Chap. 12 - I Want To Be With You

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You wake up the next morning in an incredible mood. You had slept so soundly that when your alarm clock rang you almost jumped out of bed, reinvigorate by a sudden joie de vivre. This happiness and energy you felt took you by surprise, especially after the gloomy evening you had spent worrying about Warren. But the events of the night had been enough to totally wipe out every bad memory you could have. Excited, you changed and get washed quickly, hoping to see Warren before your first classes of the morning. As you moved across the room, humming, you could feel Ororo's eyes on you, staring at you from her bed as if you were the strangest person alive. You could understand why she felt that way considering she had seen you get to bed totally depressed and wake up in a joyful mood. Twice, you had considered telling her about last night but twice you came to the conclusion it would be better if you saw Warren first. In fact, it was something you were starting to worry about: did the kiss mean the same thing for the both of you? Did it mean you were a couple now? It felt both strange and exhilarating to think about the two of you like that. But maybe you would not have to talk; in fact talking was the last thing you had on your mind. The recollection of the kiss, still fresh in your mind, made you bring your hand to your lips, grinning.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Ororo finally asked you, eyes wide open. "You're starting to freak me out!"

You gave her a radiant smile and got out of the bedroom, shouting: "See you at lunch!"

As you were walking away, you heard her shouting back: "You're crazy!"

It made you chuckle: you might be crazy. In fact, when you thought about it, you had to admit that Warren was... well, that he was different. He was more mature, experienced and dangerous than most boys in this school. More damaged too. Life has not been easy on him and maybe it was naive of you to think you could help him get better. There was still a lot you did not know about him. Even with what he confessed last night, there was still so much blanks in his story. How did he end up trapped in Germany, fighting other mutants? What did he mean about one of his wings being burnt? About Apocalypse giving him new wings? How was his family? You did not expect much from this last subject as it was considered touchy by a lot of people here. Let's just say that some had very comprehensive parents, and others, not so much. But, going back to Warren, when you thought deeply about it, he was not a safe choice. Your brain was almost shouting at you that one way or another he would break your heart. But this stupid heart of yours did not care at all. All he wanted was him, no matter what. And considering how Warren kissed you last night, you were pretty sure he wanted you too.

This memory made you quicken the pace, your entire body aching to touch him again. You had twenty minutes before your lessons so you walked straight to his bedroom, not knowing who you would find. In front of the door, you hesitated a second. What would you say if it was Scott or Peter that would open? You brushed this off your mind; they must be in class right now. You knocked on the door, several times: no answer. You looked in the corridor, watching if any teachers were in sight, and because they were none you entered. Teachers did not allowed students to be alone in a bedroom, which was considerably hard given the number of teenagers in this school. In this particular case, they had nothing to worry about since you found Warren sleeping on his bed; Kurt, Peter and Scott, nowhere to be found. Getting closer to him, you realized he had not move since you had left him last night. You sighed, resigned to have to wait for him to wake up. You were about to leave the room when you noticed something on his nightstand that was not there before. You got closer and realized it was the framed photograph you had given him, that afternoon on the roof. It lifted your spirits more than you would have expected. It was turned toward his pillow and you pictured him looking at it before going to sleep. You smiled unconsciously and left the room, ready to wait a few more hours if need be.

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