Chapter 1

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   "Now Naruto!" Sasuke shouted, leaping towards Kaguya and stretching out his left arm, revealing the yin seal on his palm,  Naruto mimicked Sasuke's actions and prepared to seal away the Rabbit Princess for good.

   Naruto stretched out his right arm, revealing the yang seal on his right palm. But to their surprise, Kaguya unleashed another one her deadly black rods and rammed it into Sasuke's gut while Naruto watched in shock and horror.

   "SASUKE!" Naruto shouted frantically, rushing over to his best friend, catching Sasuke's limp body in his arms. From afar, Sakura and Kakashi stared in equal shock.

   Naruto landed on the ground, he gently lay Sasuke down and knelt beside him. "Sasuke!" Sakura called out his name and knelt right beside Naruto. Kakashi stood behind his two students with a saddened face.

   "Hold on I'll heal you Sasuke." Sakura said, placing her two hands on Sasuke, one hand on top on of the other. Her hands began glowing a bright green and began trying to heal with him with her medical ninjutsu.

   But Sasuke grabbed her hand, stopping the healing process. "Don't waste your chakra Sakura, it's completely pointless." He said.

  "But still, I have to heal you Sasuke." Sakura said tearfully, Sasuke released her hand and cupped her face with his own and smiled warmly.

   "Don't cry Sakura, it's okay. I have to atone for all of the horrible crimes I've committed in the past." Sasuke reassured.

   "I'm sorry, for all that I've done, I hope you can forgive me." Sasuke apologized with guilt in his voice but Sakura smiled and pulled him in for a hug.

   "You've already been forgiven Sasuke." She said and lets of go Sasuke. "Before I go, I have something I want to give to Naruto." He said.

   "Naruto, give me your left hand." Sasuke said, Naruto did as he was told and stuck out his left hand, holding it out with his palm open.

   Sasuke took Naruto's left and placed his own left hand on top of Naruto's left palm. After a while, Sasuke finally took his hand off.

   "Now, take a good look at your left hand." Sasuke chuckled and smirked. Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi all noticed that the yin seal on Sasuke's left palm, was no longer there.

   "Sasuke! What happened to your seal?" Naruto asked, "Hn, that's why I said take a good look at your left palm." Sasuke chuckled again.

   Heeding Sasuke's advice, Naruto looked at his hand and saw that the yin seal that Sasuke possessed, was now on his left hand.

   "Now that you have the full power of the Sage of Six Paths, Kaguya should stand no chance against you, it's all up to you now Naruto." Sasuke said, before fading away, much like how their enemy now turned ally and friend Obito died.

   "Thank you, Sasuke, I promise, I'll seal her away for good." Naruto resolved. Sakura wept into Naruto's shoulder, and he hugged her, comforting her, tears gently falling down his own face.

   Naruto finally released Sakura from their emotional hug, he got up from his knees and stood confidently, giving Kaguya a deadly death glare.

   "I'm gonna kill you!" Naruto shouted angrily, Kaguya simply laughed, "Come in get me!" She tempted. Naruto charged towards her, suddenly appearing behind her and giving her a powerful kick to the back.

   Kaguya screamed in pain, 'Ugh, such strength! No matter! I'll kill him' She thought, unleashing another rod and attempting to stab Naruto with it.

   However, Naruto dodged her attack effortlessly, Kaguya grunted in frustration, and tried aiming at Naruto again, failing again however.

   "I think it's time I put you down!" Naruto shouted, and threw a powerful punch to her face. Naruto formed a rasengan and charged it into Kaguya, who is screaming her lungs out.

   Naruto flew away, taking another glance at the Rabbit Princess, he flew back down towards her, this time holding out both palms, preparing to finally seal her away for good.

   'Oh no! This isn't good!' Kaguya thought frantically, trying to use her teleportation jutsu to avoid the sealing, it was working but unfortunately for, at the wrong timing.

   As Naruto has already made contact with her, placing both palms on her shoulder, finally sealing her away. But Naruto gets caught in her teleportation and is sucked in the vortex created by the teleportation.

   Sakura gasped, "Naruto!" She shouted, "Kakashi, where do you think he is?" Sakura asked her sensei nervously. Kakashi sighed and looked at her sadly. Sakura started getting really worried.

   "I don't know Sakura, we just gotta hope, that wherever he is, that he'll be okay, and that he'll somehow come back to us." Kakashi answered. He too was worried about his student.

   Sakura sighed, seeing her, Kakashi pulled her in for a embrace, allowing her to sob into his vest.


   Naruto got up slowly, observing his surroundings, taking in everything he saw, and also noticing a dead Kaguya on the ground, who is now slowly beginning to fade away. 

   'Just where the hell am I?' Naruto wondered in his thought, he was in a forest filled with wildlife. 'I can't sense anyone's chakra anymore, what the hell is going on?' Naruto wondered again, starting to get suspicious.

   He approached a riverbank, and sat down, he groaned. 'Just how the hell am I suppose to get back?'

   He sat down, with his hand resting on his knee and stared at his reflection on the river water, noticing his rinnegan.

   'I guess, now that I have the yin seal, I now have full power of the six paths. But I better deactivate this mode.' He thought.

   'Maybe I should ask Kurama.' Naruto thought, entering his mindscape where his fox resident slept. 

   'Hey, Kurama.' Naruto called out in his mind, waking up the fox's slumber. 'What do you want kit.' Kurama replied nonchalantly.

   'Do you know where we are?' Naruto asked, 'Well, you can be sure as hell we're not in the Elemental Nations anymore.' Kurama said.

   'Do you know if there is a way to get back?' Naruto asked again, 'Without someone who can use the teleportation technique, you're stuck here forever, and since Kakashi doesn't have his sharingan anymore and since Kaguya is dead, you're stuck.' Kurama replied.

   Naruto sighed, finally deactivating his mode and returning back to normal. 'Than I guess I should walk around and take a look.' He thought, returning to reality.

   So he got up and started strolling around the forest.   

     Minecraftgirl98- Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the Rikudou Sennin of Fairy Tail! Please stay tuned for chapter 2! Where Naruto meets three certain Fairy Tail wizards!



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