Chapter 6

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(Harry's POV)

She was okay. When Liam came back downstairs we immediately started a discussion about Becca and what to do about this. The first step to our "plan" was to get her to tell us her past. Next, we needed to get her to eat. Somewhere in there we needed to take her shopping to get new clothes and other things like hair accessories and make up, etc. For me, I needed for her to trust me. I had slapped her. Slapped. Her. And I felt awful about it! I just got so frustrated when she screamed at us that I just got out of control!

I was going to get her back. We all were. It was like she was high up above us and couldn't get down. She just needed a bit of help. It was 3 in the afternoon so we decided to take the day off of anything. Zayn and Niall went for a nap and Liam took a drive to see Danielle, his girlfriend. It was just me and Louis then.

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Louis came in and sat beside me. We both stared at the TV until we heard a deathly scream.

(Becca's POV)

I woke up to find myself in a dark room. It was in my old house. I saw a door and got up off the bed. I got halfway there when I was suddenly pulled back. By a chain! I tried to get free but it was no use. Then I felt a sharp pain in my side and looked to see a knife in my side and lots of blood. A chuckle came from the dark side of the room.

"Wh-who's there?" I was shaking.

"Oh my dear you must remember me. It's your Daddy, coming to haunt you. Just like I promised." No. That voice. It was so familiar. He walked out of the shadow. No! It was my "dad". The one who beat me, burnt me and raped me. I stated to turn away but the chain wouldn't allow that. He came closer and pointed a gun at my head.

"Now you will know how your mother felt." And I screamed bloody murder.


I woke up sweating and screaming. I laid down and I tried to stay calm. I then realized that my pillow was really hard. Wait. Hard? I was in the arms of someone.........Harry. As soon as I felt it I fought. Hard. It wasn't enough though. He had a good grip and finally my body gave up. He whispered sorrys and soothing words in my ear. It felt so uncomfortable. I already know they are going to beat me like my father did.

Then Harry said something I did not like.

"Becca, I need you to do something for me. I need you to tell me your past."


I ran upstairs as soon as I heard the screams. I got into her room and she was thrashing around in her bed. I ran to her and held her in my lap. I stroked her hair and it seemed to work because her body relaxed. I whispered soothing words to her and her breathing slowed. I felt her jolt awake and as soon as she felt me she struggled a bit. I held her tighter and she gave up.

When she was calmed again, I asked her something that I felt horrible about.

"Becca, I need you to do something for me. I need you to tell me your past." She tensed. Then her eyes filled with tears and she cried into my shirt. I held her tightly. I looked up to see all the lads in the doorway.

She finally stopped crying and went to get up. I grabbed her and she looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes. "I-I need t-to explain." She said barely above a whisper. She lifted her pillow and gave me a journal. "Here. Read it. Everything is in there." She sat back in my lap and curled into a ball.

 (Becca's POV)

All the lads sat beside Harry and I. Harry handed Liam the journal and he started to read.

"Dear journal,

Today is just another day in life. Today dad did something that sounded like grape without the G. It was awful. It is the worst punishment ever! Then he did the usual. Beat me, burnt me and everything else. He said I needed to lose more weight because he said I was a "little fat bitch." I just stood there and took it because I knew if I talked back, I would get another punishment. I have to go. Dad is coming. I will be back after my punishment............." By the time Liam finished all the lads were in tears. Even Harry and I were holding each other as if we were going to float away.

Niall looked at me with sad eyes. "Oh Becca, I am so sorry princess. We promise we will never do anything to hurt you. Ever. We will protect you. Even if its the last thing we ever do." And at that moment, I knew he wasn't lying.

 Hi! how do you like it so far? Before I go further I want to say that I am not trying to copy anyone or any ideas.





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