Chapter 5

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Carlisle's Pov:

The telephone call


"Carlisle its Jasper. Listen somethings come up and Peter told me to call you. How long will you take to get here."

Wow my sounded different. The major must be out more now that Jasper is back with Peter. Oh how I miss my son.

"We are on the way now. Alice called about any hour ago saying that you need us. We should be there by early morning."I missed Alice too. I wanted my family back together.

"Awe. My little pixie. How I love her." He said mostly to himself. We all heard it though. "Ok we'll see you then. Be safe. We'll explain more when you get here."

"Goodbye for now my son."

"Goodbye. Love you."

And with that we hung up.
End of call

Bella's Pov:
Coming down the stairs I we could hear the tail end of the conversation. Jasper's family would be here in the morning. Although I was happy for him I was also nervous. I mean it was his brother that killed me. And forced me to live like this. They all may hate me after Jasper leaving to help me.

Peter could see that I was feeling down. He placed a kiss on my head and told me everything was going to be okay. That he wouldn't let anyone or anything else hurt me. I smiled up at him and pulled him over to the couch.

Peter's Pov:
"So jazz what's up? Is the Cullens coming?" I laughed. Of course they were. When Alice is involved they run into help. And by association Jasper is Alice. So yes they come.

"Yes as you might have heard they are going to be here in the morning and Alice will be back later tonight. She called earlier when the two of you were occupied. She says hello Bella."

His pixie of a wife stayed for a few days and was gone again before I could blink. She was having a meeting of the seers I guess you could say. Apparently she goes somewhere every 10 years. It was all stupid to me but what ever floats her boat.

"So what are the plans boys. We have to be on our guard. I don't want Maria having the upper hand here."

Oh how I loved my beautiful mate. She was strategic. I love that about her. She was build to be like us. I know it will be easy to teach her how to fight. It will just be hard on me to watch. But I am super proud of my girl.

"As you might have heard baby, the Cullen's will be here in the morning. Alice will be here tonight. Once everyone gets her we are going to train them. I am going to call some our friends from back in our day with Maria that also escaped. They are going to be needed. Some of them won't be here right away though. But Alistair(sorry don't know how to spell his name), Caleb, Joel, and Garrett will be here in a few days from the time I call them. There is a nomad group that will need to taken care of first as they are killing people for Maria. I also believe that we might have to call in your mutt friends. They will scare some of the newborns and Maria won't be able to see them like Alice can't. After the fighting between the nomads we have maybe a few days so we will train more. Your inner vampire needs to come forward so me and the major will help you with that first. Now enough talking lets get to it."

"Before we start your training though go ahead and make the phone call to Jacob Black. He will tell you all about the wolves. And don't worry your a vampire and they won't hurt you."

She picked up the phone and made the call. Turns out he hadn't turned yet. And his dad talked to Bella. And as she was on the phone Jacob phased in the living room. He was running toward his dad growling. Or that's what Billy's said before bidding her good bye.

I left her with Jasper as I went to make my phone calls. After I was done I went to living room to find Bella laying back. She was trying to bring forth Izzy, her inner vampire. I went to stand next to Jasper as Bella started changing. Izzy appearing.

Izzy's pov:

I was happy that they were finally letting me through. I was going have my say in things. And one way or another I was going to prove I wasn't a puss and neither was Bella.

When I finally opened my eyes I found the major and the captain. When I saw my mate in the captain, I got off the couch and when to him giving him the most passionate kiss I could muster. He of course kissed me back. It wasn't until Jasper cleared his throat that we pulled apart.

" you know it is rather annoying to watch you to and then feel all that lust."

"Well Major I can't help how sexy my mate is."I stuck my tongue out at him. He of course laughed.

"You are a tame inner vampire. I guess Bella is still there in you then. Just like the Major is here in me. And the other way round"

"Well enough of the mushy shit. Let's get done to busy. We took hours pulling me and Bella back out. She was getting as annoyed with all this as I was. Peter being the all knowing cryptic man he was took noticed and allowed a break. I would have to remember that later.

And after an hour break, I thought it would be best to test our shield.

I'm not ready Iz. Bella didn't have faith, but that's why she had me.

Relax Bella. We go this just sit back and watch the magic happen.

It was a long night. After Alice came back we called it a night. Jasper and her needed time to be with each other. They hadn't seen each other in a long time.

Me and Peter spent the rest of the night making love and cuddling. We only stopped when we heard the arrival of our guests. And I was pretty sure I'd be sticking around for that. Fucking Cullen's.

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