Chapter 6| Never Have I Ever

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As you walked back inside the school, Warren's footsteps echoing closely behind you, you couldn't help but think bitterly that Jean better have a good reason.

Well, not only a good reason, but a bulletproof one.

Because you could have been kissing Warren right now.

Instead, you were walking with him toward the room he shared with Scott, Kurt and Peter. A heavy silence surrounded you, filled with unsaid words and actions. A reminder of what could have happened if you hadn't been interrupted.

In your head, you had your arms around his neck and your body pressed against his. In reality, there was a huge gap between the two of you. And instead of being filled with desire and happiness, you only felt annoyance. Just like Warren. You only had to glance at him once to see it marked clearly across his face. You were pretty sure people could read the same expression off yours just as easily.

Just thinking that you could have been running your hands in his hair and tasting his lips instead of entering the large corridor with parquet floor that led to the older students' bedrooms brought a scowl to your face.

"What's going on with you two?"

Coming from a corridor to your right, Ororo fixed a dumbstruck gaze on you and Warren as she started to walk next to you. She was followed closely by Peter.

"Lover's stiff?" He teased. "Already?"

"You're a pain in my ass, Peter!" Warren growled with an exasperated look.

"Your kind words warm my heart," his friend answered with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes, but couldn't prevent a faint smile reaching your lips. Peter could be annoying, but he was also fun to hang around. Well, at least when he wasn't harassing you about a non-existent relationship.

You were nearing the bedroom when Ororo pondered out loud:

"I wonder why Jean called us."

"It better be good," Warren complained quite angrily as he reached the door to the boy's bedroom, almost bumping into Kurt, who appeared at the same time in a puff of black smoke. 

The two boys exchanged a look. Menacing for Warren; uncomfortable for Kurt. You frowned. It wasn't the first time you witnessed such a strange interaction between these two and it made you wonder what it meant.

"Go ahead," Warren said to Kurt, his voice as hard as stone.

The blue-skinned mutant muttered a quick thank you before entering the bedroom, his tail swaying nervously behind him. When you looked at Warren, you saw the tension in his body and the way his feathers looked deadly still. You didn't have time to ponder on it as he entered the bedroom, followed by Peter and Ororo.

Inside the room were four beds and bedside tables, two closets and not much else. You glimpsed numerous dirty-looking clothes on the floor, a Bible on one of the nightstand and a few band posters above a bed on the opposite side of the room. And then, there were Scott and Jean, sitting on a bed in the far corner of the room, their back resting against a wall. They looked uncharacteristically happy.

"So, what's happening?" Peter asked as he lounged against the pillows at the top of the bed, next to Scott, and proceeded to rest his feet on his friend's thighs. "Did somebody die?"

Scott pushed Peter's feet away as he said: "We've got a problem."

His tone was serious, but the ghost of a smile on his face told a different story.

"What kind of problem?" you sighed, knowing fully well that the reason you had been brought here would be disappointing.

You took a seat on the bed that was in front of the one where Scott, Jean and Peter were sitting. Ororo and Kurt joined you while Warren slumped on a chair between the foot of the two beds and crossed his arms against his chest.

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