Chap.8 - First Training

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By the time the fire died, you and Warren were both soundly asleep. You were wake up by the noise of the door opening. You yawned, tired and noticed your hand was still nested in Warren's hair. You removed it slowly, not wanting to wake him up. You heard someone call your name and raised your heard toward the sound. Professor X was on the doorstep, smiling. He moved his head toward the hallway, telling you to follow him. You removed the blanket that was on you and put it on Warren carefully. You got up, as silently as you could, and got out.


"Are you sure?" You stammered after hearing the Professor's proposition. "I don't think I'm ready for that."

The Professor was looking at you benevolently. He pushed his wheelchair toward you and put his hand on your arm, like your father did when you were younger.

"You are more than ready. Plus, it is the perfect place for you to master your powers." He paused, frowning. "Don't worry about that. You're not going to hurt them." He assured you, reading your mind.

He left, leaving you more worried than ever. When you got back to the living room, many minutes after you had left it, Warren was gone.


The night was as bad as you had expected it to be. Sleep was flying away from you, dodging every of your attempts with horrendous nightmares. Each one had been more horrible than the last. And each time you had seen your friends get injured or die because you could not control your damn powers.

You had not announced the news to the others yet. It was stupid because you knew they would cheer you up and encourage you. They had been talking about you coming to train with them for some time now and they would be thrilled to know it was finally happening.

Tired of rolling over in your bed, still sweaty because of your last nightmare, you decided to get out of bed and go watch some dumb television show in the living room. You sneak out of the room, trying to do as less noise as you could, even if you knew Ororo was a heavy sleeper.

On your way to the living room of the first floor, you glimpsed light coming from behind the door of one of the kitchen. You stopped hesitantly and decided to take a quick look inside, to see who could be awake at this time of the night. To your surprise, you recognized your silver haired friend. You opened the door entirely and asked him softly:

"Peter, what are you doing here?"

Peter jumped off his chair, startled. The Coke he was holding almost falling on the floor before he catch it up, so fast you did not even saw him do it.

"You're crazy! You scared the shit out of me!" He muttered, sitting back on his chair.

You walked toward him and took a seat next to him. From this distance, you could see that his hair was a mess, that his eyes were red and that his hands were shaking faintly.

"What's up with you?" You inquired, concerned. "You've been acting strange lately."

You had not seen him a lot during the week to be honest. You had assumed it was because he was feeling bad about telling everybody about Warren's secret during your game of Never Have I Ever, but you were not sure of that anymore.

He did not seem to hear you. You moved a little closer to him.

"It is about your-"You stopped, hesitant about the word you should use. "Peter, is it about Erik?"

Peter seemed to remember your presence when you pronounced Erik's name. He had told all of you about it a few weeks ago. At the time he had seemed rather confident, waiting for the right time to tell Erik about him being his son.

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