Chapter 20

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(Becca's POV)

I was getting dressed for my first interview today. I admit, I was very nervous. What if Daddy's fans didn't like me? What if I messed up? What if I embarrassed myself? I put on some blue skinny jeans, a light green tank top with a dark green chiffon shirt and some green TOMS. I put my hair into a French ponytail and grabbed my phone. Then I noticed that I had a new text.

From Shayla:

Hey Becca! We went to provincials and we won! We all wished you were there with us though. I hope you are having fun in Australia! Tell me all about it! :)

Well, that is cool. I texted her back saying congratulations and that Australia was cool. I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs. Harry and Liam were sitting on the couch talking. I went to the doorway but stopped. I know eavesdropping is bad but, whatever.

"Look, Liam, I just don't see how we can go on tour and take care of her. We can barely take care of her at home!" Harry said.

"Harry, we can do this. She has gone through a lot in her life and you have to understand that. Lou knows what he is doing and so do the rest of us. She is broken and we are going to fix her! We are halfway to fixing her and you're going to give up?!" Liam raised his voice on that last part.

"Well, I used to think that I could fix her too but she is just too much of a burden to handle! She is always sad and crying and you barely see her smile. You say she is broken, but have you ever thought that she is unfixable?! Have you Liam?! You have a brain! Use it! Think about how hard it will be to do all the concerts and then have to worry about her! Well, I am not going to put up with a little girl who just wants attention!" Harry was standing over Liam now. I decided that it was my cue to step in and give him a piece of it.

As soon as I walked in, Harry sat down and they both adjusted their faces. "Hey be-"

"Save it lover boy!" I cut Harry off. He had a shocked look on his face. "I just heard what you said now and I might say, you are such a stupid boy! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME IN MY LIFETIME! HUH! WELL THEN, LET ME ENLIGHTEN YOU! I WAS RAPED, DRUGGED, CUT, KICKED, PUNCHED, AND WHIPPED! ALL BY MY FATHER! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YOUR FATHER! PLAY FOOTBALL IN THE NEAREST FIELD?! WELL LUCKY YOU! You think you now all about me don't you?! Well, you don't know half of it. Stay away from me, Styles. In fact, never ever talk to me again!" I blew up! I couldn't take it anymore! He thought he knew me. Boy was he wrong.

I turned to see all the rest of the lads in the doorway, all with the same expression. Shock. Daddy took a step forward to me but I just pushed past him. I waked to the door and I heard footsteps behind me. "Where do you think you are going?" Dad's voice broke the silence.

"Out. I will be here in time for the interview." And with that, I walked out, ignoring Dads protests. (hehe. he can't protest, his name's not Jimmy!) 

I had been walking for a while now. I don't know how long, but long enough to cool down from my outburst earlier on. I had thought about so many things. My life. A messed up, twisted piece of crap. I had had so many thoughts about just walking far away and never coming back, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I figured it was time to head back so we wouldn't be late for the interview. So, I went back to the apartment/hotel room and thought about how my life is never going to change.

Harry's POV

Shit. That's what I felt like. I don't know what came over me but obviously, Becca was listening. I don't know why I said all those things. I still believe she can be fixed, I just got stressed. That's what touring does to me. Then, she just blew up! I was utterly shocked! I never thought that little girl, all broken up inside, could scream like that. I guess all that sadness and anger from over the years just decided to come out. and that was all because of me.

Then she told me to never talk to her again. She told me to stay away. She thinks I am a monster.. because I am. After she left, Louis gave me a good lecture, which involved him being held down so he didn't murder me. Liam was obviously mad. He gave me the look which meant Daddy Direction was about to explode too. I felt awful. Now how am I supposed to help fix her when I just nearly broke her again!

So that's what sadness and depression feels like.

(Louis POV)

The nerve of Harry! He thinks he can just blurt things out! I am furious! I had just made her happy and he has the thought of ruining it! I gave him a lecture as soon as Becca left. Now, I know what your thinking,  what if she runs away or how could he leave his daughter to roam the streets! Well, if I sent someone after her, she would be even more mad, so I let her go to cool off.

My poor baby girl. I don't know anymore. Maybe Harry is right. Maybe she is unfixable. 

Becca's POV

I opened the door and went inside. I ran to Dad's and my room and flopped on the bed. Why is life so complicated? After sitting like that for about 5 minutes, Dad walked in and when he saw me, he ran to me and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist because I was that short to him. He brought us to the bed and sat me in his lap. He kissed the top of my head and we sat there for about 2 minutes.

"Are you alright baby girl?" He asked softly. I nodded and started to play with my fingers in my lap. "Hey, look at me." I didn't look at him. He lightly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. My blue eyes to his.T hey were filled with worry.

"Talk to me princess. What's wrong." Tears brimmed my eyes. I shook my head and looked down again. He hugged me tight to his chest and he laid down on the bed with me in his arms. I wish we could stay like this forever. It was one of the few father-daughter moments we had. And it felt good. It made me feel loved, like I was an actual person. He was my dad. The one I was meant to have. I smiled lightly against his chest. He was a really good dad.

(Louis' pov)

I felt her smile against my chest. I smiled too. She was my daughter. My beautiful baby girl. She was mine and I never wanted to let her go. I pulled her away from me so I could look at her. She was smiling that beautiful smile that I loved to see.

"What are you thinking about, sweetie?" She smiled wider. She leaped onto me again and wrapped those tiny arms around my neck.

"You are my dad. The dad that I was meant to have. Thank you. For everything. Thank you for being my Dad. I love you, Daddy." she whispered in my ear. I grinned so wide it almost hurt. But I didn't care. She appreciated everything I gave her and that made me happy.

"I  love you too, my beautiful princess." And we stayed like that until she fell asleep. After about 10 minutes, Niall came and got me. It was time to go. He smiled when he saw us and quickly took a picture. He sent it to my phone and we went downstairs. We climbed in the limo, me, with my sleeping daughter.

My daughter, the one I loved so much. The one that brought a smile to my face. But one thing occurred to me. She needs a mom......


yaaaaaaaaaaay! I pretty much got the rest of the story planned, it is just a matter of writing it. so, let it begin! thanks again for reading everybody! over 600 reads! that is amazayn!!!!! thank you so much!

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