Chapter 8 -Peeta

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Why would Coin summon Katniss to her office? There were only two good reasons. It could be something about our confrontation yesterday. Or it could be about Gale. I chose the second option.
Could Katniss be in danger? Quite possibly, if Coin knew that she knew something about Gale. Danger or no danger, I needed to get down there. But how? I didn't have an appointment, or credentials. But maybe I didn't need any.......
When i reached the tenth floor, I was asked to scan my credentials. I made a show of cursing and slamming my fist on the door. The speaker said if I told him why I was here it could let me in. I told him I came to get some important papers I had left in Katniss' office. He willingly opened the doors and I walked into enemy territory.
What I didn't know was if Katniss had been expecting this. Was she turning herself in? If she was, she had her reasons. She wouldn't want me to stop her. But they would kill her. I had to try! I stalked out of Katniss' office and down the hall to Coin's.
When I reached Coin's office I walked in without knocking. I saw Coin and Katniss sitting at a desk, and Katniss was obviously upset. Two guards grabbed me from behind and handcuffed me.
Katniss looked scared, but she also seemed angry.
"Peeta, what are you doing here?" She spoke harshly, but her voice was shaking.
"Katniss, I'm not letting them do anything to you! I love you!"
She sighed. "I know you do. But that doesn't mean I feel the same way. And if you think saving my life will change my mind, you're wrong!"
"Katniss, you are all I have! If you die, I have nothing! I am not going to just stand here while they torture you to death!"
She was crying now. "Peeta, if you love me you will let me do this. I know what I'm doing, and this is what I want!"
Okay, I was mad. "For the last time, I am NOT letting you die!" I tried to break free of the guards, but they held on to me tightly.
"I'm sorry, Peeta." That was it. She turned away and never looked back.
She spoke to Coin again. "I want him taken back to his quarters immediately. Promise me he'll be safe, and I'll go with you willingly. Hurt him, and you'll be sorry."
I had to make one last attempt. "Is this really what you want? Nothing can bring him back Katniss, he's gone. All you're doing is hurt in the people who love you."
I could tell Katniss was struggling, but she didn't look back.
Coin glared at me. "Take him back to his quarters. And make sure he doesn't cause any more trouble."
I seemed to go willingly, but I was scheming. There was no way I would give up that easily. But it hurt that she didn't seem to care about my feelings. I would let her think I was mad for a while. She would thank me when I saved her in the end.
Did I mean anything to her? Lately I wasn't sure. Sometimes she could be really hurtful, even without trying. But no matter what, I loved her. And I always would.
What would I do if she died? It would be torture living without her. But I would live for her. I would take care of Prim, and her mother. And I would never forget her.
I found Haymitch in his quarters, and I told him what had happened. He seemed pretty worried, but he was calm.
"We need to get her out of there, and it needs to happen soon. Coin won't keep her alive for long." He told me what had happened in the meeting that morning.
"Katniss knew what would happen. She didn't care. She was willing to do anything to avenge Gale's death. If she died, she would be with him. That's what she really wants. Just to be with him."
I spoke Gale's name with contempt. I knew it was wrong to hold a grudge, but I didn't care. If it wasn't for him, Katniss and I would be perfectly happy together. Forgiveness was completely out of the question.
"I'll figure out something, Peeta. Go home and get some rest. I might come by later."
When I reached home I found a letter from Beetee. It read something like this:
Dear Friend,
This devastating news brings tears to my eyes. Please give my regards to Gale's family, and to the Mockingjay. As for your suspicions, I cannot tell you my opinion, nor Gale's connection to these matters. I have no way to get you any electronics, and I apologize for this inconvenience. And tell Katniss not to do anything rash. There is no way to bring him back.
I sighed. Beetee must have known all along. Gale must have told him. But why would he keep that information from us? We would probably never know. I didn't know why it would be so hard to get us a few listening devices.
Haymitch came in, and I showed him the note. He sighed. "I suspected as much. That warning for Katniss came a bit late.We've certainly put ourselves in a situation here. She seems to be resigned to dying, so we need to change her mind."
That wouldn't be as easy as it sounded. "Katniss is one of the most stubborn people I know. We're going to need some help if we want to change her mind."

Hey guys. So sorry for not updating, I was hanging at the beach. B-) Let me know your opinion on this chapter and your ideas for what should happen next in the comments⬇⬇⬇

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