Chapter 1

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Hello! This is my first book, so I hope you enjoy!



(Becca's POV)

I looked out of my window to see all the little kids playing and screaming with happiness. I sighed. Today was my 7th year in the orphanage in London.Yay for me. That was sarcasm by the way. I had my 12th birthday only 2 days ago. No one celebrated. No one cared. But I already knew that. I could hear footsteps on the stairs so I quickly ran to my bed and shoved my journal under my pillow. The door flew open and miss Marx walked through, "Becca, Get your ass down to the kitchen right now. The dishes need washing!" Of course, no one wanted to do it so I had to. She was always making me do chores. I huffed and left the room. I could hear her behind me but I just kept walking.

After I had finished I wiped my hands and went back to my small, empty room. There wasn't really anything in my room. You didn't need much to be an orphan. I had a bed and a closet. I had a small bedside table and a window seat that I sat on everyday. I didn't have very much clothes either, and out of what was there, they weren't very nice. I made sure all my clothes covered my whole body to hide my cuts and burns. I got dressed. I wore my soft brown hair down and wrote in my journal,

Dear journal,

Well, another day in the orphanage. Today is my seventh year here. I did the dishes again this morning. I don't know why that witch makes me do them. I have never done anything wrong. I remember when Dad used to make me do chores between beatings. I still have the bruises from them. they just won't go away. I think he meant it when he said he would haunt me forever because he is cursing me with these bruises and burns.

I have to go now, i can her miss Marx yelling. That probably means more chores. Yay.(sarcasm)

Stay strong, Becca


I slid my journal into the little black box I kept under my bed. The box had my razor, my knife and my journal. All the things important to me. I had just stood up when I heard miss Marx yell at me, "BECCA CLAIRE! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I hurried because it sounded like she was really mad. This could not be good.

As soon as I hit the last step I turned to see five boys standing in front of me. Miss Marx came and stood beside me. She leaned down and whispered in my ear, "These boys want to adopt a girl your age. I want it to be you so you can leave and so I don't have to see your face ever again. Behave." She straightened and left the room. No, no, no! Nobody can adopt me! They will beat me and then send me back like the rest!


The car ride was very quiet. We were going to the orphanage adopt a child. Simon says it's a good way to show some responsibility and for more publicity. The lads and I decided we would adopt a girl. We were all going to be dads. How is that going to work?

We stood in the quiet room where we were meeting all the girls in. We picked the age group 11-13 because we decided if we were on tour or busy, she would be able to look after herself somewhat.

The house lady, Miss Marx, yelled upstairs for the last girl, "BECCA CLAIRE! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" We all flinched at how loud she was. After a few seconds a sweet, tiny girl was at the bottom of the steps, just looking at us. She almost looked sad. Miss Marx went to stand by her side and whispered so we couldn't hear. We could hear her say,  "These boys want to adopt a girl your age. I want it to be you so you can leave and so I don't have to see your face ever again. Behave." We all gave each other looks of surprise. Miss Marx left and I looked at the girl's face. She was so sweet looking. Her long brown hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. They were full of sorrow and, almost anger. I knelt down in front of her and said, "Hello, my name is Louis. What's your name?"


"Hello, my name is Louis. What's your name? one with brown hair knelt down to my level. 

"Ummm, Becca." I stalled, I couldn't let them adopt me!

"Well, I'll introduce you to these boys here," He waved his hand towards the four other boys behind him.

"This is Niall" A blond haired boy waved.

"This is harry" A guy with brown curls smiled at me.

"This is Liam" He didn't have much hair on his head but he looked really nice.

"And this is Zayn." A dark haired boy with a hairstyle that I think was called a quif or something like that smiled and waved.

"Well now you know us. What do you do around here for fun, Becca?" Louis asked me.

"Well, there's not much to do here so I usually just sit in my room." I answered quietly. I was so shocked that people actually wanted to adopt someone like me. I hope they chose someone else.

"Alright. Do you like music?" Niall asked me. 

"Umm we have a radio here and sometimes when miss Marx isn't watching I will turn it on and listen." The boys give each other looks that almost look like they are worried.

"Okay, what kind do you like?" Harry asked me.

"Umm I don't really have a favorite kind. I just listen to whatever to pass time."

"Okay, well you can go back upstairs and we will talk with miss Marx." Louis smiled and I left. I ran to my room almost in tears. They couldn't adopt me. They just couldn't!

That's the first chapter! What do you think?





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