Chapter 14: Relief Party Part 2

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☠Alec's POV☠
Sarah stole Riley, and when she came back I just heard the news about Sarah and Joe. "Did you hear?!" Riley squealed, "Here what? That Joe and Sarah are together?" I asked casually, this made her angry, "Yeah how can you be so cool about this?" She asked crossing her arms, "I don't know boys just are," I said, she nodded and continued to dance grabbing my hands she made us sway. When a slower song came, Kocaine Karolina by Elle King, we looked at each other, "Come on you two don't you know how to dance?" An old guy said pushing us together, then returning to his dance partner, we jumped apart. I held my hand out to her, "May as well," I said, she looked at my hand, then a moment later took it, she placed her other hand on my shoulder and I put mind on the small of her back. She squirmed at the touch, her hands was sending vibrant tingles through my body making me feel alive. We smiled at each other as we two stepped, I wasn't all that good but she was pretty good, I span her and she giggled. I grabbed her back and dipped her, making her smile and giggle some more. It was infectious and addictive her laugh, her smile, everything about her, I'm not going to deny it but she looked so sexy in her skinny jeans and black v neck that came low in front her chest. A silent year dropped from her eye and went down her cheek, I grabbed her hand, "Come on let's go somewhere," I said pulling her out of the ballroom into the back. It was getting dark and we jogged to the edge of the woods, "Toby where are we-" she cut herself off and I pulled her into a hug, she really missed him but, he was so horrible to her. "It's okay I understand," I said, "No you don't! You've only been a stupid player your whole life!" She screamed pushing back she looked angry, "Actually your wrong," I said, she looked up, wiped a tear away, "What?" She asked, "I had a real girlfriend once to she cheated on me and I was sure I loved her but, never got the chance. So I turned to a player, yes I did, so that nobody could hurt me like she did, I could still get some, and there was no feelings attached." I said, her blue green eyes just stared at me, "That's why, if you've ever wondered why I do it," I said, leaning against a tree, she did the same across from me, her arms were pressed against the tree, and she was staring at the stars, picking at the bark with her silver fingers. Her black and blue hair looked amazing, "There's the Big Dipper," she said pointing up to the sky, I looked up, there it was. "Can I kiss you?" I asked, the words ran over my lips quicker than I could stop them, she but her lip and looked at me then nodded. I walked over to her cupped her face in my hands and met our lips. I felt a spark but she probably didn't, her hands were on my chest then she pushed me back slightly breaking the kiss, "Alec," she said breathlessly, "Alec I can't do this," she said, I looked at her confused, "You''re," she bit her lip, "You're going to hurt me," she said, stepping away from the tree, "And I can't be hurt like that again," she said, it was true I probably would screw up and hurt her. She was right I wouldn't want to do that not after I promised her mom I'd keep her safe, not only from Toby, but from anything that could hurt her. And that included me. A pain in my chest, she pulled her coat sleeves down past her hands grabbed her elbow, a swish of her hair and she started to walk away, I pressed my forehead against the tree. I slammed my fist into its bark, why am I such a stupid guy? Why me the player? Why couldn't she trust me? Because you're a douche just like she pointed out. I got angrier at this comment, I started to leave she was practically already at the resort, why didn't I go after her? What was I supposed to say if I did? Hey Riley I'll change I promise, her lips were so perfect, she's to good for me way out of my league. This is the second time she's rejected me, take a hint Alec. I knew she didn't even think I was hot when she walked into the bedroom with Dylan at the party Sarah got waisted. She liked him because he wasn't a player, but he was. She pretended I didn't see her because she think I didn't but, I did, and I wish I could tell her the way it pained me. I went back into the resort and looked for my mom, I went into the cocktail room in front and finally spotted her, I tapped her on the shoulder, "Hey babe," She said, "Mom can we go home?" I asked, "What? No we are staying here for the weekend with Riley's family, what's wrong Hun?" She asked, I sighed great now I made things even worse with Riley and I have to hang out with her all weekend. God I'm such an idiot. I grunted, "Uh nothing where am I sleeping?" I asked, "Well dad was supposed to bring the trailer out but, it wasn't packed so we are staying upstairs in the resort. I got you your own room," she sung room holding my key in front of my face, "Thanks," I said taking the key, "No problem the stuff is in your room," mom said, I smiled and went to the stairs. I checked the key 110, first floor even. At the top of the stairs I went to the left, and walked down the hallway my room was right beside the stairs for the next floor, which was fine. I opened the door, it was small but okay, there was a closet with a dresser on it, on the other side of the closet there was a coffee maker and a fridge, with a small cupboard area. A brown wooden side table with a queen sized bed then another side table on the other side. On the opposite of the bed was another brown wooden dresser with a tv on top, at the end of the room was the bathroom. It had a shower, toilet, sink and a small window by the sink to look out on the cocktail room. I leaned against the wall and looked out sighing. I was in a shitty mood and so upset about Riley, what was I going to do? I brushed my teeth and got undressed for bed, sleeping in my boxers. I turned on the tv and watched it for a bit before I got a text message from the guys,
Chase: Alec dude where you at??
Me: I tapped out early
Kevin: Dude you need to be here Joe and Sarah are hitting it off
Me: Have you only been watching them the whole time??
Chase: Yeah😟
Me: lul
Dylan: Bro come back out!!
Me: No I'm at my place don't come over!
Me: GOODNIGHT!! Have fun!
I shit my phone off and set it on the table, that's when I saw my bag at the end of the bed and grabbed my charger, plugged my phone in, turned off the tv and went to bed.
         I was chasing her threw the forest, her black and blue hair flying behind her. "Come on slow poke!" She shouted laughing, the same infectious laugh echoing throughout the forest. I pushed my legs faster, I reached out and grabbed her by the waist, she squealed. I turned her over bent over her, only to be shocked when it was Tiana, "Tiana?" I asked, letting go and straightening up, she pulled her wig off. "Are you kidding me Rinder?" She asked, playing Riley's voice on a tape, "Hey give that back!" I shouted swiping at it she pulled her arm back. "You shouldn't have that?" I said, "Really and what are you going to do about it?" She snarled, I didn't know, when I didn't reply she spoke again, "You like this piece of garbage over me?" She asked, holding up a picture of Riley, I grabbed it from her fingers and let my fingers slide over Riley's perfect smiling face. The same one in my room, "Why do you have this?" I asked, "Alec I have access to your room every time I come over," she said that's when I clued in. "She isn't garbage," I said, she reached out and grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulled me in and our lips met. I was fouled by Tiana's same potion, her lips tasted bubble gummy, her scent smelt like lavender, her hips crashing against my body perfectly. "Don't act like you don't want me," Tiana said, pushing me back and shoving the wig and tap into my arms, then walked away. Thats when I figured it out, why everyone I see Riley, I feel amazed, why I need to kiss her perfect lips, why she looks so amazing always. Why her laugh was infectious even on a tape recording, I Alec Matthew Rinder was getting a crush on Riley.

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