Some Alone Time

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Jasper's POV:
After all the shit that's gone on since saving Bella from my so called brother; it's going to nice to finally have some alone time. All this together shit was for the birds I wanted nothing more then to kill everyone right now. Well all but peter and Bella.

But even they had become to much to bare at times. And I just wanted away. I packed my bag and told my family good bye. I would be living the life of a nomad for awhile. And I was okay with that.

Bella and Pete called a few times on the phone Bella had begged me to take, well not begged but really forced it on me. Stating I had better pick up and talk or she would track me down and kick my ass.

She was my sister so of course I took it and answered when she called.

But back to getting away I loved life as a nomad really. No one to answer to, no one tell you what to wear, etc. it was freeing and I had missed it if I was being honest with myself. I wouldn't go back right away. I'd stay a nomad traveling one place to the other.

About a year in to my nomadic life now and I have to admit I was missing the hell outta my brother and sister. I was going home. But before I could make it out of England I had found a strange vampire sent. I followed it to a creek.

It was there I found the piece I had been missing. A place that I call home. But I knew I couldn't be complete until I got home so I went over and sat down next to the goddess. She light brown flowing hair that was past her butt and red eyes that looked into your soul. She wasn't standing so I couldnt really see how tall she was but I knew it wasn't tall as me.

She stared at me when I approached her, but quickly turned back to the creek. I could feel lust and shyness and a bit of hurt and anger in her emotions and I know she wasn't going to talk to me.

So I turned and waited on her to do the same. When she didn't turn but looked at me from the corner of her eye I spoke.

"My name is Major Jasper Whitlock. What your name ma'am." I used my accent for an added affect. I want to get her talking and Bella said all girls and women love a good southern accent.

"I... um..." well come on out with it my lady who are you. I wanted to know everything bout you and more. I added in my mind. Yes we must know more about our mate. Thats why I was feeling the pull to her. I sent her confidence and forwardness.

"I am my name is Harper Whitney. It's nice to meet you Mister Whitlock." She had said. So quietly.

We stayed out by the creek for a few hours. And I did most of the talking. Though I did get her to relax some towards the end of our time.

I learned about her change, favorite things, where she was staying at the moment. She was a nomad like me. I learned that she was 17 when she was changed. And that didn't have anyone like the Cullens to help her. She stayed out of the sight of Maria. Though had heard of her and me once she really understood who and what I was.

I promised her to come back to the creek tomorrow and we would travel back to home. I'd have to call Pete and let him know I'd be bringing my mate to meet him and Bella.

I was sure that phone call would be interesting to say the least.

Bella's POV:
The damn Cullens better not come back and I meant it. I wanted to have some alone time with my man. Jasper knows how we get sometimes so he will understand, but the rest of them have to go.

After the whole Victoria and Maria bull shit I was tired. And I'm a vampire for fucks sake.

But after the Cullens left; Jasper decided to go out on his own. And a part of me was sad. He was my brother and I loved him. But I sucked it up and said goodbye and made him swear to return when he was ready. Meaning when I called him home.

But another part of me was happy. I'd get Peter all to myself. We'd only have to come up for air to eat. And right now that sounds about right to me.

And we did for three weeks do nothing but enjoy each other's company. But as much fun as it is to play with my love I wanted to go out so we did. We dated, walked around stores and parks, everything that young couples should do.

I was in love with peter and couldn't wait to be Mrs Whitlock. And when he asked me a few months ago I screamed out my yes. Then screwed him into next week.

It had been a year and we were going to be married soon. So I wanted to call Jasper home. Missing him. Needing him here with me. I didn't want anything to extravagant. But I didn't necessarily want something simple.

I was hold my cell in my hand about about to call Jasper when peter came in and told me to hold off. That Jasper would be calling us.

No more than 20 minutes later jasper was calling. I picked up on the second ring and put it on speaker.

———————phone call——————————


"JASPER." I practically yelled down the phone.

"Hey Bella." He laughed.

"I was going to call you and peter here told me to wait. He said you'd be calling us. I'm so happy to hear from you. We have some exciting news to tell you."

"Have I got news for you to sis. Is Pete around I'd like to tell you both together."

"Your on speaker Jazz. And hurry up I want to share our news too."

"Always so bossy." He laughed then continued. "Okay well I've found my mate and we are head home. I want you guys to meet my Harper."

To say I was shock would be understatement. But then I went to into sister bear mode asking more about her.

When I finally calmed down I realized I forgot our new until Jasper brought it back up.

"Hey you never told me your new or do want to wait til we get there later today."

"No no I'll tell you no so we can celebrate when you get here. Peter asked me to be his wife. We are getting married soon and we want you here for it. In fact I was wondering if you would walk me down the island."

"That great sister. We will definitely celebrate when we arrive but Harper is thirsty and we are going to hunt before we get home. See you both soon." And with that he hung up.

——————-end of phone call——————-
Now it was time for some fun with my hubby to be.

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