Part 42, The Agony of Forgetting

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"Please wake up..... Minho......" A gentle voice breezed to my ears.

The tranquil feeling that runs through my veins so heavily thick, I could barely open my eyes. It's as if the world was alright and that I am safe. Oh why are they playing me? The alarming calls of the maze door starts ringing and yet it didn't affect me for once. I was only focused upon the voice. She's so worried yet it so soothing how her worries made me. "Minho.... Ugh...." I felt her lips pressed against mine so hard that her lips trembled. "Please..."

I tried to fight back whatever it was that was keeping me in peace. I have to get up for her. She is worried. I tried to move my hands yet it felt so heavy and painful. I tried to open my mouth and mouthed, "" I couldn't see her figure but I could feel her presence and her smile. Her smile. She held my hands real tight and kissing it, caressing it to her face.

I was so focused on her voice and her gestures. I had to get there. I need to see her. I fought back all the pain. I made movements from my legs and my hands. Pain starts piercing all over like pins and needles flowing through my body. All of a sudden,
I tasted so much metal and finally just finally, I threw my body forward and sat down straight. My visions starts to reappear blurry and I started feeling so numb and sick.

I felt a sudden embrace from my back. "Gosh thank shucks! My gosh you worried me so much," I felt tears rolling on my back, "I thought you were dead...."
That voice sounded familiar. I turned my whole body to her direction and examined her face. Her face was glowing under this low-light shed. I ran my fingers through her hair gently pulling it back. She was just smiling. Oh she's so beautiful. I kept my hands on the side of her face as she took hold of my hand. She was her. "Remember me," I whispered.
"What are you saying shuck face? Of course I do," She giggled.
"You are her.... All along... You are the girl in my dreams," I smiled.

After all this time, Paula... How could this be? How could have I missed it? She was her all along. We had each other back then. I couldn't help but laugh and feel so relieved. Despite what was happening outside of us or whatever that has had happened to us, I will always have her and she will always have me. I am not one to express my deepest feelings but I love her and that was enough to say. I'm a lucky man.

"What do you mean?" Paula shrugged.
"I love you," I deeply said. I couldn't mean it any harder.
"I love you too," she truly said as tears started rolling down her face.
I brushed her tears off her face and moved in closer to her. I looked into her eyes. She was filled with doubts, I can't tell why. I slowly brushed my nose against her and getting closer to the kissing-distance. I brushed my lips on her and leaned in for the kiss. It felt like the first time as I felt tingles on the back of my spine and my heart betting faster. She kissed me back passionately as she threw her arms around my neck and pushed me to the ground.

We were on the ground all over on each other. I guarded my hands on her waist. The sirens were now louder but all I could think of was her. I didn't want to let go. I continued to kiss her neck and hugged her tighter. "Stop," she said.
We both sat back down as she scratched the back of her neck. "We need to help the others.... People are dying. I can't let them do this to us," she doubted.
I kissed her head as she rested her head on my shoulders. Her doubts were holding her back. Our maze and the chaos was just too overwhelming. "We need to help them, but do me a favor and repeat after me my darling," I tried to calm her down.
She now faced me as i told her, "let go,"

She looked above the shed and all around. She faced me and smiled, "let go," she kissed me hard and now I felt the weight on her shoulders lifted. All of a sudden the doors of the shed opened up. We had no care in the world. I kept her in my embrace trying to protect her as I let go of our kiss. It was them again. I saw the fumes from their way starting to fill the room. I tried to make a run to the back of the shed as I carried her.

I stopped running as it was a dead end. My body weakened as i slowly dropped on my knees. She was still hanging on to me shoulders. My eyes were locked to her eyes. She ran her fingers through my cheeks and smiled at me. "Stay Strong Shuck face," She whispered before closing her eyes.

Her hands dropped down to the ground and i felt my head banged to the ground. They took her. They carried her out. I was so powerless as my body felt so drugged, laying here on the ground. My vision started to blur and the last thing i saw was her delicate body so motionless and so calm. A single tear ran through my cheeks. I lost her. I lost her.... I had so much anger and hate burning up in me and I lost her. I closed my eyes as i repeated her last words. It followed me through as i dazed off.

• • • • • •
"Stay strong Shuck face,"
I smiled as I wake to the sounds of birds chirping. I immediately stood up as my heart beats fast. I felt alerted and scared. I ran out to find someone. Someone? Who was I looking for?

"Hey! Hey! Where are you?" I screamed to the top of lungs.

I felt so confused. What was I doing? I felt like I just lost someone but I can't remember who? She? There's no girls here what was I thinking. "Minho! Are you okay shuck?" Alby stooped down.

"I don't know.... I lost someone and I can't remember..... I don't know..." I said in agony.

"Everyone's here shuck no one's gone... All of us..." Alby informed

"All of us? Boys?"

"Yeah as always.... Mate what's wrong?"

No. This can't be right.

Remember me//Maze Runner, Minho FanficWhere stories live. Discover now