Chapter 4| Bowling

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It was silent in the library. Not a soul was left to wander between the aisles filled of dusty books and neatly arranged tables. Laying in one of the few couches of the room, you glanced at your watch. It was almost 9pm. Most of the students were probably back into their bedroom, but not you. You were waiting on your friends, still training with the professors. And it made you miserable.

Not because you were left alone, but because you were left alone with your thoughts. And after the event of a couple days ago, it wasn't something you wanted.

But still, there again,you went back to it, to this dreadful feeling that you will never be able to get a grip on your Electrokinesis.

On some days, it went smoothly. Your training with the Professor went without problem and you could feel yourself progressing, but on others days, it was the entire opposite. And it was how you felt now. Especially with this electrical current building up inside of you at the most random of moments: when you were eating, attending classes and even sleeping. It would start slow, with a burning feeling inside your stomach, and then it would spread to your entire body until sparks of electricity would pour out of your fingers. Most of the times, you were able to control it by focusing really hard and make it disappear before you could hurt anybody. But some times, you screwed up. And two days ago, you did.

You were showering, so early in the morning that most of the students were still in bed, when you felt this familiar feeling grow inside of you. You had closed your eyes, focusing really hard to nip it in the bud, but it hadn't work. Instead of getting rid of the electricity inside of you, you had absorbed the current around you, making the light bulbs in the bathroom blinked off, followed by every single one in the house.

All this electricity pouring inside you overcharged you and you freaked out, incapable of figuring out what to do next. Feeling your distress, Professor X had come to the rescue. He had talked to you in your head, calming you and helping you regain control of yourself. But then, he had told to let go of your surplus of electricity and you screwed up. You wanted so much to get rid of it that instead of letting it go slowly, like he advised, you sent it all away at once. Every light bulbs and electronic devices connected to an outlet in the house exploded in shards of glass, injuring many students.

Ashamed, you had locked yourself up in your room for an entire day before Jean dragged you out of it, telling you to pull yourself together. She had made you walk through the entire school to show you that people were okay, that the injuries weren't as bad as you believed, and that you shouldn't fret about it.

And it had worked, at least a little. You didn't feel as guilty as before. You simply felt worried and insecure. All of your friends had their powers on lock and you didn't, not really at least.

You would have stayed on the couch, staring at the ceiling and feeling sorry for yourself, for a while longer if Kurt hadn't appeared next to you in a puff of black smoke. The sudden noise made you jumped in surprise, and he apologized.

"Are you busy?" he asked in his thick German accent. "The others asked me to get you, they want to go bowling."


You widened your eyes, wondering where this idea was coming from. And then, you knew. It was Scott, of course. Not caring one bit about the rules of the school.

Kurt nodded, looking as perplexed as you did. He offered you his three-fingered hand and you took it, feeling relieved to spend the night with your friends and away from your thoughts.

A few seconds later, you felt a cold breeze on your skin and then a sudden dizziness. You clutched Kurt's hand in yours and took a deep breath of nighttimeair. It was the first time Kurt teleported you and you had to admit it was a little unpleasant.

A New Beginning - Warren Worthington III (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now