Chapter 17

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~~~~~~~~2 days later~~~~~~~~~~~


Today was supposed to be when I went to volleyball provincials. I was okay, I guess. I have kind of made up with Dad. I am not completely sure so I am keeping myself a good distance away. I know I should be doing the opposite but from what I have experienced in my life, it is to never trust someone unless you know it is safe.

My stuff is packed and it is now 5 in the morning. We were all in the airport in London. I had looked on the ticket and seen we were first going to Australia! I had always wanted to go there! Finally, our flight was called and we got on the plane, to FIRST CLASS!!!!!!

(Louis' POV)

I sighed. Ever since the whole volleyball thing, Becca has kept her distance a little. I know she is mad, but she won't admit it! She was doing it to all of us. This is not how my plan was supposed to go. We all got on the plane and took her up to first class. Her eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw where we were.

I took the seat next to her. She wanted the window seat. She looked away quickly and looked out of the window. We were all ready to go and we started to lift off the ground. She pulled her knees up and and hugged them tight. I leaned over and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She hesitated, but then snuggled closer to me. I smiled. That was a start.

We had been lying for about 15 minutes when I felt her body relax and she fell asleep in my arms. When the seatbelt light went off, the lads immediately came over to me. most of the seats in first class were empty so they filled the ones around us.

"So, you look comfy." Zayn smiled.

"Hey. At least she is actually doing something with him! She has barely talked in the past two days!" Hazza almost yelled. Liam shushed him.

"Yeah. She hesitated but then just came closer. It was adorable." I whispered the last part, but the lads still heard. They nodded. They ended up staying in those seats. After another hour, we all fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of the pilot's voice. He was telling us we would be landing in 10 minutes! I laid Becca down and shook the lads awake. They groaned but woke up. I gently shook Becca, but she didn't want to get up so I carried her off the plane. Luckily, there were barely any paparazzi there. Well, less than usual. We got weird looks. Probably because I was carrying Becca. We haven't yet told everyone that we had a daughter but, that was managements decision, not ours. We got in to the limo and drove to the little apartment we were renting for now. I wasn't worried about the cost because, well, I had lots of money to do it.

It was small, but nice. There wasn't enough rooms so we had to share. Becca and I were in one, Liam and Niall, Zayn and Harry were in the others. There was two bathrooms so Harry and Zayn could have one to look at their 'appearances'.

I put Becca on our bed. And yes, I was sharing a bed with my daughter. It's not that weird people! I grabbed the luggage and put it in the room as well. Of course, jetlag started to kick in so we all went to bed, finding there was a lot of noise from outside because the fans had found us. Let the tour begin.






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