighted me in general. After soaking for a considerably long time I got out not wanting my skin to get all wrinkly. I drained the bath water and wrapped a towel around my body. I sat on the stool in front of the sink and began getting ready for the morning. I brushed my teeth, I brushed my hair and decided to style my hair in the form of plaited pigtails tying off the ends with yellow ribbon then went back into my bedroom to choose something wear. I settled on a white dress with a red bow at the top of the chest area of the dress and two smaller red bows where the straps joined the front of the dress. I like ribbons and bows if you didn't guess already. The dress was mid-thigh length meaning it covered half of my golden insignia. I put on a pair of white ankle boots with bows decorating the top of each boot. I sat down on my sofa when my stomach growled loudly. "I'm so happy no one was here to hear's been a while since I ate, hasn't it?" I hadn't eaten for the past five days because I'd been unconscious for the most part of those days. Remembering what happened last year when I didn't eat, I took my purse and left Fairy hills. I don't want to worry everyone by passing out again. I left a note for Daisuke telling him I'd gone to get a satisfying breakfast in case he started worrying for no reason. On the way to the little diner that I liked to eat at I ran into Lucy. "Hey Yuri, where you off to?"
"Going to get a good breakfast, I haven't eaten for the past five days"
"Are you feeling okay?"
"Just a little dizzy and disoriented but other than that I'm fine"
"Can I come with you? In case something bad happens"
"And I want to join you for a good breakfast"
"Honesty will get you places" We both laughed as we made our way to the diner. We sat at a table by the windows and I ordered us the breakfast buffet. "So don't worry about money because this is my treat to you"
"Okay I give in! What's in the breakfast buffet anyway?"
"They just give you loads of breakfast meals to eat. I always come here when I'm hankering for some good food"
"Hehe are they that good?"
"Yep, Daisuke, Levy and Wendy agree"
"You brought all four of them here?"
"Not at the same time. First was a date with Daisuke then a lunch out with the girls"
"You better invite me to your next lunch out"
"Don't worry I'll be sure to do so. I think Erza would like it too. They do THE best strawberry shortcake I have ever tasted"
"Tell Erza that and she won't leave this place alone"
"That's good for their business so no one will complain"
"You've got a point"
"Oh! Won't Natsu get worried that you're late to the guild?"
"You're right" I took out a piece of paper and a pen from my backpack.
"Here write him a note"
"But how will we get it to the guild?"
"It will fly there itself. If my plan works anyway" Lucy wrote Natsu a note then handed me back my pen. "It doesn't hurt to try something new so, I wish this note had Happy's wings!" My charm bracelet glowed and small wings sprouted from the top corners of the note. "Yes it worked!"
"Now what?"
"This. Note I need you to fly and let Natsu Dragneel read you" It did a loop-de-loop as if it understood and flew out the open door. "Now let's hope it gets to Natsu"
"That was amazing! I can't believe it actually worked!"
"Me either" Our food arrived a few minutes later and there were now plates covering the entire surface of the table. "Welcome to the best breakfast you have ever had!"
"Let's taste what you think so highly of" She cut off a piece of their icing sugar coated pancakes dipped it in maple syrup and put it in her mouth. Then she just sat there.
"This is so amazing! I've never tasted anything this sweet in my life!"
"I knew you'd think so. Now let's dig in!"
All the plates were now empty and our stomachs were full. "That was delicious"
"Tell me about it. I need a drink to help me settle it down. Want one?"
"Coffee with two sugars please"
"That's how I like my coffee too, great minds think alike"
"So true my friend, so true" Before I could go to order the two cups of coffee someone handed me exactly what I was going to get. I looked up to see a very handsome man.
"I overheard you two ladies wanted coffees? Two sugars?"
"Y-yeah" I gave Lucy a cup and the man went back to his seat with a dazzling smile. His voice is familiar but I can't place it...
"Okay, it's not just me right? That guy is unbelievably hot"
"Not just you Lucy, not just you" I took a sip of my coffee. "Although I already have a boyfriend so he's not that handsome to me"
"Yeah that makes sense" Lucy took a sip of her coffee. "Wow! Is there nothing that tastes ordinary in this place? This is so tasty!"
"Nope only extraordinary food and drink here" A waiter came and took away all the plates. "And at reasonable prices. What is there not to love about this place?"
"The answer is nothing. I love everything I have sampled here today"
"Glad to hear that Lucy" We finished our coffees and gave the waiter our cups. I went up to the counter to pay for our meal then went back to Lucy but she was unconscious. "Lucy?! Lucy wake up!" What happened to her?! I shook her but she didn't even stir. Then my vision began to blur and sounds started to distort. "What's...happening...?" I passed out.

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