Maria dies

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Bella's pov:
Over the last couple of days Peter has withdrawn himself from the group. Though no one can blame him. We were over ran with idiots after all. Though he still talk with Jasper and I, every one else didn't matter. Though to be honest I was the same way.

I knew his gift had been giving him information but not much else. He would just say it wasn't time yet. It was however weighing heavily on him. And I would have to talk to him about later in our room. I missed my peter the way he used to me.

"Listen up you fucking idiots. You are in our home. So please stop being loud. If you want to wrestle go the fuck out side. No using your power inside our house." Oh shit the Major is getting pissed. I walk into the living room. And when I get there I find two lamps broken and a dent in the wall with the major hold Jane up by her neck.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY LIVING ROOM?" Forget going outside. I was pissed and someone was going to pay. Everyone looked at me then. Scared out their mind. As well they should.

"I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHO DID IT. I WANT YOU ALL TO CLEAN IT UP. AND IT BETTER BE FIXED BY THE TIME I GET DONE WITH MY SHOWER OR SOMEONES LOOSING THEIR HEADS." With that I walk out going to our room. They knew not to piss me off more. I motioned the Major to let the wicked witch go and told him to watch her closely.

You see Jane and her brother never were ones for rules and often started fights for the hell of it. I was damn tired of it too. I was I too damn tired to care and I needed a shower. So I let the Major take the lead this time.

When I got to mine and Peter's bedroom, Peter was laying on the bed deep in thought. I could hold off talking to him anymore. I went to him and shifted on the bed to hold him.

"Oh baby what's wrong? You have been acting so not yourself lately. Please tell me what's going on. I love you. I'm always going to be there for you." I would be crying if I could. He was my everything and and it hurt to see him like this. Sometimes I really hated his gift.

"All I can say right now is that Maria will be here in two days. She isn't coming alone either. We are up against her and her army. We will win but at a price and Maria almost kills you while we are busy. The only thing that saves you is Jazz and Demetri attack her from the back to get her off of you. Your head will be fine but you have no right arm and no left leg. I've been worried that I might loose you. I'm sorry." Damn I know that couldn't have been easy on him to see. But even if I loose limbs I would always be with him. Right by him and that is all that matters to me.

"Oh Pete babe. I'll be fine and when it's all over we will be together forever. You won't loose me. And let's just tell them what you've been told. That way. We can be on Guard. We will talk with everyone when I grow out the shower okay." Saying that for both of us. Praying that what he say will be different when we plan more. He just nodded and we walked in the bathroom to get in the shower. Cleaning each other and holding each other close.

Two days later......

Peters pov:
After the conversation Bella and i had we into planning. And we told everyone what happened. Everyone was pumped for the upcoming fight. Though we were outnumbered the odds where in our favor. And I would do anything to keep my family alive. And the Guards have become like family over the last few days. Though I hate to admit it.

"Maria is on the move. Be ready." We all went out and got into formation.

"Hola Major, Captain." Bella growled and Maria just laughed hard.

"Don't worry girl, you will meet your end soon. And I will get back what belongs to me. Victoria may be scared but I'm not. And I will make sure that you will suffer before you die." Now it was my turn to growl. That is my girl she is talking about and I'll be damned if I don't defend what's mine.

"Stop all the talking Maria just do what you came to do and get it over with. Or are you scared that the Major and I will kill you were you stand." She growled and told the newborns to attack.

And as I thought we were going to win. We were fighting and killing the newborns right and left.

Than when I heard Bella taunting Maria.

"Maria Maria Maria....have you come to die....." Maria attacked her and the battle was on. I motioned for Jasper and Demetri to attack from the back. And the rest of us would take care of the newborns.

They did as they where told but not before Bella screamed out in pain.

"Go to her Peter we have dealt with newborns before. We got it. Go to your girl. And kill that evil bitch." I didn't even look back I went to her side. And was on a war path when I saw my mate.

"Oh god Bella hold on I'll get your arm back on." I cried trying to help her. It was fusing but still not healed.

"Pete I know you want to take care of your mate right now but we need to end this now." I growled the Major knew better. But I knew he was right. I turned taking and burning Maria.

"Good bye you evil bitch."

After everything was over we burned the bodies and returned home. Bella and I retired to our room after getting her better. I needed my mate and tonight I was going to have her.

Peter and Bella: My Love Will Last A Lifetime Where stories live. Discover now