Chapter 24

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Eleanor's POV

Wow. I was getting married to Louis! I was going to be Becca's mother! I was scared. What if I wasn't a good mum? What if she hates me?

Today, the boys went to their photo shoot and I spent the afternoon with Becca. She told me how she was afraid because of her other mum. I told her not to worry about it and that I would do my best to be a good mum. I told her my worries and she just hugged me and told me I would be a great mum.

She was a really sweet girl. I couldn't believe that I was soon going to be able to call her my daughter. We watched movies with the boys when they came home and that went on until midnight. I was currently trying to fall asleep with Louis beside me but it wasn't working.

"Eleanor? Are you alright?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by his hand waving in front of my face.

"Yeah, I just zoned out for a bit." He sighed and sat up. He pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head.

"Alright, what is wrong?" He asked.

"I'm worried, Louis. What if I am a bad mum to her? What if she won't love me?" I told him what was on my mind while he just sat there listening. When I was finished he just told me not to worry. We fell asleep in each others arms, just as it should be.

Becca's POV


I was in a field full of daisies. It was such a beautiful place. I was just running through the field when I heard the beautiful and familiar voice, "Becca! I have missed you so much." 

I turned around and ran into my mum's arms. "Mum! What are you doing here?"

She laughed. "Why, I am here to visit my daughter, silly!" She spun me in her arms. "But, I am also here to talk to you about something."

I frowned. "What is it mum?"

"I understand that you are afraid of Eleanor and Louis getting married. Am I right?" I nodded. "Please dear, do not be afraid. They are great people. I know that you are scared but you don't have to be."

"But mum, you are my mother. It doesn't feel right to replace you." I hugged her tighter.

"My dear, I am never going to be replaced. I will always be your mother and I will always look out for you. Never ever think that I am not with you. I am with you all the time. I almost never leave your side. You are my daughter. My strong, beautiful daughter." 

I smiled. This was the mum I knew and wanted most. She was my mum and I would never stop thinking that.

"The time has come my dear. I must leave you now but remember this: Open up to them. Let them inside so they can give you what I couldn't. A good and happy life. I love you, Becca. Never forget that." She started to disappear.

"Wait mum!" I tried to stop her. "I love you too." I whispered. And then I was dragged into darkness.

I woke up to Niall and Dad jumping on the bed. I groaned and rolled over. The jumping stopped and just when I thought they gave up, the covers were puled off of my warm body.

When the cold air hit me, I curled up to keep the warmth. "Dad! Give those back! I whined.

He kissed my forehead. "Sorry Princess. It is time to get up." And with that, him and Niall walked out. I looked over to Liam's bed to see it was empty and made. Of course. I got up and dragged myself out to the main room. Everyone was there. All except the heavy sleeper, Zayn.

"Where is Zayn?" I asked sleepily.

"He didn't want to wake up. So, we left him there." Harry said from the kitchen. I could smell bacon. Yum! Harry always makes great bacon!

I shook my head. "Oh no! If I can't sleep then neither can he!" And I walked to his and Harry's room. When I got there, Niall and Dad were behind me. Zayn was fast asleep. Well I knew exactly what to do for this.

"Okay, you two. Wake him up so he can hear everything." They shrugged but walked over to Zayn, yelling so he could wake up. I went to the bathroom and picked up a random hair product of his. I went to the bed to see Zayn awake and grouchy.

"Hey Zayn. I am just going to go throw this hair product out the window so yeah. See ya later." I said walking into the main room. In a whole of 2 seconds, the product was snatched out of my hand by Zayn. He walked to the bathroom and put the product back.

He tried to get into the bed again but dad and Niall were flopped on it so he couldn't. He walked out grumbling about how "she thinks she can touch my hair products. I think not." Which caused me to roll on the floor laughing.

We all sat at the table and ate waffles and bacon. After about 20 pieces of bacon, Dad stopped me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! That is enough bacon for a week!" I grumbled but ate the rest of my waffles and went to get dressed.

When I was dressed and all, I turned the tv on and started to watch some weird show called Icarly. It was weird but it kept me entertained. Soon, Dad and Eleanor came and sat on either side of me. I sighed and turned the tv off. "Yes, can I help you?"

"Yes, you can. First, you can lose the tude and second, we would like to talk to you." I looked at him.

"Well, Eleanor has to go back to her university in a week so, we would like to have the wedding in the next week or so." My jaw dropped. That is such short notice!

"So," Eleanor began, "Today we are going to find you a dress and get all the bridesmaids fitted for a dress too." Ugh. That would be the last thing I would want to do today. Go shopping for a dress.

"Get ready. You girls leave in 15 minutes." Dad said. They stood up and walked out, hand-in-hand. I sighed and went to the room. I grabbed my phone and slipped some sunglasses on. I looked at the date and realized that my birthday was in 4 days! I was going to be thirteen!

I went downstairs and Eleanor and I jumped into the car. Here comes a day of boredom.....


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