Chapter 21

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Julie's POV

"You should eat something." Christen tried her best to keep me occupied with other things to do, but my mind were solely on Moe. She was all alone at the hospital with grieving people she doesn't really know that well. I'm sure they're nice to her, that's not it, but on top of a teammate being hurt, she also have to watch the girl she likes be concerned and busy worrying about someone else.

From the short period of time I've known Kelley and Hope, they have obviously shown that they both care so deeply for each other, by for whatever reason I have yet to figure out, is scared to embrace it. There's so much love between them, and I know at this point even Moe can't deny that. No matter how much she might want to.

"I'm not hungry." I said to Christen, trying my best to give her a sincere smile. She's really been nothing but amazing today, and I'm thankful that she stayed with me.
"Come here." I waved her over to where I sat on the table, and she put down her food.
She walked over to me, smiling that heavenly smile that somehow made everything better.

She sat down in the seat next to me, and I turned both of our chairs so we could face each other. My hand found hers, and I just never got over how good and right it felt.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Christen was the first one to speak up, and she asked that question for the millionth time today.
"I am sure." I said sincere, just like I had every time before that as well. I wasn't annoyed that she asked though, I was happy she cares enough to ask in the first place. And that I could tell she actually meant it, like she would've actually cared if my answer had been no and wanted to know why not.


Kelley's POV

The doctor rushed us out of Hope's room, but honestly I was about to run out of there anyways myself. I wanted to run away, really, away from that all too vivid nightmare.

"This isn't happening." Carli mumbled to herself for the millionth time, as she collapsed on the floor just outside the door. She was a mess, and it was strange seeing someone that usually is collected and confident so very, not. She too was so out of her element.
The doctor sighed deeply as he stepped outside and closed he door behind him, looking slightly sad himself.

"I'm afraid what has happened to your friend is what we call temporarily amnesia." He spoke the words as if he hates to say them himself, like this was a case he'd wanted to see turn out good, but now so clearly hadn't.
"She's suffering from a memory loss, and she's severely confused. It might be due to a shock reaction from the trauma she's been through, which if that's the case will likely pass and she'll gain full memory." He spoke in a way that made it clear that's what he hopes it was, but didn't seem convinced of.

"And if it's not?" Carli asked, not for a second letting herself feel any form of relief.
"If not, I'm afraid we could be looking at an more serious form of amnesia. Possibly permanent. There's really no way to tell which one it is yet, but we should know more within a couple days." He continued, sighing deeply again as he finished. I didn't know what to say. I had no words. My head was clouded and confused, and all I wanted was to feel Hope's strong arms around me again.

"So- so what happens now? What do we do?" Carli continued asking, probably being one of those people that thinks rational when in shock or crisis. Alex is like that too, I've seen it many times before. They always focuses on details and things that surely could wait for a later time, but somehow becomes super important. Then eventually when they can't fix everything, they'll have a breakdown. I wasn't looking forward to this one at all.

"I'm going back in to talk to her, she seems to be stuck in a previous accident. Like she's having some kind of flashback, from what I gathered. It might be hard to answer, but did you pick up anything that can be of any help?" Carli immediately looked up at me, conflicted look in her eyes. She knew something I didn't.

"I-" she started, but seemed to stop herself. I wasn't sure what she had to say, but it clearly wasn't something she wanted everyone here to know about. If that was for me or the doctor, I didn't know.

"Her father died in a car accident." Carli spoke up, fast like she wanted to get it off her tongue as quickly as possible.
"It was a long time ago. Also, I've heard that name before. Judy, I think it's her mother." Carli didn't look at me, she simply stated the facts while looking away. The doctor eagerly took notes.

"Good. Thank you, anything else?" He asked, finishing up the writing.
"You can tell her Melody is fine, her sister. She's not picking up the phone, but she wasn't harmed in that accident at least." Carli ended, and I was in shock to her words.

I hated that there was so much unknown facts regarding Hope's life and family. That she had never trusted me with this. Also, the fact that she had been saying all that about this 'Judy', who supposedly is her alive mother. I hadn't been able to hear all of Hope's words, I had been to preoccupied with not freaking out, but I gathered enough to hear the alcoholism part, and the fact that she had been driving that day. Maybe that's why they don't speak. If Hope's mother was drunk driving and that's what killed her father. That sure would explain a whole lot of things. But that is also crazy. There is just no way we can jump to such a conclusion, but it's what we can gather from the information she involuntarily shared.

"I'll be back." The doctor nodded to us, and heard inside the room again. I wasn't sure what to say or do with myself in that moment.

Hope was awake, but at the same time that person in there wasn't really Hope. She didn't know who I was, she didn't know Carli. She doesn't even know her father died, what if she has to live through that pain again.

"There you are." Ashlyn suddenly appeared in the hall a little further down, looking relieved hat she found us. She also looked somewhat terrified, but that had honesty become a well known look around here by this point. Carli looked up, broken and confused.

"Melody called me back. She's on her way."

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