Chapter 5

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(Louis's POV)

"Well, what was that?" Liam broke the silence.

"I had to test her. She wouldn't take 3 bites of that sandwich before looking like she was going to be sick." Zayn was thinking. I could tell. This is bothering him.

"Wait! What sandwich!?" Niall didn't give time for an answer. He was in the kitchen in a flash, looking for the sandwich. "Awe! I was saving that sandwich!"

"Sorry lad." Zayn clapped Niall on the shoulder.

"It's alright. I'll make another one later. But about Becca, maybe she has an eating disorder."

"I don't know. It just didn't make sense. She wouldn't be so scared to tell us if it was an eating disorder." Harry's deep voice carried through the room.

"Let's get some sleep lads, we will talk to Becca in the morning." I said and we all walked to our bedrooms.

 (Becca's POV)

I woke up and felt pretty good. Then the memory of last night came to my mind and I instantly felt tired again. I hopped out of bed and took a shower. I still didn't have very much clothes so I put on a plain green long sleeve and some sweats. My stomach started to growl so I went downstairs to get breakfast. There sat the boys and as I walk in, they stop talking.

"Morning" I said quietly.

"Morning Becca. Care to join us?" Niall waved his hand over towards a plate of eggs and bacon. I gulped.

"Uhh, sure." I cautiously sat down and picked up the fork. All the boys watched me as I took the first bite. I took a second and a third and by then, I was holding my stomach in pain. None of them told me to eat anymore. Just looked at me. Finally, the pain was gone. I sat up straight and pushed the plate away. "I'm full." As I started to walk out a hand caught my wrist.

I wrenched away from it to find myself staring into Nialls beautiful eyes. "Becca, we need to talk."


"Well, you see, um well-" liam was cut off.

"Do you have an eating disorder?!" Niall bursted.

"WHAT?!" I was shocked. That's what this was all about! "NO! Of course not!"

"Then why can't you eat more than three bites?" Zayn looked at me.

I shrugged "I guess I just don't usually eat that much."

"BECCA WHITE! THAT IS NOT AN ANSWER! ANSWER PROPERLY!" I flinched at Louis' harsh yelling.

"I-I just dont know!" I almost yelled. Anger was rising inside me. How dare he! I told him the truth! Why didn't he just accept the fact that I didnt eat that much!!

My thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain on my cheek. I looked up to see Harry's green eyes. I shoved him away, tears streaming down my face.

"FINE! I SEE I AM JUST TO MUCH TO HANDLE SO YOU'LL BEAT ME INSTEAD! JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS!" I screamed. I didn't care anymore. I was done. Done. I had been adopted before and I was going to make sure it didn't happen again. I looked hard at the lads before sprinting outside. I didn't stop. I couldn't. I stopped at a tall bridge. I climbed on the railing.

'No one would miss me right?' i thought.

I was just about to jump when two strong hands wrap around my waist. I struggle but their grip is strong. "Please Becca, stop. Relax. Please. I gotcha. Daddy's got ya." Liam. He came for me. He actually cared. I was so tired and frustrated that I stopped struggling and just relaxed. It felt good to be held, cared about. He wrapped my legs around waist and I put my hands around his neck. "Just relax baby girl. Just relax." I leaned my head on his shoulder and fell into darkness.


Awful. I am an awful father. I yelled at my own daughter and sent her running. Harry is absolutely torn. He feels awful about slapping her. We all know how he feels. We were frustrated and we just couldn't take it.

Now, we were all in the SUV looking for her. We went without Liam because he ran after her as soon as she slammed the door.


(L=Liam & lo=louis)


L-Hey I have her.

Lo-Really!? Where are you?

L-The freeware bridge. (not real)

Lo-Okay we will be there shortly. Is she okay?

L-We will talk later

And I hung up. That bridge was about 5 minutes from where we were. I sped up.

Liam was standing there with Becca in his arms. She looked like she was sleeping. He got in and we went home. Liam decided to put her upstairs in her bed. Then the discussion began.





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