Chapter 11 - BridesMaid
Nebbie was with Jessica and Nolan at the bridal store. Nebbie held Nolan in her arms as Jessica came to pick up her dresses.
"Where are all the other girls?" Nebbie asked.
"They not my maid of honor, are they?" Jessica asked.
"I'm your maid of honor really?"
"Duh you are my best friend."
"So how are you and Adonis?"
"Oh you mean my man. We good."
"What!? You guys got back together? When?"
"Last week that's why I've been a little to myself."
"I'm so happy! You know he can come to the wedding too?"
"I'll be sure to tell him that."
"I'm your man," Nolan whined.
"Oh Nolan. I still got love for you," Nebbie kissed his cheek. Nolan smiled.
Nebbie was at Adonis's house. They were on the couch trying to figure what they wanted to watch on Netflix.
"What you want to watch?" Adonis asked.
"There is this show that I find hilarious. It's called park and recreation but nobody want to watch it with me because they say it's not funny," Nebbie said.
"I'll watch it with you it can't be that bad besides I'm your man and I'll do everything with you."
"Well aren't you sweet." Nebbie kissed him on the lips. Adonis put on the show and they began to watch it together. They cuddled underneath a blanket and watched the show together. Adonis found the show funny like Nebbie did. It's the little things Nebbie thought.
Nebbie fell asleep on the couch but she woke to the smell of beef. She saw Adonis making burgers on the skillet.
"Oh so you cooking for me," Nebbie said. Adonis laughed.
"I was hungry and I figured you would be too," Adonis said.
"You know me so well," Nebbie said. She got up and helped cut the potatoes for the french fries.
"So how's your family?" Adonis asked.
"My mom and dad are fine they still are very much in love with each other."
"That's great I missed them too just like my mom misses you."
"She does."
"Yeah she loves you she used to tell me to work things out with you but I figured you didn't. That was the past and I'm just so happy to call you mine again."
"Me too I missed you, Donnie." Nebbie kissed him on the lips before going back to the burgers.
Hey! If you're reading this on June 27th then it's my birthday. Sorry if this chapter is short it's just a filler and I hate giving y'all baby chapters but I haven't been feeling it lately. We got to 1k read before my birthday and I that's amazing. As of right now, I've been in my feelings over this boy. I swear I hate catching feelings. The fact that this boy embarrassed me and I still like him. I feel stupid but the heart wants it wants I guess. Anyways I love y'all and just bare with me I've been going through it but you'll get our updates. I promise. :)

We Need We
General Fiction"We need We. Don't forget that, Nebbie." "We need we. I promise I won't." A promise between soulmates is a promise that shouldn't be broken. Unfortunately, a tragic event occurs in Nebbie and Adonis's relationship that causes that promise to break...