Ch 97: Half-Breed

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The tournaments date was no accident. All Branch academies were boarding schools so to speak, meaning everyone who would be entering it had stayed within the boundaries of their schools training and improving themselves.

No one expected first years to enter, despite it not being forbidden. It was a sort of rule that only those who had remained at a branch academy for at least a year could enter. After all, no one would want to make a fool out of themselves.

Avrin, on the other hand, was a different story. Heading towards the school library, he was trying to figure out how to waste a week's worth of time and what he could achieve before rising up.

The academy's interior was what one would expect from a prestigious establishment. Laymist may be on the bottom of the chain, but it didn't stop it from being built like a palace. One could tell the materials used were of high quality from the fabric of the curtains to the windows in the walkway to the wood used in the frames of the arches and doors.

Even the students who wore their uniforms were no different. Avrin being one of them. He had plenty of time to wear his uniform, but if there were many people who weren't wearing it yet then he didn't feel obligated to wear it either.

Avrin felt a little nostalgic. The last time he attended an educational institute was many years ago. Back when he was a human. He had completed his studies at a military institute after becoming old enough to take care of himself.

Being an orphan with no parents wasn't any deterrent for him, he wasn't a picky person when it came to future goals. He would have the bare minimum to allow himself to live happily.

Becoming a general established his status and safety, while here he would just become strong enough to look after himself and keep an eye on the other Spectrals.

After walking for a couple of minutes, Avrin finally reached the library inside the main building. The large doors were made from a sort of white metal that looked as beautiful as marble. He had to stand and look for a moment to admire it, but this caused a few people passing by to look at him weirdly.

The library was quite large spanning hundreds of meters but the higher levels were visible. It stood tall like a tower, spanning at least 6 levels. One could see individuals on all levels tending to their own business.

"Out of my way!..." As Avrin was admiring the sight of knowledge he was pushed aside by a brawny individual wearing the Laymist uniform with rusted colored edgings and an iron badge. "-This punk..-" Avrin couldn't help but think as he was shoved aside. The three individuals were laughing as they ignored him and continued on.

Avrin truly wanted to teach them a lesson, but didn't forget his goal. He calmed himself down while gazing fiercely at these the students. He definitely wouldn't let himself get pushed around. He would handle obligations soon enough.

Walking around the shelves that were littered with many books of Common and Uncommon quality, one could definitely tell the better books were levels above, but he dared not go there and cause trouble, so he had to make due for now.

He didn't have any intention of staying a day longer within Laymist academy if he didn't need to, but it didn't hurt to prepare for the long run as it was better to be safe than sorry, and Avrin knew that with his luck he would always draw the short straw.

"Alphabetical order huh.. Let's see... Dark Abyss Chasm, anything related to it.." Looking around, Avrin didn't have high hopes, but at the same time he didn't have anything better to do. "Found it! 'Common Knowledge of the Dark Abyss Chasm'" He cheerfully spoke before reaching out to grab the book. But as he did, a swift blur took him by surprise and reached out to grab the book before him.

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