Chap. 9 - Day Out (1)

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The dressing rooms of the shop were desert except for you, Jean and Ororo. You had been waiting for ten minutes now, sitting on an uncomfortable couch next to Jean while Ororo was trying to find the perfect swimsuit. Yours was already paid for and was set down on the ground at your feet. 

You found yourself in this situation because of Peter. The night before, after the training, Warren had led you to the others who had been eating in the kitchen. You had talked about many things and Peter came with an idea. He had offered that you all went out for a day: to relax and spend time all together. Jean knew about a lake close to the manor and everybody agreed it would be a good spot to meet, especially with the nice weather that was forecast. Everybody started to make plans and soon enough you were all very excited about going swimming but it was before you realized that none of you had a swimsuit. So, the next morning, there you were, in a deserted swimwear shop, waiting for Ororo to pick one up while the boys went playing in the arcade next door. You were suspecting them of having picked theirs quickly just to be able to get out of there and go play.

"So, what do you think?" Ororo asked, finally stepping out of the small cubicle that was her dressing room.

She was wearing a nice emerald bikini and seemed to be pleased with the result.

"Perfect." Jean responded and you agreed.

Ororo disappeared behind the curtain of the cubicle, grinning.

You closed your eyes, struggling not to fall asleep. You were still tired from yesterday's training. Still, you managed to hear Ororo's muffled voice saying: "So, you and Warren, you're a thing now?" Her head appeared behind the curtain. She was smirking.

You raised an eyebrow at her question before answering seriously: "No, we're not."

She laughed, not believing you at all. She hid back behind the curtain, almost shouting: "Yeah, sure! So, what was yesterday all about then? Because there was clearly something going on between the two of you."

You saw Jean nod from the corner of your eyes. "The way he was holding you in the Danger room, it was so cute."

Ororo got out of the dressing room, fully dressed, the bikini in her hand.

"Cute? Have you seen the way he was looking at her last night? It wasn't cute, it was torrid." She stated to Jean before looking at you. "He wants you, badly."

"Don't exaggerate!"

"I'm not! He would have jumped your bones last night if you had given him the chance, I can assure you that!"

You blushed lightly and thought back on last night. Warren had not left your side of the evening, sitting so close next to you in the kitchen that your arms would often brushed against each other. Not that you had complained.

You remembered catching some of the looks he gave you that night: they had been indeed way different from the ones before. It was as affectionate but there had been something deeper underneath. You had also glimpsed his hands falling on his thighs and twitching nervously more than once. You had not understood at first but now that you were thinking about it, maybe it was because he had wanted to hold you close to him, like a few hours before. It would make sense. You had been really close the days before and maybe he was missing those moments as much as you were. He was probably too hesitant about it though. Maybe he needed a push...

You had made a move that same evening, when only Jean, Scott, Kurt, Warren and you were left in the kitchen. After some time, you had felt too tired to keep talking and Warren had walked you back to your room, his wings moving constantly behind him, making him seemed agitated. You had taken his hand in yours to calm him down and by the time you had reached your door, he was squeezing it tightly, rubbing his thumb against yours. You had not wanted him to leave you but the sound of his voice had brought you back to reality. Your eyes drifting toward his face, you had seen him leaning forward, placing a hand on your hip. You heard him say I'll see you tomorrow before kissing you on the cheek softly, his lips barely touching your skin. It was the first kiss he had ever given you and the first thought that had crossed your mind was that you were hoping it would not be the last. He had given you one last lingering look before letting go of your hand and leaving. You stayed in front of your door for a few second; your hand on your cheek, your heart fluttering in your chest. Well, if he needed a push to show you some affection you were going to push him hard, you said to yourself as you crashed onto your bed.

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