Chapter one:

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Peter's pov:
Names Peter. Peter Whitlock. The Captain. Veteraned fighter. With many scars.

I am sired to one Jasper Whitlock,Badass extraordinaire. The God of War to everyone else, but to me he's my brother. He changed me to fight amongst the newborns.

Him and his sire,Maria, made an army to supposedly protect themselves. Well Maria said that anyway. But the truth was she is a power hungry bitch who collects gifted people and turns them. Jasper and I became like brothers. And I was a great asset to the team. Although my so called gift wasn't really a gift if you know what I mean. I just knew things. Although I can't see the future. But that would be a pussy power so I'll stick with my Yoda power.

Years later I meet Charlotte and thought she was my mate. I loved her really from the moment I saw her. I even stood up against the God of war for her. Which I have to admit was stupid. But I wanted a life with her so I was stupid. Jasper helped us escape after that. Taking the wrath of Maria.

Anyway back to me. I was 19 when I was changed. A really good looking guy, I like to think. I was really kinda a home body. Not a lot of friends. Course when you own a ranch and live in the middle of the woods it's not a real interesting place for children to want to go. Well that is other an ranch raised child. I mean really horses and pigs and cows not my idea of a good time. I did like the open space and how bright the stars shine. I'm sure heaven must be so amazing if the earth looks this beautiful.

I was wondering through the trees on night after I helped ma out in the field and put my sister Lilith to sleep. Like usual I couldn't sleep so I went for a night time stroll. I was walking towards a clearing or meadowy place when I heard screaming and growling. Usually a normal person would run away and not look back but I'm not normal and I ran to see who was screaming. Thought maybe I could help them but no turns out it was jasper and a few other members of the army Maria had put together recruiting other people. I did try to fight them off but in the end jasper was a lot stronger than me and won. I was immortal. Let me tell you turning was the worse thing I've ever had to go through all the burning and losing your whole life not something I would want to repeat.

So like I was saying was 19 when I was changed. Jasper taught me everything I would need to know in fighting. I became his second in command. A few years after me Charlotte was changed. We became close and when it was time to get rid of some of the newbie vamps Charlotte was in the line up. I knew I needed her and so I helped save her life. I'm sure jasper never believed that she was my mate but he backed down and that night while Maria was preoccupied with a newbie jasper got us out.

We bought a ranch and began only eating off the scum of the earth. Char and I got close but it really only became sorta like a brother sister thing. And she was fun to hang with so I kept her.

A few weeks later I had this feeling Jasper needed us so we came back for him. We headed for the ranch. He lived with us until I told him to go a small dinner to meet up with his mate. I told him it would lead me to my mate later. We were brothers and he trusted me. That is his story not mine.

So me and Charlotte were pretty much companions after that. She was always looking for her mate and I just liked to travel. My gift would go off and we would follow.We were nomad up until about 4 days ago. I had gotten a call from Jasper asking if I could get his room ready. Him and a human turned vampire girl we're coming down. Alice Jaspers mate  would be joining them the next day.

Ring ring

"Hey fucker are y'all home."

"On the way now. Had a feeling you'd need me shit head what's up."


"Bro what."

"Well I'm on way Captain seems as Edward tried killing a human today at school. And I figured we bring her to you to keep her safe."

He must have been Joking right a human among human drinkers really.

"Major you could have just taken her home. Doesn't she have family."

She had to have family right?

"Yeah we did after the attack but her dad or mom was not there. Alice had a vision and we are now tracking them. She wouldn't be safe alone there. Plus she's changing."

Geez he was the freaking god of war. He alone would keep her safe. But again my gut feeling said to protect this human so I of course went along with it.

"Can't you take her to your house jas. I haven't been you know hanging with humans like you and your the damned God of War. You can protect her. Plus I'm pretty sure the change will be fine. Keep her major."

"Really fucker I already did that and she didn't take things so well. So listen can we come or not."

My gift took this time to start acting up. Sometimes it really got on my nerves.

"Listen jas I have this feeling that we totally need to get her here. She'll be in danger if stay. And jas one more thing you are going soft. All those animals your greeting is making you weak man. If your trying to help the human than you probably should be drinking from humans."

"Thanks captain I owe you one. And I'm doing the animals thing for Alice so lay off."

He half growled the last part out. I never understood why he agreed to to that life. I mean he was the major after all. I guess you do stupid things for love.

"Bye major."

"Bye ass hat."
~~~~End of flash back~~~~~
They had showed up a day and a half later. And god was she beautiful. Her pale skin next her auburn hair. He body was nice too. I had no idea what she looked like as a human but she was going to be a knock out as a vampire. I definitely wanted her. And my gift told me she would be important to me.

After she woke I found out that she was my mate. Jasper wasn't to happy about that but was happy that I would finally be whole. I think he was hoping that she might mate with the mind reader. But no dice. She was MINE. No one was going to take her away from me now.

When we told her she couldn't see her real family she was not at all happy to be torn away from her dad but understood.

My gift had been going off telling me to take her to the clearing I found a few months back when I was hunting. I just new she would love it. A beautiful place for a beautiful girl. I was the luckiest vamp to have her by my side.

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