Chapter 4

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Bella's Pov:

A month later:

Things have definitely been different for me over the last month. First I get attacked by a blood thirsty veggy vampire out to drink my blood; then I get saved by an angel that turned out to be the bother of said vampire, and finally I meet my mate in my sexy human drinker vampire. Which I have to say the last thing is a huge bonus. I can't wait to get him naked and have my way with him. In my eyes things were pretty crazy.

After those first few days things where settling down. I settled into a routine. I would read. Or go out with Peter.

The last few weeks my newborn abilities were starting to fade. My anger was fading as well. Though I was still strong and could run fast; I had learned to control things.

Jasper and my Peter told me they would teach me how to fight so for the last few weeks we would train and hunt. We would take a break and relax talking then we'd train more as the sun would set.

It was later that night when Peter said his gift was going off. It would seem that we are going to have a fight on our hands. A big one from what I understood. And so my training would begin faster than planned.

Peter and Jasper were immediately in beast mode strategizing and calling people to come help us fight. I know that the more help the better. But it was still a bit scary. I may not be a human but most of their friends fought with them in the wars. Most were nomadic. They acted on instinct and could kill you easy. It unsettled me quite a bit.

Peter came in then and I was brought back to the present.He looked over at Jasper.

"Call the Cullens. We are going to need their help."

"You sure Peter. They don't really like me after I left Alice." Yes that was a huge shock. Char and Alice had confronted Jasper and Peter together about me and let's just say it was bad. They left and never looked back. I fucking hated them.

"They are going to have to get over it. This will involve them too."

"Fine but if Edward or Alice upset or hurt you or Bella I'm going to get pissed. Not mention if Char shows up." He was in Major mode. Fuck. I chose that time to speak up.

"It will be okay big brother. Nothing will happen I will make sure of that." I gave him a hug. Then we decided that another training session was needed.

After a few hours of training and hunting, me and Peter needed alone time. We went to our room. He shut and locked the door pushing me against it.


He started kissing me. His hands going up under my shirt to massage my breast. I deepened the kiss as our tongues danced with the other. He stopped to take off my shirt and bra.Taking my right nipple in his mouth. Licking and sucking.Turning me on and making me moan in pleasure as he goes to the left nipple.

Oh god how I loved this man.He kisses his way down to the top of my pants.He rips them off along with my underwear. And kisses down my center licking my clit as he puts two fingers in me.

"Oh fuck. Yes baby. Oh god don't stop."

I am getting so close to coming. I can feel it. He goes faster with his fingers inserting one more. Licking and sucking on my clit at the same time. Fucking hell he is killing me. I moan like a bitch in heat. I cum all over his fingers. Screaming his name as I come. He pulls his fingers out and licks them.

"Oh god Bella you taste so good sugar." Fuck I love his Texas twang. I growl turning us and pushing him into the door.

"It's your turn now. Strip so I can show you what I got." I move back. He does as he told. I get on my knees in front of him. I sucked him off and swallowed everything licking him clean when I'm done. He lays me on the bed and inters me. I moan at the sensation. Arching my back.

He pounds the fuck outta me.

"Oh fuck Peter. Yes. Right there. Faster. Oh god. Harder. Oh shit. I'm gunna come."

"That's right baby come for me. Oh fuck I'm going to come too."

We both come together. Me claiming him again and him me. He pulls out and lays next to me.

~~~~~~end of lemon~~~~~~~

He covered us up and read to me as we spent the rest of the night blissfully enjoying each other's company. I love my man. Tonight was the best night. And soon we won't have much time to ourselves so it was special.
Later as dawn approached we got dressed and joined Jasper down stairs. Them fucking Cullens better watch themselves. I will protect the ones I love and my family.

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