Chapter 6-Peeta

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Once Haymitch left, it was all I could do to keep myself from laying back down and sobbing. I may have seemed like I was taking this fairly maturely when I was with Haymitch, but inside, I was a wreck. There was only one way to put it. My heart was broken.
With a sigh, I got up and walked over to my desk. I took out a pen and paper, and I began to write. The letter went something like this:
Dear Beetee,
I am writing for two reasons, neither of which are very good ones. The first reason brings tears to my eyes. I am sorry to inform you that our dear friend and compatriot, Gale Hawthorne, is dead. Last week, he was imprisoned by President Coin, who accused him of high treason. According to my sources, his untimely death was likely caused by torture in the hands of Coin. The second reason I write is closely related. Haymitch and I believe that Gale knew a secret that Coin did not want to leak out. This secret was probably the main reason  Coin had him killed. We are trying to find out what this secret is, and we need your help. We were hoping you could supply us with some bugging devices to plant near Coin's office. Beetee, we are begging you to help us avenge Gale's murder. Please, my old friend, do this for Gale.
Peeta Mellark
I may not have made my motives clear, but I didn't think that was necessary. As I lay in bed that night, I thought about the events of today. Why was Katniss so mad at me anyway? Attacking her hadn't been my fault. I mean, Snow hijacked me, and I had no control over that. It wasn't like Gale was some guy who I had never met. His death was as much my business as it was Katniss'.
I realized Katniss wasn't really mad at me. She was mad at Coin, for killing Gale. She was mad at Gale, for dying. She was mad at fate, for taking Gale before his time. She was mad at life, and I was the one who she was taking it out on. It didn't help that I was Gale's competition for Katniss, and when he died she had chosen him over me.
Where did this leave me? Obviously, the fact that we had gotten "married" no longer mattered. Katniss no longer had any kind of physical or emotional attraction towards me. I knew In my heart I would never love anyone else. Katniss had been my first love, and she would be my last. No one could ever replace her in my life.
I wondered if Coin would ever have Gale's body delivered to his family. If he had died from torture, the body would be pretty messed up. If they let Gale's family have the body, there would be evidence against Coin. The Hawthornes could press charges, and that wouldn't end well for Coin.
Short chapter 4 ya. How do you think Beetee should respond to Peeta's letter? Will Katniss make up with Peeta after what she said? Tell me what you think in the comments!

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