Chapter 13- Vacation Time!

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{Time Skip to 2 Weeks later- July, 24}

Max's POV

I woke up before Shelby. Man, she looks cute while she sleeps. I looked at the clock, and it was already 7 in the morning. "Shelby.. Shelby wake up" I said trying to wake her up for work. "*yawn* Morning Max" She said still sleepily. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled back at me. We got ready and got into my car. As we got into the office building, Adam came in right after us, and literally pushed us out of his way. We followed him into the editors' area, where everyone was also gathered. "Guys.. I just booked tickets to.. HAWAII!!" Adam said excitedly. Everyone was confused, yet happy and also excited. "We leave in a week, and we'll be staying over there for a week. I rented a house that fits everyone going." Adam said. "So who's all going?" Asked Red. "Well sadly, there were only 7 tickets left, so only 5 other people can go besides Alesa and I.. Sorry guys. Oh and I need to know right now who's gonna go." Adam said. After a few minutes of talking, we decided who was going. The list was Adam, Alesa, Ross, Red, Em, Shelby, & Me. TimTim, Barney, Cory, James, and a few others were okay with it. "Okay, so, the plan is to record as many videos as possible in this week. Our plane leaves on the 31st, okay?" Adam said. We all agreed and went straight into recording. After a few hours of recording, it was time to go home again. "Bye everyone!" Max and I said. We headed out to his car, but something caught my eye. It was just a squirrel climbing up a nearby tree. We got into Max's car, and he started driving. "So, are you excited for the vacation trip?" I asked him breaking the silence. "You bet sure as hell I am." He said smiling. "*giggling* Me too Max, me too." I said back. We got home and out of the car, and we both had the same idea- to shower. Once out of the shower, I went into our room. I saw Max sleeping so peacefully. He looked adorable! I looked at the clock, and it read 9:52 PM. I laid down next to Max, and kissed him on the cheek softly to not wake him. "Goodnight Max" I whispered while falling asleep.

{Time Skip Till the 31st}

Today was finally the day we went on our vacation. It was 3:00 in the morning, and Max & I were busy packing away. Adam had told everyone going to meet up at the airport at 5:00 in the morning. As we finished packing, I made eggs for breakfast. We ate, cleaned up, and got our luggage and put it all in Max's car trunck. The airport was half an hour away from our apartment, which was okay because we would still have an extra 5 minutes. It was 4:25 AM as I started driving. Max was still very tired, so I decided to drive. We headed into the airport, and immediately were greeted by Adam, Alesa, Red, and Ross. "Where's Em?" I asked them. "She said she just now got here.." Adam said looking up from his phone. We all looked around and saw Em come in through the door. I waved and she saw me, and headed toward us. "Hey guys! Sorry I was a bit late" Em said to us all. "No it's fine, actually, you're right on time." Alesa said glancing at the clock. "Well c'mon let's get through security then" Red said. We started walking into the line to pass through. It took a good 20 minutes for all of us to pass through. We took a seat and chatted until we heard the speakers: "Flight 201, Honolulu Hawaii". "That's our flight." Adam said standing up motioning for all of us to follow. We entered the plane and looked for our seats. Adam and Alesa had their seats in front of Max's & mine's seats, and then Red and Em sat behind us. Ross was the only one who would be sitting next to a stranger. Luckily for him, no one had the seat next to him. This is gonna be a long flight.. I thought drifting into a deep sleep.

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