Chap.11 - You Are To Me

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You searched for him for hours. You scoured the lake and its surroundings desperately, hoping you would stumble across him. At first, you went looking for him on your own, thinking naively he would not have gone far but after many unsuccessful tries you had decided to go ask the others for help. You told them briefly what had happened and Peter left as soon as you had finished talking to look for him. He came back a few seconds afterwards, unsuccessful. Panic and confusion washed over you and you started to sob. You did not even know why, it was just too much to handle. Warren and you had been so close and you had so much hope for you two that it just felt like something was ripped away from you without apparent reason. Ororo took you in her arms, brushing your back and letting you cry on her shoulder while Jean searched for Warren's thoughts. You would replay the scene in your head over and over again but none of it made sense. Feeling Kurt patting your shoulder gently, you raised your head and saw Jean shake her head, sorry.

You waited an hour, sitting next to the lake, hoping he would reappear. Your eyes were sore and red, your hair a mess and your mind totally unable to give you some sort of answer for his sudden departure. Peter had left to check the surroundings and when he came back, empty-handed, everybody decided that you should all go back to the school. Warren would not come back here, in fact he might have went to the school instead.

This thought gave you hope and you grabbed Kurt's arm, begging him to teleport you there. As soon as you arrived, you ran toward his room eagerly. The small part of hope you had grew considerably when you found his swimming trunks on the floor of his bedroom, next to his open wardrobe. He had come back to the school to change, so he might still be here. You ran toward the roof: it was the only possible place he could be in, the only place peaceful enough for him to be truly himself. All your hope vanished when you realized the roof was empty: he was not there and there was no sign of him even coming up during the time he had come back to change. You thought about searching the other rooms but it felt pointless. Instead, you went into the garden and wait for Scott, Jean, Ororo and Peter to arrive.

You did not even have to ask Jean to search for Warren's thoughts; she did it as soon as she saw you. She searched for a long time, looking into the mind of every students but he was not here. You did not think you could have felt more depressed but you did. You were overcome with sadness and concern.

Where did he go? What was he doing? Was he okay?

Going to the Professor X to ask for his help crossed your mind. He had the Cerebro, he could find him but Jean and Ororo convinced you not too. Warren would come back; you just had to give him some time.


Sitting on an armchair in the living room, your eyes did not leave the window for the entire evening. You were hoping to catch a glimpse of Warren's metallic wings, hoping to see him reappear and tell you everything was okay. Hoping everything would go back to normal. But you were also afraid that as soon as you would see him again, everything would change. Warren was not easy to approach, and even less to apprehend. You did not know much about him, he was like Peter: surrounding himself with barriers and not letting a lot of people in. Every time he would open to you, something underneath would stay hidden. Harassed by those thoughts, the evening stretched out for hours. When finally, the sun set out, and the sky became so dark you could not see anything except for the stars and the moon, you decided to go to your room. Lying down in your bed, you tried to fall asleep but you did not succeed for many hours.


Everything was black when you opened your eyes again and you gasped when you felt something on your shoulder. You heard Jean's voice and relaxed. A quick look at your alarm clock informed you it was three a.m. You deduced you must have fallen asleep at some point. Not fully awake, you sat on your bed, rubbing your eyes. Jean sat next to you and gave you a small white suitcase. You frowned, not understanding.

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