Victoria And Maria Come To Play

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Victoria's POV:
That bitch of a human was going to pay for killing my James. My mate. Her and those damned animal eating pussy vampires. I was going to make sure that She suffer at my hands while they watched. Then I would kill her in front of them. There was nothing that was going to stop my revenge. No matter what her death would be at my hands.

I knew just what to do. Thank you Laurent. I'd go to the one person I knew was crazier than me. Maria. The bitch had a bigger vendetta against the animal munching pussies. Or so I head. Though I could fight on my own and win, it was always good to have a back up plan. Yes I knew I was taking a chance in being killed, but it was chance I was willing to take. It was time to join forces and kill the human once and for all. I'd let Maria have the Cullens.

When I finally made it to Maria's camp, I told her my plan and how much i needed her. I even told her she'd get back what she once lost. And it was like a kid to candy. I had her hook line and sinker. Even if I did hate needing someone. And soon, we made plans to head back to Forks.  James my love your death wont be in vane.

We planned and planned for a week making sure that we had everything in order to go to war. Cause that is what this was. I was going balls to the wall. We had newborn army. A crazed for blood newborn army. From Maria's camp and some we made along the way. Watch out little human I'm coming for you.

We made our way toward the last know place I knew the little human was. But sniffing out the area. I didn't find her sent. So we went to the Cullens. When we saw they were gone. We set up camp on their land. Not like they would know.

"You told me if I follow you you would lead me to my Major. And yet here we are and he is not. His sent is months old. Now either we find him. Or I'll kill you, take your newborns with me, and I'll find him on my own."

"Look here you bitch. The last time I was through here, there was a coven of vegetarian vampires. They were protecting the human pet of their. They killed my James. Then their pet wolves killed Laurent. I want them all died. But I'll spare your Major if he's the one you want. But for now we are here. We will go by the coast to check out the mutts. Then after we've dealt with them we will go in search of the one your after. Maybe he'll be with the animal-munching coven.

Peter's POV:
That red- headed whore was going to die. I was going to make sure of that shit. I mean shit I finally get Bella all to myself while the others are hunting and my knower just starts going the fuck off. Like I said the red-head formally known as Icky Vicky aka Victoria was going to die. If not by me then definitely by my mate. I was going to make that permanent mission. Until she was dead.

Oh god when Bella hears this shit I'm gonna hide. She will rein her anger on anything and anyone she can. I didn't want to be in the line of that. And my 'gift' was giving out information right and left. Icky Vicky  wasn't enough Maria has to be thrown in for giggles. I mean come the fuck on. Didn't we get enough of the bitch in the Wars. My mate's daddy was in the fucking middle. Thanks to the shapeshifting mutts that live near the coast.

And just to make matters even worse the damn shapeshifting mutts were not doing there jobs right. I mean they lost two boys to the newborns. Learn how to fight so you can protect my mates daddy for goodness sake. I mean who goes straight to my mates house to check on her daddy after the newborns attacked. Stupid I tell you.

It was fucking obvious why Maria was coming. I mean the Major has played a huge part in her demise as a leader and the southern wars were over. So she didn't have anyone to defend her. Protect her against bigger threats. But the dumb red head was only coming cause she thinks she was mated to the blonde dummy who died. I mean who fights a coven of talented vampires. And then if that wasn't enough, though he was changing his way, the fucking God of War was there. I mean really. You know you don't win against him.

So yes I'm going to hiding out when my mate hears this. Hm maybe I could go stay with the pussies for a few. Damn and it looked like my cock wasn't getting any any time soon. And after my loves anger cools I'll be killing the pussies next. Well that is if she doesn't get to them first.

Now how to tell Bella without being torn apart was the question. I had little hope. But in the end I consulted my 'gift'. I chose to wait. Praying that in the end I wouldn't get my head ripped off.

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