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"Well that's it" I said.

"Yep, hey let's go and pick up some boxes from your house" Joey said kissing me on the cheek.

" let's roll" I said. We hopped into Joeys car and drove to my house. Me and Joey were greeted by Felix.

" hey there big guy " I said picking him up.

" ha ha, his so cute" Joey said. I gave Joey Felix and he started playing around with him.

" come on lest out some of the boxes in your car.

We loaded the boxes that I was taking to Joey and Sawyers house, surprisingly all of the boxes fit. I did not have a lot of stuff.

" Wow that was really quick " Joey said.

" ya, I don't really have a lot of stuff, everything else is going into storage" I said.

" well let's go get Felix and take him with us now " Joey said.

" ok " I said running into the house. I left out his leash and a dog toy for him to play in the car. I put the leash on him then picked him up. He had his dog toy in his mouth so it was really funny. I carried him out the the car and hopped in. Joey was in the drivers seat and he gave me a kiss. I kissed him back.

Youtubers with no wifi ( a Joey Graceffa fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now