Chapter two

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Bella's pov
Hi I'm Isabella Swan. You can call me Bella. I'm originally from Phoenix Arizona but moved to Forks Washington to live with my father Charlie after my mom got remarried. I'm 17 and a junior in high school.

Not much important about me really. I'm just your average straight a kid who keeps to herself.

On my first day at a new school I meet one of the Cullen's. He was in my first period biology class. Damn reddish brown hair. Well pretty much the color of rust. And gold eyes that were feighting to look at. But still looked like a model. Edward Cullen I think the teacher said his name was.

The class was full so I had to sit by him. He was acting really weird. He kept staring at me holding his pale white hand over his mouth and nose. It was like I stunk. I know that wasn't the case because I had bathed this morning and smelled like my cherry pie bath salts  and wash. My shampoo and conditioner was also cherry. After a while the bell rang. I was so happy to be away from from him

In my next two classes, I asked this girl Jessica I think her was. Anyways, she apparently was the school gossip and by the time lunch came around I had learned quite a few things about the Cullen kids. Let's just say it all was as I expected and strange to say the least. 'I would definitely have to put in some research.' I thought to myself.

We met up with a girl named Angela and a boy named Mike. They too were filling me in about the Cullen family. Apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed how weird and odd they were.

Then every thing happened so fast that I didn't have time to process it all.

On my way to the table after getting my food I tripped. I ended up falling mouth first into the Cullen table. I got up and was checking my self for injuries when someone grabbed me up hard and flung me out the back of the cafeteria door. The pain was so intense I was screaming.

I heard a high pitched scream "noooo."

"Edward how could you do that."

"Someone call Carlisle. She's dying." Another person said.

I was being lifted off the ground and put in a car after that. I only thought it was a car though. My eyes were shut and i was still screaming and thrashing. When the car finally stopped I was being lifted again. Time was standing still.

Once in the house I was laid on a bed. I clung to my rescuers shirt. I opened my eyes. The room was a forest green color with walls of books and CDs. The four poster bed was dark mahogany and the sheets were forest green. The fall wall was just made of glass. You could see the tall forest trees. It was the prettiest thing I had ever laid my eyes on.

I released the shirt I was holding on to and finally looked into my rescuers face.  He was beautiful. His hair a honey gold with light blonde streaks. It was messy and disheveled.  But also so perfect like he made it that way and he eyes were goldish red with flecks of brown to them. Not as bad as Edward's had been in biology. And a lot more calmer too. Which was weird considering I was panicking. But I over looked that. I wanted to know more about this man next to me.

I was getting ready to say something but he beat me to it.

"Hey! I'm Jasper and you are in my house. You had an accident in school. We saved you. My father Carlisle has been taking care of you for the past hour. And he thinks it's best we tell you what happened and what we are. Don't be afraid though we wouldn't hurt you. And we sent Edward away to help him control himself."

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