Chapter 7: We're Playing The Players

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❤️Riley's POV❤️
"Oh my god Alec! It's really easy just write a poem," I say, "Yeah but I don't know how," he says, "Didn't you write any in grade two?" I ask, "Well yeah but don't these have to be better then those?" He asks, "Alec write a poem and then I'll fix it up afterwards, it's due Monday," I say, "Actually?" He asks, "No I want one by Monday," I say, my phone starts to ring it's Sarah. "Hello?" I ask excitedly, "Chica! Tell your momma to get to our new house pronto, we just got here and their unloading our stuff right now!" She says, "Okay send me the address, kiss kiss," I say, "You can bring your hot boy toy too," she says, "He has to write a poem right now," I say, "Please, make me happy! Kiss kiss," then she hangs up. She's so demanding, "Okay I have to go, Monday," I shout, climbing out his window and onto my day bed, "Hey didn't I hear something about me coming?" Alec asks, "No your hearing things," I say putting on my black chevron bench coat, I close and lock my window then run down stairs. "Mom!" I yell, "Yes baby?" Mom shouts back, "Sarah just got here, she needs help moving told me to tell you to come with me to help her," I say, "I can't go but, dad will meet you there," mom says, "Okay," I say, "Oh and you have to stay after school tomorrow to show Sarah around, and Marie said something about you tutoring Alec?" She asks, "Yeah in L A it's mostly making him do homework, because he doesn't do it," I say, "Ah I see Marie said if you get his grades up to at least a C the most a A she'll pay you just let her know your hours," Mom says, "Oh tell her that's not necessary, it's really easy if it was something else though it would be okay," I say, "I told her how you struggle with math and-" "You told her what?" I say coming around the corner, "She said Alec is straight A's Mrs. Huggle can't keep up with him, maybe you can tutor each other," mom said, "I thought it would be good," mom adds, "I've gotta go I'll think about it," I say grabbing my purse from the counter and walking out the door, my phone rings with a text message it's Sarah address. It's only in the neighbouring subdivision, like a five minute drive, ten or twenty minute walk. The houses get slightly bigger there, Jim must have a lot of money although Jenny makes pretty good money too. When I get there they are just getting out of the car, Sarah is wearing black wedges and a pair of blue jean shorts with lace triangles on the side of her hip, she wears a blank blue tank top. The shorts make her legs look long and so tan, "Sarah!" I scream as I get out, "Bestie!" She shouts, we hug, and the moving truck pulls into the driveway, the wedges make Sarah taller then me and we are the same size which is awesome because I can fit all of her really nice clothing. She walks over to the back of the taxi, "Grab a bag Chica, follow me into my room," Sarah says grabbing a purple bag, I grab a couple which are really heavy and follow her into the house, we walk in and there are two closets that are around the doorway, the kitchen is off to the right and is quite big, with a bar that comes out to where the closet comes out, with an island in it, there is another counter further into the house with bar stools, the kitchen is big, which is good because Jenny loves to cook, and Jim loves to entertain. Behind the counter with stools is a small dining room, on the left is a larger dining room, and behind that is a nice living space, the stairs to the basement are at the edge of the living space. The stairs upstairs, are in the small dining room, we go downstairs and it's just a huge space, "Welcome to my room, I get all this," she says, motioning around, "behind the stairs there is a door to the laundry room/ furnace room, and that door beside it is the bathroom," Sarah says pointing to the stuff, "the bed is going over here, " Sarah says point to a space beside where the bathroom ends, "And a nice living room over here," she says. Underneath the stairs is a nice organization compartment filled with colourful bins, pushed slightly behind that is the laundry room, and the door on the other wall is the washroom, and beside that the wall pushes back to reveal a window, and a empty space, then the walls comes forward again to where she is going to put couches and tv's and stuff. "Wow I like it," I say, "Upstairs there's four rooms, like your house except the rooms are bigger," She says, "Sarah the truck is here come help unload!"I hear Jenny yell down the stairs, "We ordered my bed, and couches and everything we need, so now tomorrow we have to order a mattress so I have something to sleep on." Sarah says walking up the stairs, "They'll be enough room beside the bed to put a desk no?" I ask, "Oh yes definitely my bed is like a day bed, so the head board is down the side of it with lots of storage," She says, "Oh it'll be really nice," I say, "Yes I'm so excited, and there's going to be a workout room upstairs," Sarah says, "What about privacy?" I ask, "Oh yeah, well mom and Jim are probably going to either build a wall here or downstairs with a door," Sarah said, "It'll be sound proof, there's another bigger laundry room behind the smaller dining room," Sarah said. Her house isn't really that big but it's so airy it feels like it and I love her room. When we go back outside the moving truck is literally a pickup truck with a bunch of boxes probably all from Jim's house. Only like five boxes are Sarah's probably all her clothes, without any warning it starts to pour down rain, we race inside with boxes, "If you haven't noticed. We are staying at your house tonight!" Sarah shouts over the thunder, "Okay!" I shout back when all the boxes are inside, "Let's go!" Sarah shouts grabbing her couple duffel bags, and running into my car, I unlock it and my hair is soaked. We burst out laughing I start to drive home, and we race inside, and up to my room, there's a note on my desk,
Babe we went out, your taking tomorrow off to help Sarah I already called the school, the kids are at Marie's that's where you are today, ;) -Mom, Dad, Marie, Jared
She put that because she doesn't want me calling her thousands of times to ask her who she's with, she knows me too well. "Guess what?" I turn around asking Sarah, "What?" She says, "We are going next door for the night I guess," I sigh, "Yay!" She shouts, I groan, "Let me change," she says, she grabs a pair of blue jeans and a black V neck shirt, that says, 'what screws us up in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be' in bold white letters, on the back, Sarah is so into those types of qoutes about confidence, I guess that's how she is so confident about her self. "Ready?" She asks, I nod following her out, we sprint over to Alec's house and I grab the door handle, "Aren't you going to knock?" She asks, "No the kids are over here, and besides by the sounds of that racket," I say pointing to Alec's room, "They are partying," I say, she shrugs and I walk in, "Riwey!" Ava shouts, "Sarah?" Ava asks amazed, "Ava!" Sarah shouts, picking Ava up and wrapping her in a hug, "Come on," I say grabbing Sarah's arm and pulling her up the stairs, I knock on Alec's door, but when I open it up no one is in there, "What?" I ask, I'm being snoopy so I go in and look at his desk reavealing a piece of lined paper with the word 'THE' on it, he's going to fail. "Basement?" Sarah asks, I follow her downstairs, I've never been in his basement, I hear the song Dessert by Dawin, playing loudly when we open the door, we go downstairs and see a whole bunch of sweaty shirtless men doing push ups, we move into our checking out position. "Girls," Alec says, "Sarah your back?" Alec asks, I look over at her luckily I was staring at his face and came out of our daze I elbow her in the side noticing her eyes roaming Alec's body, "Huh?" She asks, "Put a shirt on fat ass," I say poking Alec's rock hard six pack, "Dude who's your friend?" Chase asks, standing up, "Sarah this is everybody, everybody Sarah," Alec says, "So what are you doing?" Sarah asks, "Working out," Chase says, Sarah looks at me, I know she has an idea and those aren't good. "Can I join?" Sarah asks, my mouth falls open, "Sure, here," Dylan says, tossing Sarah some shorts, "Thanks but I brought some for us," Sarah says, grabbing my wrist and her purse into the bathroom, when she closes the door, I talk. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I asked in a hushed whisper, "Playing the players," Sarah says taking off her shirt, revealing a sports bra, "I knew what they were doing, I want them to stare at us, bud don't be worried we can do fifty push ups in half a minute, it'll be fine," Sarah says smiling, changing into a pair of long spandex shorts and handing me a pair. I smile I love Sarah, I change and we walk out in our sports bra and spandex shorts. "So where do we start?" I ask after a couple minutes, "Um push ups," Chase says, everyone gulps.

🙃Sorry for a short chapter, but Sarah is a dare devil finally she moved here.🙃

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