Chapter 140: This Is Dinner

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!!!!! Pr Credits To Draconis Von BloodTrap &  Dragonofsomesort  Who Constantly Help With SR chapters, Please take the time to rep them for their work :)

Just a heads up Draconis wont be pring chapter 142 as he has Rl obligations :)

So i'v decided to release a special release for you guys, strangely im in a good mood even though with this new beta update my stories rank has gone to  70 something o.o i wont let it get me down like i'v said i'v had my reader base and regardless at this point i can only grow il leave the rankings to the others. (Sad yeah yeah im a little salty about it leave me alone!) (Alf: Zephon is talking about the Royal road website, if you were confused.)

Some more good news, the artwork should be done pretty soon i got the 3rd copies of the drafts and i'm liking how they are looking right now. i don't mind the appearance for limos and god at this stage, limos isn't completed and with each new fragment given it will change so i'm not overly worried about the reception for the picture when received by you guys.

I'v found Two Prs for Ethereal sovereign and tonight i sent the Raw copy off to the shop to get fixed if you catch my drift. When its done and i'm satisfied with it not just in Pring but with changes i may make to my previous writing, i'l send it to be released. to those i havent replied to who have offered i truly apologize, o.o some interesting offers to say the least.

Some other things Gods heart/Dark Matter core/Dark heart. take your pick, or Avrins heart. Some of you may have forgotten but Dark matter is creation. I feel i haven't touched upon this aspect enough so in the next few chapters you will see me tinkering with this to progress Avrin as a character and the story.

People don't like what they don't understand or things they aren't used to, Spectral Regalia isn't a story that follows all common cliches and story lines, my main intention is to give everything more freedom and expansion. With 5 universes i don't plan to cut anything short.

I truly hope you guys like these next few chapters i'm putting 110% effort into improving myself and i like to think i'm improving at a decent pace.

If i have any hopeful authors who want to or plan to write a story that read this, i can tell you this as advice. do not flood your beggining with to much content, settle your start and slowly progress things, draft out the first few chapters and write down general plot ideas before writing/typing, it really helps. its taken me 2 years or so to realize my mistake and comparing quality now to my first volume, its the distance between heaven and earth? i believe they say.

So on an ending note, i'v added a poll in regards to an idea someone pmed me awhile ago. Please feel free to vote or not, also i hope to see more random guests register and comment about how they feel about the chapter or discuss it a bit. :)

Regardless enjoy.


A look of surprise followed by excitement could be seen on Calomia's face. She could tell at first glance Avrin wasn't simple. Anyone who lost their legs and an arm would all but give up hope and live the life of a homeless person where every second was a struggle to live, but as she looked at Avrin, from the second they met she could see he didn't pay too much attention to it, as if he was 100% certain that he would grow his limbs back.

She quickly moved her hands around a small satchel at her waist before pulling out a four pinky nail sized pieces of crystal that seemed to have a small, very transparent blue mist that was barely noticeable within the crystal's center.

"These....these are me and little Ilisia's life savings that I have gathered over the past eight years..." Calomia, holding those lucent crystals, saw that Avrin extended his hand over to her as if he wanted to take a look. "Mm..." she quietly murmured, somewhat reluctant. "I won't take them... Look at me. It's not as if I can run." he joked to reassure her.

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