The Wedding

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Peters POV:
When Jasper arrived I knew I'd be hard pressed to get Bella to do anything. So I had to start now and made her sit down and finalize some plans that were waiting on Jasper being here.

I laughed at her when she huffed about brothers and being mates to an over grown child. She was irritated that Jasper wasn't going to come home alone. I knew she was happy underneath her fake anger but well you know my mate. Anger is what she did best.

I just let her rant I knew it wouldn't be long for Harper to grow as her favorite. Her dearest sister and friend. And Jasper well let's just say he's in for it.

After the plans we taken care of; I figured I'd get started on my wedding present. I was building a house on the property for us to live in. And signing papers that left Jasper the big house. He was newly mated after all.

When Jasper and Harper finally did grace up with they're presence we sat around talking. And by Ella went into baby sister bear mode. Asking anything and everything. You could see Harper was struggling. Looking to Jasper and myself.

She wasn't going to get anywhere with me. I wasn't going to save here. If she wanted to prove herself to Bella; was going to need to grow a back bone.

"So Harper was it? You look awfully young yet. When were you turned at what age? Do you even understand what being Jasper's mate entails? Are you going to love him no matter what... mate or not?"

My girl was harsh but I loved that about her. I just loved her. Period.

After after Harper answered those questions and more we decided to go bar hopping. We could eat but we could drink. Well not really drink. But you know my girl. She wanted us to try it. And she wanted to be free from being older and be the teenage girl she was when she was before she was changed.

And tonight I'd let her. She was hot and I wanted her. And I loved seeing her free.

She was wearing a see through shirt with a neon pink bralete and a black leather skirt. And matching underwear underneath. With pink heels. Normally they were for clubbing but she had wanted to go all out.

By the end of the night thanks to jasper we were all feeling his power and drunk off our asses. It was fun all night after that I mean watching my family just so relaxed shooting the shit on our couch after we had gotten home was my happy place everyone I wanted was here with me.

Last week Harper confronted Bella about the way she treated her, and I'll be honest knowing shit or not if it had not been for Jasper Harper would have been ash.

But in the end Harper finally won over Bella . Bella letting her know she had big balls confronting her like that. And they have been getting closer. Still that shit was scary far more that what happened with Alice and Bella.

Today however was the most amazing, awesome, beautiful day of my life. I'm marrying the love of my life. And it's almost time.

"Pete you ready man? You ready to have the old ball and chain."

"Oh har har har. Don't let bella hear you say that or you'll be grass. Not only with her but Harper too. Trust me you don't want them two teaming up on punishment or anything like that. But yeah I'm ready. I've been ready let's get this show on the road." We got ready then and waited at the alter.

When Jasper left to go get bella, my stomach was in knots. I was nervous. But as soon as I seen her walking towards me I felt alive. And I know I probably sound like a girl but I would have cried if I could.

And when she reached me I could help but give her a deep passionate kiss. I loved her so much.

Jasper cleared his throat. He would also be our minister today.

"Okay enough you two before you scare the kids." He laughed at his joke.

"Get on with it Jazz. I maybe a vampire but my feet are hurt and I want out of this can make corny jokes later." She sure told him.

"Whatever sis." He clears his throat again. I mean is he serious there's no human at our wedding geez. I mean come on.

"We come today to join you, Isabella Swan, to Peter Whitlock, in whole matrimony. Now is the time to speak now or forever hold your peace."He looked at Bella before he continued.

"Do you Bella take peter to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and hold from today until forever." And it continued on and on til finally we were married.

And we didn't want a reception so once were married we all four went hunting. But after we had our fill I took her back to the house I had built for us and made love to her all night. I was truly blessed by my mate.

Sorry so short
On this chapter.
This story is complete.
Hope you liked it.
Your author Candi

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