The Cullens part two

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Peter's pov:
"No not like that. Emmett focus. Esme now is not the time to play nice. Jasper be carful. Alice don't really rip things off Edward. Well not everything." Ugh. We had a lot to go through before we were ready. These crazy assed vampires weren't going to be ready anytime soon. I sighed. "Trade partners. Carlisle with Emmett. Esme with Alice. Rose you'll be with Edward. Jasper time for the Major to play. Izzy give him hell. Ready? Began." I loved watching Bella spare with my brother. They were matched perfectly but I think that Izzy was a bit better. As I knew she would be.

Ugh. "STOP." Again I say ugh. "Izzy you partner up with Alice. Teach her how to make that spin throw. Jasper" I stopped myself at his glare. "I mean Major. Spare with me. The rest of you watch."

I let the girls spare first. It was funny to watch. My lovely mate would kill Alice on a real battle field. I would totally have my mate pare with her again. The best entertainment of my day.

"You have to get the air. Once you got the air yo can grab ahold of them throwing them over you as you it the ground. Come at me..I'll show you how it's done" my baby let her get a few rounds on her but out of the blue she took Alice off guard and flipped her on her ass holding her on the ground by her throat. That's my girl. Once she let her go and got off her, she said. "That's how you do a flip throw." Alice was pissed.  She hated when someone got something past her gift. They went a few more rounds. Alice never flipped Bella.

It was mine and Jaspers turn. "Come on Major our turn let's show them how to really put on a show. Don't take it easy on either." He had a cocky smug smile on his face. "Never Captain. Not in my nature." I was sore after but I had to show them. They can't be pusses.

We spent most of the morning and early afternoon training. We had covered all of newborn fighting. We still had to train advance mode. That was later. Around 3 o'clock everyone decided to go for a group hunting trip. Me and Bella decided to stay home . We would hunt tonight. I just wanted to show my love just how proud of her I was. It was time for Bella to meet the Captain.

Bella's pov:
I loved being with Peter in Captain mode. It was sexy. It was rough yet soft. He had me coming more times than I could count. And we didn't stop till the next morning. And the reason we stopped then was because of training. I could stay in bed with my Captain all the time. Oh how I loved the things he did to me. His tongue wa my favorite.

Training went the same as yesterday. This time however it was my time to take charge. I was a bit harder in them then Peter was. Course I hated them for what happened to me. Even though it wasn't but ones fault. And today was my day to get back at him.

"Okay sparing lesson. Edward, you and I will be partners. Pete, love, you will be with Emmett and Jasper you will take on your ex wife. Pete, you are to practice kicks with Emmett. And Jasper you will be teaching Alice how to expect the unexpected. Edward, you are first. Ready?" He nodded. Oh buddy boy, you have no idea what coming. I let Izzy have full control then.

Izzy's pov:
It was about time Bella let me have full reign. Eddie boy was going down.

After an hour he gave up. He knew I had is ass. I would have gone for kill too but I didn't want the major getting into trouble. Didn't want to hurt his chances with 'ma and pa' Cullen. I just got up and gave the floor to Pete. I loved watching him spare. Truthfully I got turned on by him.

And with the Cullen women here I loved showing him who belonged to who. He would say I belonged to him first but by the end he was screaming that he was mine. I had laughed at him the first time I got him to say it. I loved it though.

------time skip----

The Cullens have been here a week. At first Bella and I wouldn't go near them. Well unless we could fight em.  But I hit it off with Rosalie, the blonde super model. True she was bitchy  but so was I. Bella and Alice did get a little closer, but she was hesitant to get close to any of them really. Then there's Emmett, the built like wrestler but goofy as shit. He was my big teddy bear softy of a brother. Me and Bella loved him like we cared for Jasper. I didn't like or trust Edward. I had to keep Bella away from his sneaky ass. And she agreed that he was up to no good. 'Ma and pa' Cullen was okay but trying to much to be like parent to Bella and I. I had bring them down a notch.

I really couldn't wait till I could kick their asses out of my house. Well Peter and Jasper's but mine too. The more they stayed, the more angrier I got. And I was sure to kill someone.

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