Chapter 3

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Jasper's pov:

Taday was going like any other. Well it was at first. I went hunting in the early morning so I'd be ready for school. Seeing as I didn't wanna kill any of the humans because of their sweet blood. I had asked my brothers if they wanted to go but of course only Emmett wanted to go. Edward and I really only got along with he wanted or in front of the rents'. But still hunting with Emmett was fun, as he loved playing with his food. I took down a few dear and a bear.

Anyway  I returned home to find the family in the living room going over a vision Alice had. Which as much as loved my pixie she was ruled by her visions and most of the time thought herself above others. Like Edward she felt her gift was something that surpassed all others because she could control what others did through the visions she had.

"Edward, she's your singer and going to be my best friend. You can't go; you'll kill her. She's going to important. Not only to our family but to Jaspers too. We will love her someday." My love say what???

"I will not be ran out of my family over a human girl, Alice. Plus I have better control than you or Jasper." He always throws that shit back at us cause he things we ruined his life by coming to be with the family. I scoffed. If I knew I could get away with it I'd light his ass on fire and dance while he's burning. I would love to tell Carlisle he made one big ass mistake with that one.  And he just kept on talking. "I can make it through school, I'm sure. I mean give me credit. I have the best control next to Carlisle himself." He was being cocky. I fucking can't wait to take him out if he tries to attack someone. I took this take to walk in the room and sit next to Alice.

"So what's going on."

So after explaining the vision to me and with a few fights; we all agreed for golden boy to stay. As long as we just keep him away from me when it happened and pray he doesn't kill her in school or on school property to expose us,then we'd be good.

By 6 am I had gotten in the sho'er, and by 730 I was ready and waiting on the others for school. We of course took Edward's Volvo. Which I hate. But convenient for school. Though if I had my choice; I'd take my truck. But I listened to Alice and her visions and agreed that the Volvo would be the best.

We reached the school with plenty of time to spare. We always did. Gayward, a.k.a. Edward, likes the attention. Or at least that's the way I see it.

The school day was going fine and even lunch had been pretty decent. Edward seemed to be hold up well. That was until she tripped on our table.

Angela Weber was explaining about the 'Cullen's' to the new girl,Isabella.They were in line getting their food then trying to find a table to sit at. When she tripped over thin air and banged her face against our table. Isabella hadn't been watching her step and tripped and blood was pooling out her lip. I pretty much quit breathing.

That's when it pretty much happened. Edward made for her, but Rosalie and Emmett held on to him and was dragging him out the back of cafeteria doors, when he grabbed the new girl and threw her.

"Noooo." Alice screamed. As if that would help. I mean I did love her. She is my mate, but geez man sometimes I wonder if she wasn't all there thanks to her past.

"Edward!!! How could you do that. "Alice was sobbing into Rosalie's chest. Rose maybe vain but she didn't like killing innocent humans. And she hated Edward more than even I did.

Emmett took this opportunity to yank Edward away. I held on to Isabella. Her lifeless body was limp in my arms. I felt bad she got mixed up with this.

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