Maria and Victoria

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No ones pov:
It's not like Bella didn't appreciate the help but she hadn't had very many alone times with Peter, her everything. Today though she had enough of battle talk. She was getting her man all alone even if she had to dismember everyone in the house.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP." They did. No one wanted the wrath that came when Bella was mad.

GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE.  AND DONT COME BACK UNTIL I TEXT OR CALL YOU." And just as quickly as she as she said that they all exited the house.

Bella smiled to herself. She was happy to finally get respect.

Peter knew what was coming so he remained in his spot. Walking toward Bella.

"I love you." He said pulling her into his arms.

"I love you to Pete." She said kissing him passionately. The really and truly were perfect for one another and they felt their growing stronger everyday.

The deepened their kissing and before they know it they were undressed loving each other.
( I was going to write in a love scene here but decided to wait.)

After many rounds of love making Peter and Bella finally got dressed it was then that peters phone went off.

The id caller saying Alice.

Bella answered. But groaned. Why couldn't she leave them alone.

~~~~~~~~Phone Call~~~~~~~
" Bella I know you said don't bother you but listen. You and Peter need to let us come back. I've had a vision and let's just say it's important for us to come back immediately. It's bad Bella." Not that Bella didn't want to hear about the news, she just didn't want to bossed. And was growing impatient with Alice.

"As much as I don't want you guys here at the moment I think it's best. I have a off feeling about things." And she did. It had been nagging Bella all day. But wanted time with her man.

"Okay we're five minutes out. See you soon." Bella figured as much. Still she didn't like it. Future seeing pixie bitch.

"Yeah bye."

And like that they hung up. Bella would have a talk with the pixie later. No one was going interfere with my alone time with my mate damn it. I'd kill them first. 
------- end of call --------

"Pete come on their coming back and Alice has had a vision. He groaned. Peter hated the pixie almost if not more than Bella.

"Can't the evil pixie bitch leave us alone vision or not I'm tired of her."

Yea you and me both. I thought. When this was all over the Cullens better get the fuck away from her. And never think to come back.

Bella and Peter  heard their footsteps awhile ago but now they could hear the door being opened downstairs. They better be happy that I'm sorta satisfied. Bell thought. Other wise I might have to kick someone's ass. She continued. Pete came in the room and kissed her, grabbing my hand and headed down.

"This had better be important you know my mate and I haven't had time to just be together alone in a long time." I love my man when he was pissed. So sexy.

Don't start. Bella thought to herself. You can ravish your mate later. She promised herself.

"We do know Pete,but Alice had a vision and said it was important that we all heard it together."

"Fine but you have five minutes." Mm sexy. Damn hold on Bella. Don't lose it now. Bella was trying to focus but her mate was so damn sexy when he was annoyed.

Alice Interrupted before some on got the shirt ripped outta them. "As you all you know I have had a vision. What you don't know is that Maria is alive and well.  She didn't die like you both thought And has some of best fighters coming for us." There were growls around the room. Including Bella's. That bitch wouldn't get to her mate or his family. Her family.

"She has a newborn, Victoria that she will send ahead of her to spy on us. Even though she's not really sure it's us. She is pretty sure. That is why she is sending Victoria ahead. But Victoria will tell her that it's us. More like confirm it. So far all I see is 20 or so newborns and a few, maybe 10 or so, experienced fighters. And Maria herself of course."

She turned to Jasper and Peter with a sad expression. "She wants to gets her old gang back. I'm not sure her whole plan but my guess is that she want to rule both human and the vampire world." Bella growled.

"She won't get a chance to get that far. I'll kill her first. No one fucks with my family and friends." Bella was getting more upset the more they talked about the bitch. She felt Izzy taking over.

Izzy's pov:
"You and I both know that that bitch deserves everything that's coming her way."

"Yes I do. Now we must plan. Ali when is all this going down? We have to get practicing again right away.  We also have to plan. Strategize. I will not let my family go into battle without some knowledge of what we are going to do."

"Victoria will be sent in a few weeks. Maria will follow days later. I only see us surviving the fight and some glimpses of the fight but nothing more." She pouted by the end. Oh isn't that cute she's put off by not have her gift working right. Ha serves you right pixie.

We spent the rest of the night going over things. Strategizing different scenarios. I was looking forward to kicking Maria's ass. I was also looking forward to the departure of the Cullens. God it was hard to around them. In a few weeks I would be rid of them though. Thank god.

By morning we were ready and decided that we resume fight class immediately. Yay. Not. The Cullens were horrible fighters. It would take a miracle for them to be trained enough to fight these newborns and other experienced vamps. They had no idea what was ahead of them. Neither did Bella really but she had me, Jasper, and Peter to protect her.

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