The Gaurd

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Peter's pov:
Now that the pussy push overs were gone we were going to get down to business. It also helped because Bella was not so angry all the time. Score for me.

Today we were waiting on the guards. Alec Jane and Demetri . Felix would arrive later seeing as he was already on a mission. I had no idea if the witch twins were a good idea seeing as they have always been loyal to aro. But I trusted Marcus.

To be honest hated the lot. But anything that I could do to make it to where my love and maker doesn't suffer, well that's what I'd do.

When I heard movement I tried to put Bella behind me, but of course she wasn't having none of that. Seeing as she was an equal. And then it didn't take long for the guard to come through the trees.

"No need to worry. We all play for the same team for awhile. Though, remember that Aro is king and will judge anything he wants."

We all growl at Jane. Although she is useful, she worse than the blonde Barbie Emmett calls a mate. Bitch is Crazy. Yes. She uses her gift with out permission. Yes. And gets off on others pain.

"Calm Jane. Master Aro would have your head if you didn't obey. We are they good guys until the mess is dealt with. Go call Master and tell him that we have arrived. Give him an update. And tell him we will update as much as we can. Alec, go hunt. Seatle was not to far and no innocent Alec. I'm going to stay here and get caught up.  Now go" I was rather impressed at how Demetri controlled the situation. And as he spoke, he confirmed a lot of things I knew. Aro probably threw a fit and sent them as a side objective.

All I knew was that Demetri was good at tracking and that is it. Not much is known about any of the guard apart from Jane and Alec. He would have made a good solider. And will come in handy when we are fighting. I would like to get him alone with Jasper and myself. To go over what happened in the castle.

We spend the better part of the day going over what needs to happen. Though there was a lot of gifts no one really knew how to fight without them.

Bella was so not liking Jane. And after Jane tried using her gifts on us we band her from training. At least away from Bella.

"Stupid cunt bitch. Thinks she just use her power whenever." Bella had said the last time Jane used her power on us and took us all down. It was like she was Cauis. And my guess is she had something going on with the two leaders.

The Volturi liked to test us at every chance they get so it wouldn't surprise me if the kings told her to do something to fuck with us.

I knew the battle was coming sooner than later. My knower going off like crazy. Information overload. So over they next few weeks we were training day and night.

Demetri was fast and strong fighter but did show arrogance in the beginning. Which of course the Major helped with. Can't really use tracking in a battle were all party's present.

Alec like his sis would use his gift pretty much whenever. It would piss us all off. He hated to lose. But after a week of training realized that your only as strong as your gift allow. So he agreed to do it our way. He is still very weak without his gift but he managed to kill a few time.

Jane however loves using her gift. And does it to piss us off. Just so she can keep using it. I wanna burn her so much. And hopefully would get my chance when we faced them in battle.

Felix arrived a day ago and like Emmett his strength is his major go to. He is way to cocky and my mate gladly put him his place after making some not so nice things about women. Though the training the Volturi gave him does help; he still is weak when going up against major heavy hitters.

I'll be glad when this shit is over. I miss my mate. And i know she misses me. Battle always comes first lately and I just want to hold her and make love to her. Damn guard for intruding in our home.

When this is over I swear my mate and I are going some place nice and not coming back for months.


Hey everyone,
Sorry so short.
Your author,

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