Part 6: the cullens

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Izzy's Pov:
We came down and waited for the Cullens to exit their cars. When they finally emerged I was on edge. I got a feeling something was about to happen. Peter had the same feeling because he put me behind him slightly. We both started growling.

The doc spoke up with his necklace bared. At least he knew what to do. "I know that you barley know us Bella, but we come to help not cause trouble." He then faced my mate. "We are truly sorry scaring your mate Peter." Carlisle tried coming closer. Jasper stopped him.

"Carlisle if you value you and your families lives I would move away. My Captain is out and will kill you and anyone else he sees as a threat right now. And by the way that's not Bella that would the Captains mate Izzy. I haven't seen her in action yet but if she's the Captains mate she will be lethal. Back away."

He bowed to us then backed away. But I was still on edge and out the corner of my eye I saw Edward inching his way forward. I turned toward him. Growling.

"You better not move anymore boy. I'm warning you. You will lose your head and will burn. It's because of you that I'm a vampire. The only thing that's saved your ass so far is I've found my mate. And the Major is right names Izzy. Mistress of death. Or call me General."

God how I loved being cocky. Well now that I know I can be cocky anyways.

"You are no better than anyone here." Blondie said. "You're nothing but a newborn with a cocky problem. A bitch" She didn't even get to finish her thought. I had her by the neck about to tear her head off.

"I know you want to kill her but you can't Jasper cares a bit for her. You would be upset if you hurt him. He's your brother."

"Uh fine. But next time I won't be so nice. She's a bitch. And she's quite annoying."

It would hurt Jasper. I loved him like a brother and so I let her go. After that we ended up going inside. And after hours of long conversations things were starting to calm down and so I let Bella have the control back.

Bella's Pov:
I have to say every time I'm Izzy I feel weird. She's me of course but different. Like two people in one. And everything that happens is kinda fuzzy to me but I can hear what's going on. But the more she's around the safer I feel. I mean sure I'm a vampire, I can take care of myself; but she is confident. She speaks her mind. She doesn't care, she just does.

I took Peter up to our room so he could calm down. He still had been on edge. I knew if Jasper were to give him the command; Peter would kill them all. But Maria was coming so we needed the Cullens help.

"Come on baby come back to me. It's me and you baby. No one can get us in here. I need you. Come back to me." Nothing. "Come on baby I love you please." I wasn't beyond begging.

I started running my hand up arm and down his chest. He started purring. "Oh baby take me. Take me and come back to me." He threw me over his shoulder and then he threw me on our bed hard cracking the frame. Thus started our night in love making.

Jasper's Pov:
After we heard the moaning picking up in Bella and Pete's room, we resumed our conversation that we were all were having.

"All Alice told us was that your sire was creating a big army and may get help with some among the Volturi. We don't know much of anything else son. And as soon as we got the news, we got here as fast as we could. We truly want to help you both. And also Peter too. I know they don't trust us very much after what Edward, and Alice, and Rosaile have done, but I know with time we can show them that we love them too."

"Carlisle what you must understand is that Bella had her whole world ripped away from her because Edward couldn't control himself. Even with super self control; there's no way she could have gone back to her mom dad or stepdad. Edward was cocky and thought himself above the situation. And then almost kills Bella In the process. It will take more than words to change the way things played out. I looked at Edward then.

"Although I know that you sorry, it doesn't change what you did. You all have to gain her trust and love. Stop being to self righteous and pompous. Treat others with respect and kindness and maybe we can at least get past this."

Then I turned to Rosaile. "And Rose you have to get off your high horse. Bella's title would mean a lot to our world. The Volturi will fear her just the same as they fear me. We Whitlocks could rule if we wanted. If you are yo stay here you will give Bella her respect.

I turned back to rest of family. "Now go cause we train bright and early in the morning."

With that we said our goodbyes for the night. I hoped tomorrow went better than it did today. If not I'd be letting Bella show everyone why she was the Mistress of Death.

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