Chapter 26

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Becca's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Great. That means I have to do my online schooling. How fun. Note the sarcasm. I rolled out of bed and looked at my phone. I had a message from Baylor. Oh well, I will answer that later. I got into the shower and let the water relax my muscles.

I figured it would be a lazy day so I put on some baggy sweats and soft sweater. I opened my laptop and turned it on. While it was turning on I went to the kitchen to find Liam reading something on his ipad.

"Good morning." He mumbled.

"Morning." I mumbled back.

"Why are you up so early?"

"I have my online schooling today."

He nodded. I had a bowl of cheerios cereal and went back to my room. Time to start school again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 hours later

I closed my laptop and sighed. I had just gotten tons of homework because I missed a lot from not going online for a while. I decided I would do the homework later. Just then dad walked in and walked over to my desk.

"Hey princess, how was your day?" He asked.

I sighed again, "It was okay. I got a lot of homework though."

"Well, why aren't you doing it?" he asked sternly.

I shrugged, "I decided to do it later."

He shook his head. "Uh uh. Nope. You are doing it all right now." He turned my laptop on and walked to the door.


"NOW!! You aren't coming out of this room until all of your homework is done." He slammed the door and I heard his footsteps walk to the kitchen.

I groaned and went to my laptop. I logged on and went to my first assignment.......

11 assignments later...

I collapsed on my bed and looked through my Instagram. I realized I didn't have a twitter. So, I walked out into the kitchen and found Liam.

"Hey Li, can I get a twitter." He stopped what he was doing and turned to me.

"You finished your homework?" I nodded. "Alright, but you have to ask your dad first."

I groaned and found Dad on the couch scrolling through his twitter. "Hey Daddy, can I get Twitter? Pretty please." I pulled my best puppy dog face I could and batted my eyelashes.

"No." My face fell.

"What? Why not!?"

"Because you don't need it." He stood up and went to walk away but I blocked him. "Move, Becca." I didn't move a muscle. "I said move. Now." When I didn't move he sighed in annoyance. "Fine, your grounded for two weeks. Give me your phone." He held his hand out.

I stepped back. "No, wait. I'm sorry Daddy. Please don't take my phone." He just took a step toward me and gestured for my phone. I shook my head and seconds later I was on the couch, pinned down by Dad. He reached into my pocket and pulled my phone out.

He got off me and left the room. I went to my room and went on my laptop. As soon as I was on, the devil walked in and came over to me. "You will do your schooling your laptop and nothing else. You will do it in the kitchen so one of us can watch you." He took my laptop and shut the door. 

I flopped on my bed and screamed into a pillow until my throat was burning. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already ten at night. I changed into pajamas and crawled under the covers. After 5 minutes of laying there, my door opened and Mum stepped through.

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