Alice Pays

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Jasper's pov:
The last few days have been hell I mean come on. I love my family but it was stressful to train them. Emmett and Rose were the only ones really putting forth the effort. Bella and Alice hated each other and Esme still hated to hit anyone other than when Bella/izzy forced her to. It was nice to finally be back to Jasper though. At least for a little while.

Today was a day off training. Bella and Peter were preoccupied so went to my library to read. Or at least that what I thought. I heard shouting on the first floor.


Oh shit Izzy was at  it again. And no one was trying to stop her, not even Carlisle.  I sighed.Guess I better go stop it before Alice turned to ash. At least for Esme's sake.

"If you would stay off homely broke back mountain here maybe we could actually stuff accomplished." Fuck. Sorry Alice can't save you now. You just dug yourself right into the hole.

"Did you just call my mate a gay cowboy?"Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She said that too calm. Alice was going to die.

"Yes I did. Edward should have drank you dry. And been done with it. Also didn't you know Jasper and Peter have been fucking for years. Once a upon a time they asked me to join them. Although I'm partial to Jasper, Peter wasn't to bad. You got my sloppy seconds."

Before anyone had time to react Bella had Alice in pieces. Bella threw her body part out the back door before going and building a fire pit out in the yard. Alice was burnt in minutes. And no one seemed to care.

After Bella had burnt Alice she ran into the forest. With me and Peter on her heals. We need to get to Bella before she hurt innocent people. Her beast was out, and there was no telling what would happen.

Peter's pov:
Not that I cared Alice outed me and Jasper, it just was the fact that she did it to hurt Bella. My sweet loving sexy Bella.

Here we would tell her everything that she wanted to know. I wasn't sure if she would even talk to me but we had to give it a try.

We didn't have to really use our nose to find my mate. She left a trail of dead animals and broken and uprooted trees. We found her she was laying in the middle of a clearing. Basking in the hot tea as sun.

"I'm not mad to you Peter. Or at Jasper really. I'm just mad that she be such a bitch to use that in a way to make it seem as though I'm lower than her. I will say though Pete I'm not touching you until you clean yourself with bleach or something. I love you both and I know that you still fancy Jasper, but I pray that you never act on anything unless I give the okay."

I went to her then. Jasper followed. We hugged her and explained everything to her. You see to a vampire have a male in your was different then having a female. And Jasper and I both agreed that we would always love her and respect her wishes. I for one didn't want to act on anything with Jasper right now knowing that it would upset my mate.

Nothing was the same after that really. Carlisle and Esme left the next day. Stating they no longer wanted to help us. We had killed one of their golden children so they were upset. Edward only stayed to be around Bella I think.

Hey fucker if you are listening stay the hell away from my woman. She is mine. I'll kill you without thought if you try anything. He grimaced but nodded all the same.

Rosaile and Emmett Obviously stayed. Seeing as the two though of Bella as a sister. And I had to admit Emmett was growing on me. And surprise surprise the ice queen did have a heart. If Bella could get over Rosaile's bitchyness; they would get along just fine.

Char and company showed up later that day. Asking around about Alice. When she was told what happened char lunged for Bella almost in a mate revenge way. Very telling.

Bella of course was not going to let it slide though and ripped off Charlotte's arm. Saying that she would give Charlotte back her arm when she learned manners. I had to admit I laughed so hard at that. She deserves worse but for now I was happy that my mate had taken an arm.

With char came Nico, Carson, and Lilly. None of them were amazing fighters but gifted none the less. And would help my mate in saving us.

About a week later the Volturi send word that they have been keeping an eye on things and would be sending a few guards to 'help' us.  Well should I say Marcus. They had killed his made and then tied him to them to keep him loyal. Or so most think. But my gift told me that he was able to block his ties to them. He would be joining our ranks at some point. The battle was ragging on.


Sorry this is a short chapter.
Your author,

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