So we meet agian

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Jasper's pov:
Alistair and Garrett were the first ones to show seeing as the were the closest to us.

Garrett having been on his way to visit the Cullens, agreed to make a stop in. And when they Major or his Captain called you answered. Alistair was on a finding mission but agreed to come as soon as he could. It was so amazing to see my oldest friends. Though I wish we could see each other outside of fighting.

Garrett and Bella hit it off right away which only pissed off Peter. The Captain in him was in front and ready to tear Garrett a new one. Me and Emmett had a hard time holding him down. And it took Carlisle and Alistair taking Garrett out to relieve the tension. But that only pissed Bella off. They didn't talk for two days.

Eventually Peter apologized to Garrett and Bella for acting out like he did. Bella wasn't going to forgive him right away but Alice told her about a vision she had and Bella went right to Peter and they made up. And let me tell you it was an all night thing. Not that I really wanna talk to her, but I am curious on what the vision was.

Caleb, a friend of mine and Peter's from the war, showed up a day later with his mate Crystal. I had only met Crystal once before. Right before I joined the Cullen clan. I had been a nomad wondering across the USA. Caleb and her were just coming out the wars. I ran into both just shy of Philadelphia. She seemed to fit perfectly with Caleb.

After we introduced them to the rest, the girls then decided to go on a shopping trip. And by girls I mean Alice. She was basically dragging the rest out. The boys were left to talk about what's ahead. Peter had not given any information out about the battle. I suspected that was part due to the fact that Bella was his mate. And if he was hiding things, when Bella found out things would not look good for him.

"So Peter what are you hiding. I mean you don't just call in favors unless there is something is really bad." Garrett was on it reading my mind.

"Nothing to worry bout really my gift just knows that there is Maria and a fight with the Volturi. Bella will be able to use her shield to help us. But we all need to fight. And I saw Jasper, me, and Bella taking out the Kings." Well I'll be damned. That's some interesting information.

I mean I shouldn't have been surprised though. Maria was probably pissed at us for leaving and was sends scouts out to find us. But we Whitlock's we are under the radar. But it's no surprise she found us either. She would wants her God of War and his Captain back. And as for the Volturi well Aro is a power hungry peon. He has always wanted Carlisle back under him. And what come with Carlisle, two or three gifted vampires. Well three only if they included me. But they can't know seeing as I'm back home with my real family.

"You know that Bella will be pissed if she finds out that you are keeping things from her."

"Yes Jasper I know. But I had planned on telling her with everyone later. You know when the rest of us get here. I mean it's not my fault you guys asked me for the information early. Plus we are in the middle of something important so maybe she won't stay mad forever."

I really hope for his sake, he was right. I mean I've seen Bella mad and let me tell you it's not a pretty site.

We talked all afternoon about training. The girls came home late. The couples all went out for a hunt. And after we all went to are rooms to spend time with our mates. Though I of course didn't have a mate any longer. It was sometime after I heard Bella start yelling at Peter.

"YOU ASSHOLE!!! I HAD TO FIND THINGS OUT BY ALICE. WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME ABOUT MARIA AND THE VOLTURI." It was quiet for awhile. Peter probably trying to calm her down. But what I felt of her emotions she wasn't calming down.


"Bella listen please. Really I wasn't going to tell anybody anything but they insisted I tell them. And I was going to tell you when everyone got here tomorrow."

There was some shuffling across their bedroom floor and the knob being twisted.

"Bella please. Just come back to bed. I will tell you everything. I love you. Please."

"Fine but I swear Peter Whitlock if you keep things from me anymore. I won't hesitate to leave your ass. Pain be damned. I don't like lying and you know that."

"About damn time. You two. We are trying to get it on and you are bringing down my mojo. Geez just make up and get it on so we can enjoy our night." That Emmett he sure has way with words don't he.

They eventually quieted down and started enjoying the night. Thanks in part to me. I projected lust in every one. It was a beautiful night.

Sorry the chapter was short.
Didn't really have a lot to say in this chapter.
The next will be longer I hope.
Until next time.
Your author,

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