Chapter 18

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(Becca's POV)

I woke up and rolled over, snuggling into my pillow. But it wasn't a pillow. It was Dad. I turned to look at him. He was sound asleep. I took this time to look at my surroundings. We were in a fairly big room. There was a bathroom and a wardrobe and a small desk in the corner. Our suitcases were in the corner. I carefully got off Dad and went out into the main room. It was HUGE! I walked into the kitchen to find Liam sitting there with tea and on his IPad. Typical.

"Morning Liam." I said sleepily.

"Good morning, Becca. Did you sleep okay?" He sounded wide awake.

"Yeah I feel pretty good." he smiled a little at this and nodded. He went back to his IPad and I went to the main room. I looked out the window to see a beach with the sunrise behind it. I went back to liam.

"Hey Liam? Where are we exactly?" He chuckled to himself and looked at me.

"Well, our first stop on our tour is Australia. So, that is where we are." He smiled. (I just made the location anywhere. I don't know if that is really the first place so don't hate me)

My eyes widened in shock. Australia! I have always wanted to come here! It took a second to sink in but then I started vibrating with excitement. I jumped up and down shouting, "We are in Australia! OH MY GOD!!!!!" Liam started to laugh. He came over and hugged me tight to stop me from jumping.

"HAHA. Becca. You are going to wake everybody in the country! Calm down!" I stopped jumping, grinning so big, my jaw hurt. But I didn't care because we were in Australia! I finally calmed down and got myself a cup of tea. I sat at the table and took put my phone. After I checked my instagram I decided that I was bored. I shut it off and looked towards Liam.

I know I was trying to keep my distance, but I felt as though Liam was my best friend/brother. I felt as though I could tell him anything and he would feel the same. He was an amaZAYN person. (see what I did there?) But seriously, he was the best. They all were.

Liam was like a brother/counsellor/best friend forever type person. You could tell him anything and he would always know what to say to you. He was truly 'Daddy Direction'.

Everyone says Harry is a flirt. Well, okay maybe he is but he is also a guy who could care a lot about someone. One day, a girl will be very lucky to have him. He will always care about the boys and I. No matter what happens. I just know it.

Zayn is kind of quiet and mysterious, but he can be gentle and supportive at times too! He is always looking for something to fix. I can see the way he looks at Perrie and his eyes are filled with love and concern. Why concern? I didn't know, but I know she is very lucky to have him to watch out for her.

Niall. Oh that little leprechaun! You could get lost in his blue orbs for eyes. He was always looking out for you. You were sick? He would make soup and stay with you until you got better. You were feeling lonely? He was right there to keep you company. He was always eating, but while filling his stomach, I think it also fills his heart.

And then there is Dad. Sometimes, he can act like a 5 year old, but at other times, he is a serious man who means business. I can tell he helps hold the group together. He is always lightening up the mood and I know now, as I think about it, he will always love and care for me. He is my dad. The dad I was meant for.

I realized now, I had zoned out for about 15 minutes thinking about my new family. Liam was looking at me with concern. "Becca? Are you alright." I shook my head as if trying to snap out of it.

"Yeah, I am fine. I just zoned out for a bit there." He shrugged it off. I went to the main room again to see Harry and Niall on the couch.

"Good morning!" They said together. Creepy.

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