Chapter 7| Rain

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There was only one word to describe the weather you were experiencing at this moment.


The sky was of a dark grey colour, a storm thundered in the horizon and rain poured from the sky like an unstoppable and angry waterfall.

The only thought of stepping into this living hell was enough to make you want to crawl back into your bed and wait for the storm to pass.

But then, there was another thought. One more convincing. One that told you that you only had to run for a few seconds under the rain to be able to meet Warren. And that it would be worth it.

That's all it took to convinced you. Taking a deep breath, you put on the hood of your sweatshirt and stepped out of the door that led from the attic of the school to the roof.

Just as you had thought, it took you less than twenty seconds to reach the small alcove where Warren was waiting for you, seating his back against the wall. Still, it was more than enough time for the rain to make your sweatshirt stick to your skin.

Shivering slightly from the drops of water that were running down your skin, you crashed on the floor in front of Warren and lowered your now wet hood.

"Too cool for an umbrella?" he teased you as you were taking off your sweatshirt to make it dry on the floor.

"I could ask you the same question," you retorted as you noticed the water in his blond hair and the dampness of his trademark leather jacket, drying on the floor next to him.

Warren held back a smile as he nodded a silent Touché.

And just like that, you couldn't help but smile wildly at him, like you often did in the past few days. Ever since the game of Never Have I Ever, a week ago.

And even though, at the time, you had hated confessing the accident with the janitor, now you were almost grateful for it. Because it had brought Warren and you closer than ever. On this day, you had both found a trusting confident in each other and you strengthened this bond every single day since.

This time, Warren couldn't hold back his smile. His lips curled up and his eyes shone with amusement and what you read like tenderness. Or at least, affection. It made your heart beat a bit faster because you recognized this expression. It was the one he wore with Peter, and sometimes with Ororo; the face he shared only with his closest friends.

Just like that, your mind went reeling back to the last few days: to all the hours spent on this roof with him, between classes and his training with Mystique; to the long discussions you had about your families, your past and present friends, your powers. You had been learning to know each other. You had been learning to be comfortable with one another.

And now, you were.

Without another word or the slightest of hesitation, you opened the satchel you had been carrying around and started rummaging through its content. You stopped only when your hands found a slim wrapped rectangular package. You took it out and handed it to Warren, your fingers slightly trembling as you were starting to wonder if it wasn't too soon for that. But it was too late for second-thoughts: Warren was already holding the package in his hands.

"What is it?" He asked, his brows creased with confusion.

"It's a gift. For you."

Your answer took him by surprise as he looked at you in bewilderment. His eyes lingered on your face, taking in your expression, before focusing back on the wrapped gift. You felt like taking him into your arms right here and then. But you didn't. Instead, you waited for him to say something. Which he did, with a teasing smile on his face.

A New Beginning - Warren Worthington III (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now